  • Tommy Ellis

    Contributing sermons since Jan 1, 2000
Tommy's church

Protestant Chapel
SeaTac, Washington 98198

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Newest Sermons

  • Holy Communion: Remembering, Thanking, Humbling

    Contributed on Jun 2, 2002
    based on 236 ratings

    Sermon details the proper way Christians should approach Communion--by remembering what Jesus did, thanking Him, and by humbling ourselves through confession of sins.

    HOLY COMMUNION: REMEMBERING, THANKING, HUMBLING What happens when you give a street drunk a bottle of expensive wine? He drinks it as if it were the cheap stuff he is used to. Likewise, if we hurry, or we partake of Holy Communion ignorantly, we will miss the treasure of it. The taking more

  • Jesus--Our Hope

    Contributed on May 10, 2002
    based on 87 ratings

    Sermon encourages spiritual confidence in what we believe, who we believe, and in how we live as Christians.

    JESUS–OUR HOPE Jesus is our hope. When all seems lost, when the situation could not be worse–Jesus is our hope. Consider the perspective of the caterpillar. He has lived a lowly life–just crawling along, trying to make it from one point to the next. Suddenly he feels anxious. If something more

  • Pray Passionately & Persistently

    Contributed on May 10, 2002
    based on 29 ratings

    Through the stories of Abraham and Jacob, this sermon encourages passionate and persistent prayer.

    PRAY PASSIONATELY & PERSISTENTLY Do you want God to grant you mercy in your case? Do you want God to supply your family members’ financial, emotional and spiritual needs while you are separated from them? Do you want God to heal a loved one who is sick? Is there anything you desperately want more

  • If You Want Special Orders You Must First Obey Standing Orders

    Contributed on May 10, 2002
    based on 40 ratings

    Sermon describes author’s spiritual journey to demonstrate that although God leads us in His ways, most often we do His work by simply saying "Yes," to ministry opportunities.

    IF YOU WANT SPECIAL ORDERS YOU MUST FIRST OBEY STANDING ORDERS GOD is preparing to use each of us to reach the this unit. Chaplains can only do so much. However, you are here 24 hours a day–seven days a week. The Almighty has called you to minister right here–right now! We know that more

  • A Great Man A Leper/A Successful Man A Sinner

    Contributed on May 10, 2002
    based on 37 ratings

    Sermon compares the spiritual journey of Naaman with that of modern men who would come to God.

    A GREAT MAN . . . A LEPER A SUCCESSFUL MAN . . . A SINNER 2 Kings 5:1-14 What if I told you that you could be set free from this prison today, that you could have all the money, land, and possessions the world had to offer–but there would be one catch. You would be alone–there would be more

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