  • Clair Sauer

    Contributing sermons since Jul 14, 2009
Clair's church

Wesley Memorial United Methodist Church
Chattanooga, Tennessee 37421

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  • The "Go-To" Gal

    Contributed on Aug 1, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    A sermon about the prophetess Huldah.

    In order to understand the story of Huldah, we have to understand the story of Israel at this point in their history. You see, we are now long past the “golden days” of King David’s reign and King Solomon after him. The twelve tribes have been divided into two different kingdoms; ten of the tribes more

  • The Sunday After Tuesday

    Contributed on Nov 10, 2016

    Following the presidential election, we must check our allegiances, cast aside our idols, and seek to follow Christ and the ways of God's kingdom.

    Once we picked our collective chins up off the floor on Wednesday morning this week, I think we saw the fruit of something that has been growing in our country for at least 15-20 years. But maybe it’s been longer than that and I’m speaking only from my personal experience. You all will more

  • Among The Great Company

    Contributed on Nov 10, 2016

    A sermon for All Saints' Sunday

    I know many of us are sitting here this morning thinking of people we love who aren’t with us today. Maybe our parents, or a sibling, or our spouse, or even a child, died a long time ago, or maybe it was just a few days ago. But however or whenever we experienced that loss, there is still at more

  • When Seeing Is Changing

    Contributed on Nov 10, 2016

    An encounter with Christ means a fundamental transformation of everything we have been.

    Zacchaeus was one hated man, and I mean HATED; with a capital H and A-T-E-D too! I’m not really sure any of us could understand what it feels like to be so despised by so many. I suppose it’s possible that Zacchaeus had some friends among the Roman elite, but it’s really hard to more

  • At Least I'm Not Like...

    Contributed on Oct 20, 2016

    We have a human tendency towards self-righteousness and judgment of others. Christ teaches that justification comes in acknowledging our brokenness, which also means recognizing Christ in others.

    A couple of months ago, Owen went through this brief period of time where he would say “hi” to everyone we would encounter. He still does it some, but not quite as regularly. Anyway, while Owen was in the midst of this phase, we were in Northern Kentucky for my father-in-law’s more

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