  • Curtis Kittrell

    Contributing sermons since Jan 1, 2000
Curtis's church

Faith Mission
Temple, Oklahoma 73568
(580) 342-6577

About Curtis
  • Education: High School diploma and special schooling in electronics, tool fabrication, Mechanics, plumbing, Electrician, Maintenance Supervisor for 18 years
  • Experience: I was ordained in 1975 and have ministered since then here at the Faith Mision and have now pastored this same church for 6 years. I love the work that I am doing for the Lord.
  • Comment to those looking at my sermons: be prepared to study!! love of deep studies. I try to project information that will be helpful to the ones who will read these sermons.
  • Sermon or series that made a difference: Too busy about the wrong things. Gave this in a church in Santa Anna, Texas. was amazed at the results it created. after I left and returned home the wednesday people had gathered with the Sunday comers and shared notes and the whole church studied the notes taken for over two weeks and the pastor called me at home and said anytime I was there please come and speak again. He really enjoyed what God had started in his church and had never seen that before.
  • One of my favorite illustrations: Jesus is Our Example Jesus was a man of prayer. Most often he prayed alone, and the supernatural permeated the natural. The heavens opened, and the will of God was revealed as the natural was changed into the supernatural, and the Father was glorified. Obviously, the disciples recognized prayer as the source of His power. Miracles were not new to them. Their heroes of faith – the Old Testament prophets ­ performed the same miracles Jesus was performing. They asked the Master to teach them to pray! To know how Jesus prayed we have to review His teachings on prayer. I believe that in every circumstance He waited on the counsel of the Father. I can imagine them talking about upcoming events and the steps that Jesus would take because He did nothing except the Father directed Him. He stayed in the prayerful presence of the Father, sometimes all night, until He heard from heaven. Jesus said what the Father told Him to say. He must have approached the Father as a little child ­ humbly and expectantly. He asked the Father for what He needed, and He received it with great joy (John 16:24). The Holy Spirit was His ever-present helper and comforter.
  • Family: Married to a wonderful lady named Imagene, the Lord picked for me and have 7 children, 19 grandchildren, 7 great grandchildren. This year is our 27th anniversary.
  • What my parents think of my sermons: I believe they are great. I enjoy everyone of them. Some are a bit long. He is on fire for God and loves his work. I always expect to be fed and if not get frustrated and thats the truth. That is what I go there for is to be fed. Blessings to all, Daisy
  • What my spouse (really) thinks of my sermons: I enjoy his sermons, filled with a lot of useful information. I feel like in some of his sermons he uses too much information. hard to grasp all of it at one setting. God Bless, Imagene
  • Best advice given to me about preaching: Always come with truth from the bible and not mans way of thinking. Allow the Holy Spirit to lead and guide you in the word.
  • Books that have had an impact: The Dakes Bible, Fresh Faith by Jim Cymbala, Fresh Wind-Fresh Fire. and Fresh Power. All books from Smith Wigglesworth, E.W. Kenyon, Charles Spurgeon, Andrew Murray, Tim La Haye, R.A. Torrey and others.
  • Hobbies: Computers build and repair, and Bible studies
  • If I could Preach one more time, I would say...: Read the bible from front cover to back cover and pray diligently everyday. Always prepare oneself an altar and let not dust cover it. Always be preparing to meet thy God. and don’t forget your manners. Always use your Talith (Prayer Cloth) daily.
  • What I want on my tombstone: Just my name and maybe the dates.
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  • If There Were No Fire In Hell

    Contributed on Sep 8, 2003
    based on 47 ratings

    Gehenna comes from a term meaning "Valley of Hinnom," which lies just outside the City of Jerusalem. During the time of Christ, Gehenna was used as a trash dump and It was here that the bodies of criminals were thrown and burned. It was a place of terribl

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  • The Fire That Could Not Burn

    Contributed on Sep 8, 2003
    based on 36 ratings

    The first part of a little child’s prayer goes something like this, "God is great, God is good." Do you find that easy to believe? Is God great and good? In every situation?

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  • Time Is Running Out

    Contributed on Sep 7, 2003
    based on 41 ratings

    Paul declared many years ago, "Time is running out." Looking back over history, there are some startling signs that point to the end of this age. Look at the following sequence of events: -From the sailboat to the steamboat-5,000 years -From the steambo

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  • The Search For Significance

    Contributed on Sep 5, 2003
    based on 37 ratings

    Wherever groups of people are gathered you can observe behaviors revealing a universal "search for significance." The group may be political, commercial, social or even religious, but the signs will be there. The drive for significance seems to be a part

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  • Without A Vision

    Contributed on Sep 3, 2003
    based on 55 ratings

    It is true that sinners do need to catch a revelation of God. But this verse was not written to sinners; rather, it was written to God’s people.

    WITHOUT A VISION Scripture: Proverbs 29:18 INTRODUCTION This is an old revival theme. I have heard numerous sermons from this text; however, I believe the wrong emphasis is often placed on the message. Sermons from Proverbs 29:18 usually tell me about the terrible sinners of this world who more

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