Eric's church

Hosanna Church
Oxford, Maine 04270
207 539-2295

About Eric
  • Education: Oxford Hills High School class of 1972. Started Bible college against my parents wishes. Dropped out to work. Finally earned my Bachelor of Bible Theology from International Bible College in 1985. Did post-grad work through the New England Campus of California Graduate School of Theology, until the campus closed. Concentration in Church Growth.
  • Experience: I became volunteer Youth Pastor and Worship Leader in 1978, and Added adult Small Group house pastor in 1981. I was set in as an elder in January of 82 and ordained as a full time pastor in June of that year. In 1984, the other pastor and I began functioning as co-pastors (rather than one being an associate), and we have worked together that way ever since. (update: Dallas is now retired and I function as a solo pastor.) I have written several songs and anthems that have been published nationally, and have served in several pastors’ groups.
  • Comment to those looking at my sermons: I pray that they will help you bless many people and steer people closer to the Lord. Please use freely.
  • Sermon or series that made a difference: What it Means to be Part of a Genuine New Testament Church by Owen Carey- 1982 (in eight parts) The Biblical Preaching Seminar with Dr. Stephen Olford. (1982) Ephesians 4 series on Church Body Life (Dallas Henry) 1978 Tons of others, too many to sort out. I still keep lots of old sermon tapes and series on hand.
  • One of my favorite illustrations: The Frog in the Kettle, which got cooked because the kettle heated slowly around it.
  • Family: I, (Pastor Eric J. Hanson) have been married to Nancy for 45 years in 2021. We have raised three wonderful kids who are all married now. We have eight grandchildren at this time. Nancy’s Mother is still living, I honor her here by mentioning that she and Nancy's Dad were missionaries to England for seven years after retirement. Then her dad drove many miles every other week to preach in a very rural little church here in Maine, till a stroke ended that. Their reward is in Heaven.
  • What my parents think of my sermons: Dad never heard one. He died in 1973, but did warn me against being a preacher. He predicted that it leads to poverty. Mom liked them, but asked many doubtful questions. She finally made a profession of faith in Jesus Christ in 1986, after 14 years of careful, measured witnessing. She lived her last 4 years as a member of this church.
  • What my spouse (really) thinks of my sermons: Nancy loves them, but will let me know if there is any problem such as anger (not often) or dwelling on any topic overmuch. Or too long. She is my surest sounding board; a woman of wisdom. Her input has helped my preaching immeasurably much. She likes it better if I just preach right out of the Bible, rather than writing a full manuscript.
  • Best advice given to me about preaching: Don’t expect everyone to love you. Don’t expect them to be able to articulate logically why they disagree with some well reasoned point. Just present the word with integrity, and then leave it up to God to deal with people’s hearts. Also: Preaching is important. Prepare well and don’t bore them. Become excellent at it!
  • Books that have had an impact: Church Aflame by Jerry Falwell & Elmer Towns (The story of the Thomas Road Baptist Church) The Purpose Driven Church (Rick Warren) Prayer Shield (C. Peter Wagner) The Spiritual Man (Watchman Nee) Why I Believe (D. James Kennedy) How Now Shall We Live (Colson/Pearcy) Many others: Too many to name
  • Hobbies: For fun, I used to write an automotive column in the local paper. (Automusings in the Advertiser Democrat) Nancy and I love to take road trips, eat a picnic by the sea shore, and visit family. I love to sing and play instruments; mostly in worship settings now. For decades I gave music lessons as a small town bi-vocational pastor. (bi-vocational since the big split here in 1996). I have taught Bible, history, and Government at Oxford Hills Christian Academy in times past. I would do a lot of boating if we had any money to do so.
  • If I could Preach one more time, I would say...: Time is short. Repent of all known sin and follow Jesus without making excuses. Nevertheless, don’t imagine that you can earn merit in God’s eyes. Jesus Christ is our righteousness. Cling to Him, remembering his suffering and death on the Cross. Ask him to be Lord and savior.
  • Something funny that happened while preaching: One man got snoring so loudly that everyone was cracking up laughing. Someone woke him up...He was snoring loudly again in less than five minutes!
  • What I want on my tombstone: He stood firm in faith to the end. His trust is in Jesus Christ
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Newest Sermons

  • Four Wonderful Miracles (The Messianic Miracles Of The Lord)

    Contributed on Feb 29, 2024

    The Pharisees and the rabbinical school taught that when the Messiah came, he would do certain miracles that nobody had ever done before. In this sermon, you will see that Jesus fulfilled this template perfectly, but was rejected by the Sanhedrin anyway.

    Four Wonderful Miracles Pastor Eric J. Hanson March 3rd 2024 This message is designed to give us a look at how Jesus revealed himself to be the Messiah (anointed one and coming King) of the Jews. In the process of this revelation, He revealed a great heart of love and compassion for the people. He more

  • The Joy Of The Lord: Rejoicing In Him

    Contributed on Feb 15, 2024

    Joy is the birthright of every believer in the Lord Jesus Christ. Let's go through life with that wonderful gift from God causing us to shine brightly in a dark World.

    The Joy of the Lord: Rejoicing in Him… Pastor Eric J. Hanson Philippians 4:4 (Read it.) I Thessalonians 5:16 (Read it.) Last week, the Lord had me speak on the matter of comfort for believers in Jesus Christ in the midst of a time which is evil and has been growing more evil. During that more

  • Think On These Things

    Contributed on Feb 15, 2024

    Victory over Despair and living in the Joy of the Lord can be yours by walking in these Biblical principles.

    THINK ON THESE THINGS Pastor Eric J. Hanson INTRODUCTION Many of the battles of life are faced by all of us. We all have to learn the lessons of childhood. We have to get up at a certain time and go to school, regardless of how we feel about it. We have to gradually do more work, just to keep up more

  • Understanding Worship

    Contributed on Feb 15, 2023

    This message briefly looks into the Greek and Hebrew words for worship and then encourages the people of the Lord to be true worshipers of Him. It could really answer some questions and bring some clarity for churches and individuals too.

    UNDERSTANDING WORSHIP Pastor Eric J. Hanson (January 22, 2023) Read I Chronicles 16:23-36 & Psalm 150. Worship: Hebrew is Shachah which means to prostrate in homage to God, to bow, to humbly beseech, do reverence, stoop down. Greek is Sumphemi which means to say jointly, to assent to. A more

  • The Goodness Of God

    Contributed on Feb 15, 2023

    Many people, including Christians, struggle greatly with the Goodness of God. They get their ideas about Him from circumstances and difficulties, rather than from the life of Jesus Christ. This message can help refocus people to the considering the proper evidence.

    The Goodness of God Pastor Eric J. Hanson January 29, 2023 Read Matthew 19:16-17a. One of the first childhood prayers that many of us learned, went like this: “God is good. God is great. Let us thank Him for this food. Amen.” It is easy to smile, remembering the childlike simplicity of this little more

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  • God Blesses Christian Parents

    Contributed on Nov 17, 2008

    GOD BLESSES CHRISTIAN PARENTS How wonderful for children to have parents who are truly "in the Lord." They will be able to honor such men and women, thus activating the promise mentioned in verse 3. Nancy’s Grandparents took her Grandfather’s mother into their home and cared for her when she more

  • Let's Continue Now. (Read 28-30) Men, I Have A ...

    Contributed on Nov 17, 2008

    Let’s continue now. (Read 28-30) Men, I have a question for you. When you are in pain, do you do something about it? When my back hurts terribly, I sometimes have to stop stacking wood or shoveling snow long enough to bend over and do some stretching and relaxing of tight muscle groups. Then I can more