  • Gary Landsberg

    Contributing sermons since Oct 5, 2006
Gary's church

Jensen Beach Christian Church
Jensen Beach, Florida 34957

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  • The Chosen Ones

    Contributed on Jun 29, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    We are chosen by God to be His special children. There is no mistake that you were born in this world. You were born for a purpose, and we need to stand strong in that knowledge.

    EPHESIANS SERIES THE CHOSEN ONES EPHESIANS 1:11-14 INTRODUCTION 1. Dearly Beloved of Jesus, thank you for coming here today. I pray that you will see Jesus today, and find out the call He has on your life. I also pray that you will allow The Holy Spirit to influence you to become more more

  • The Depth Of Christ's Love

    Contributed on Jun 29, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    Stop trying to earn your salvation and righteousness, and yield to the Love of the Savior and His righteousness.

    EPHESIANS SERIES EPHESIANS 1:1-6 THE DEPTHS OF THE LOVE OF CHRIST INTRODUCTION 1. Friends of Jesus, thank you for coming here today. I pray that you will see Jesus today, and know what call He has on your life. I also pray that you will allow The Holy Spirit to influence you to become more more

  • Read Your Bible

    Contributed on Dec 16, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    The Word of God is the power of the Holy Spirit, and for the Holy Spirit to remain powerful in us, we need to stay in the power of the Word of God.

    READING YOUR BIBLE Hebrews 4:12 INTRODUCTION 1. Come up to the front reading the instruction manual for the telephone, whilst carrying other instruction manuals. Read a little to the congregation, and then dump them in a trash can, saying, well, I am a man, I know how this thing works, who more

  • Confessing Your Sins

    Contributed on Dec 16, 2006
    based on 5 ratings

    There is cleansing found in the confession of our sins to one another, and especially unto God. Unconfessed sin creates emotional distress and spiritual illness.

    CONFESSING YOUR SINS TEXT: James 5:14-16 INTRODUCTION 1. What a wonderful day, this day is. I am so glad, and grateful. You see, I have reason to be happy and excited. My mighty Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, has seen fit to redeem me from my sin and destruction. 2. I serve a risen more

  • Increasing Your Faith

    Contributed on Dec 16, 2006
    based on 1 rating

    One of the most important disciplines of a Christian, is to keep our eyes focused on the perfecter of our faith. He will never let you down.

    INCREASING YOUR FAITH INTRODUCTION 1. Beloved, Praise the name of Jesus. I am so thankful to all that my Great God is doing in my life. “I see His hand of mercy, I hear His voice of praise.” 2. Are you feeling weak and disillusioned. Does it feel like the bottom has fallen out of your more

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  • The Word Of God Changes The Unlovely, And Makes ...

    Contributed on Dec 16, 2006

    The Word of God changes the unlovely, and makes them lovely. I had a friend in Africa who was a missionary. He was over there eking out a living and preaching the Good News to all he could. He had spent time in the State penitentiary, but was changed by the Word of God. You see, they were more

  • It Is Like The Wise Native American, Who Was ...

    Contributed on Dec 16, 2006

    It is like the wise Native American, who was sitting by the camp fire at night, with his grandson, when his grandson asked; “grandfather, as I grow older, I find a battle raging within me. It is like the bear and the wolf are fighting. The bear wants to do good, but the wolf who is bad more