Richard's church

Bessels Green Baptist Church
Sevenoaks, *Province/Other TN13 2PS

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Newest Sermons

  • Psalm 22 "The Sign Of The Cross"

    Contributed on Dec 17, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    The true message of Christmas is that of the power of love a force from above that’s cleans your soul, that’s saves and restores that opens the eyes of the blind, that gives the deaf hearing and free’s the captives from the darkest of dungeons, psalm 22 p

    Death even Death on a Cross: I have often wondered why we do not have Christmas cards showing a cross? Yes Advent is about the birth of our Saviour but really its all about the cross about a God who loved the world so much that as we read in John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his more

  • On The Road To Emmaus

    Contributed on Sep 12, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    Are your hearts on fire for Jesus, do you know he walks with you on the road of your life, he does so lets find him anew.

    Two travellers: This is a great short story in the gospels and shows the value of the gospels, each picking up part of the multi faceted story and illuminating that part In Mark 16 this story is reduced to: 12 Afterward Jesus appeared in a different form to two of them while they were more

  • Prophecy: Were Are The Holy Spirit Fire Starters?

    Contributed on May 26, 2009
    based on 10 ratings

    I beleive we need the gift of prohecy above all others in these times, for worshiping in spirit and trurth, for building the church up, fro bringing the holy fire to burn away the dross and to unleash rivers of living waters to our dying nations too peopl

    So what is a prophet? To many people the term prophets conjures up a vision of an weathered haggard person with a more than slightly, no very wild look in their eyes. Someone who is weird sitting at the back of the church with a crazy look? Even perhaps an old lady sitting in a with a crystal more

  • Walk With A Limp, Hands Up Who's Perfect?

    Contributed on May 10, 2009
    based on 14 ratings

    When you encounter God do not expect to walk away the same, pray to walk with a limp as Jacob did and live in the promise and purpose God has for your life

    What is it with God? It never ceases to amaze me the type of people God uses for great purpose I would have expected the most gifted, handsome, athletic, warrior, intellectual and generally those that reflected his perfection to project that “Look at me I’m right with God” persona to make us all more

  • The Suffering And Glory Of The Servant

    Contributed on May 10, 2009
    based on 7 ratings

    God that is Father, Son and Holy Spirit knew from the beginning of creation that this day would come, still the pain for Jesus Suffering and death imagine how any parent would feel seeing a child suffer in such away, image what pain for the creator of all

    See my Servant (52: 13 – 15); I’ve preached many a time on the theme that God knew the cost of creating us and still did What cost well, the suffering of Jesus Have you ever wondered did Jesus really have to die, well did he? After God is God, surely he could well just change the rules a bit more

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Newest Sermon Illustrations

  • The Power Of Love A Force From Above ...

    Contributed on Dec 17, 2012

    The power of love a force from above that’s cleanses your soul, that’s saves and restores that opens the eyes of the blind, that gives the deaf hearing and free’s the more

  • Hearts On Fire

    Contributed on Sep 12, 2011

    HEARTS ON FIRE As the streets in the UK burn during the recent riots. I cannot help but think this country needs Christians with hearts on fire for Christ, for their nieghbours and community. Lets walk with the dejected disiples on their way from more

  • Prophetic Preaching

    Contributed on May 26, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    PROPHETIC PREACHING A.W. Tozer, one described as a modern-day prophet, spoke these words in the 1950’s and describes the need for prophetic preachers: "If Christianity is to receive a rejuvenation, it must be by other means than any now being used. If the Church in the second half of this more

  • A.w. Tozer

    Contributed on May 26, 2009

    A.W.Tozer also said “Today we need prophetic preachers; not preachers of prophecy merely, but preachers with a gift of prophecy. The word of wisdom is missing. We need the gift of discernment again in our pulpits. It is not ability to predict that we need, but the anointed eye, the power of more

  • Discipleship Through Repentance

    Contributed on May 10, 2009

    DISCIPLESHIP THROUGH REPENTANCE As A. W. Tozer said, "A growing Christian must have at his roots the life-giving waters of penitence. The cultivation of a penitential spirit is absolutely essential to spiritual progress. The lives of great saints teach us that self-distrust is vital to more