Scott's church

Christian Church of Estes Park
Estes Park, Colorado 80517

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  • Counting M&m's Or Choosing Ice Cream? - Pt 6 In Series On The Da Vinci Code

    Contributed on Mar 14, 2006
    based on 17 ratings

    Part six of series examining The Da Vinci Code; exposing Dan Brown’s errors and showing the truth of history and the Bible.

    Decoding The Da Vinci Code – Part 6 “Counting M&M’s or Choosing Ice Cream?” How many M&M’s are in this jar? (Have them guess). It isn’t a matter of opinion. There is a correct number. Picture of ice cream cones What is the best ice cream flavor and brand? (Have some give answer). Mine more

  • Who Does Jesus Really Claim To Be? - Part 5 Of Series On The Da Vinci Code

    Contributed on Mar 14, 2006
    based on 17 ratings

    Part 5 of a series that examines The Da Vinci Code; exposing the errors of Dan Brown’s claims and showing the truth of history and the Bible.

    Decoding The Da Vinci Code – part 5 “Who Does Jesus Really Claim To Be?” Pop culture on “Who Is Jesus?” – Video Clip (have clip earlier in service but refer back to it now) – no wonder so many are ready to accept Dan Brown’s claims in the Da Vinci Code. There don’t seem to be many who have more

  • Is The N.t. A Reliable Witness Of Jesus? -Part 4 Of Series On Da Vinci Code

    Contributed on Mar 14, 2006
    based on 20 ratings

    Part four of a series examining The Da Vinci Code; exposing the errors of Dan Brown’s claims and the truth of history and the Bible.

    Decoding The Da Vinci Code – part 4 “Is The N.T. a Reliable Witness of Jesus?” In times like this, people want things to be secure in their lives. They especially want some security in relation to their core beliefs. I mean, what if the Muslims are right and Christians are wrong about their more

  • Did Constantine Have A Conspiracy? - Part Three Of Series On Da Vinci Code

    Contributed on Mar 14, 2006
    based on 23 ratings

    Part three of a series on the Da Vinci Code that examines the errors of Dan Brown’s claims and the truth of history and the Bible.

    Decoding The Da Vinci Code – part 3 “Did Constantine Have a Conspiracy” Picture of book The owner of a Christian bookstore sounded fairly desperate in an emailed message regarding the impact of the book The Da Vinci Code recently. "We are getting bombarded daily by people who are buying more

  • Was Jesus Married? - Part 2 Of Series On Da Vinci Code

    Contributed on Mar 14, 2006
    based on 17 ratings

    Second in a series that examines The Davinci Code and reveals the false claims of Dan Brown’s book with the truth of history and the Bible.

    Decoding The Da Vinci Code – part 2 “Was Jesus Married?” (and why does it matter?) From U.S. News and World Report, June 7, 2005 – special edition – “Despite its patently fictional content and glaring factual inaccuracies, The Da Vinci Code has been the subject of endless cocktail party chatter more

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  • Brown Is Right About One Thing (And Not Much ...

    Contributed on Mar 14, 2006
    based on 1 rating

    Brown is right about one thing (and not much more). In the course of Christian history, few events loom larger than the Council of Nicea in 325. When the newly converted Roman Emperor Constantine called bishops from around the world to present-day Turkey, the church had reached a theological more

  • The Book "Holy Blood, Holy Grail" Speaks Of The ...

    Contributed on Mar 14, 2006
    based on 7 ratings

    The Book "Holy Blood, Holy Grail" speaks of the destruction of early Christian texts during the persecutions of the emperor Diocletion of 303 A.D., after which it continues: “As a result Christian documents—especially in Rome—all but vanished. When Constantine commissioned new versions of these more

  • John 14:6 – "Jesus Told Him, ‘i Am The Way, The ...

    Contributed on Mar 14, 2006
    based on 6 ratings

    John 14:6 – “Jesus told him, ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me.’” This is so hard for prideful people to accept. Elaine Pagels (author of The Templar Revelation: Secret Guardians of the True Identity of Christ) says she had an epiphany more

  • Dan Brown Makes A Major Flaw In Logic In The Da ...

    Contributed on Mar 14, 2006
    based on 10 ratings

    Dan Brown makes a major flaw in logic in The Da Vinci Code. his two main points actually contradict each other. His conclusion is that we should worship Mary Magdalene, whom he refers to as the “sacred feminine” because he claims she was married to Jesus. However, his earlier argument was that more

  • Leonardo Was "Skilled At Painting The Difference ...

    Contributed on Mar 14, 2006
    based on 2 ratings

    Leonardo was “skilled at painting the difference between the sexes,” and the “delicate folded hands, and the hint of a bosom. It was, without a doubt…female.” The reference to delicate folded hands as a proof that the figure traditionally identified as John was really Mary Magdalene is forced. more