  • Arvind Mantode

    Contributing sermons since Oct 12, 2008
ARVIND's church

Free Methodist Church
Mumbai, *Province/Other 400099

  • Education: I am a graduate engineer and have complete Biblical Studies. Qualification: B.E. Metallurgy, Master of Divinity.
  • Experience: I worked in several industries for about five years before I quit secular field and decided to serve the Lord.I had a wondeful chance to serve in the Bible Society of India for a period of two years as distributor promoter. I taught in the Theological Seminary for two and a half years and looked afterthe library for a period of four years during which time I had an opportunity to read and make notes on many topics of my interest.
  • Comment to those looking at my sermons: I am sure all those who would be looking at my sermons would be privileged to hear God speaking to them. Besides it would fill them with lasting and true joy which would make them wish to read more of them. While reading these sermons they would feel and experience the closeness of the Lord and be touched in a special way.
  • Sermon or series that made a difference: During my tenor at the Central India Theological Seminary from where I complete master of Divinity which comprised of five and half years, I have had a n opportunity many well-known preacher from India as well as abroad and I keenly made notes of their sermons which I use to derive inspiration and embark on new topics.
  • One of my favorite illustrations: Once upon a time Abraham was relaxing by his tent door when a old man came near him and asked for something to eat. Abraham courteously invited him inside his tent , poured water on his hands and served before him his meals.The man before thinking about anything else started to eat sumptously. Abraham asked him,"Do you not pray and thank God?" The man replied that he prayed only to the fire god and no other god. Hearing his answer, Abraham threw him out. After sometime God came asked about the whereabouts of this old man. Realixig what Abraham had done with him, God said, "I waited patiently for him for 75 years to chage and know me but you could tolerate him for even an hour!" Illustration of patience in evangelism.
  • Family: My wife ’s name is Shubhada who is a trained montesouri teacher. And we have one son, Reuben who is studying in 14th grade and he also works part-time. My parents are elderly couple and they support my ministry finacially.
  • What my parents think of my sermons: My parents are very eager to hear me preach. And my mother will generally bring her queries and ask me for my opinion on those related subjects. My father will also heed to the clarion call of assisting other ministers or ministries whenever I discuss this with him.
  • What my spouse (really) thinks of my sermons: My wife Shubhada enjoys listening and making notes when I am preaching. And she is sometimes privileged to from them. Secondly she knows that these sermons come from the Throne of God because they are full of grace and hope. She has personally experienced the goodness of God as my sermons invariably claim.
  • Best advice given to me about preaching: Be your own don’t imitate others.
  • Books that have had an impact: Expository Preaching by John MacArthur. Preaching and Teaching with Imagination by Hendricks. And a few others.
  • Hobbies: Reading, Writing, making crossword puzzles, sight-seeing, trekking, traveling and listening and singing songs.
  • If I could Preach one more time, I would say...: What a joy it is to stand in the presence of the Most High holy God again and address His wonderful bride.
  • Something funny that happened while preaching: I was omce very engrossed in preparing the sermon and meticulously wrote down all the details. And as I stood to deliver the sermon, I misplaced the chronological arrangement of the notes and when I relized that I couldn’t keep track of the notes, I had to preach the whole sermon out of my memory.
  • What I want on my tombstone: Eager to hear the TRUMPET of the Lord!