  • Captain Emily Vincent

    Contributing sermons since Apr 16, 2020
Captain Emily's church

The Salvation Army Worship Center

About Captain Emily
  • Education: Masters in Theology, Bachelors in Family Ministry
  • Experience: 9 years as a Pastor/Minister
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Newest Sermons

  • The Walking Dead

    Contributed on Jul 11, 2023

    If we are slaves to sin, we are dead to Christ...we must be made alive in Him again, we must be born again in Christ...We cannot be like the walking dead, in our sins and transgressions, never knowing true life that is in Christ!

    My husband’s favorite genre of movies are zombie movies. Now, I cannot watch these things. I think they are gross and I just cannot handle it. They scare me! I am very susceptible to nightmares. It doesn’t take much for something to be impressed upon my brain. He always asks me to watch them more

  • Equipping The Called

    Contributed on Jul 11, 2023

    Have you ever been asked to do something that you just did not feel prepared to do at all? God asks BIG things of us, and we feel like we could never measure up...BUT, He will ALWAYS equip us for the things He asks of us, even if we don't think we are ready for it yet!

    As we continue to talk about our Mis-Quoted series…I wanted to focus a little bit on the different things God called His people to do in the Scriptures…WE are going to talk about a guy who, in all honesty, was not equipped to do what God was asking Him to do…but we as His people are called to more

  • Lost & Pretending

    Contributed on Jul 11, 2023

    Jesus tells the parables about the lost sheep, the lost coin and the lost son, but how can this relate to us today in our modern world? And how can we as Christians be pretending? Will God be able to tell who we really are behind the person we have created ourselves out to be?

    Guys…I want to be really honest with you this morning… I love that we get to do some amazing things, but honestly. I’ve been running around like a chicken with my head cut off…running from one meeting to another, making sure everything on my multiple lists get done, and I’m just plain tired…I can’t more

  • The Wise And Foolish Man

    Contributed on Jul 10, 2023

    We have all sang the song, and we all know this story, but we can still learn something new from Jesus today when we hear Him speak to us about how the wise and foolish man built their houses on the rock and the sand...and how this impacts their foundations...

    So, a few weeks ago we started a new sermon series called the Sermon on the mount. I love this series because we honestly get to see Jesus’ ministry at it’s core…we see Him speaking to His followers, His people, and we hear exactly what He is all about…we also get a glimpse into the type of teacher more

  • Good Friday: Behold Your Mother...

    Contributed on Jul 10, 2023

    Jesus Only Speaks a few words while he is on the cross...this short sermon looks into what Jesus was going through during that time of sacrifice and pain...and what he says to the few disciples who witnessed this horrific event and the last words of their Rabbi...

    There are only a few things that we have recorded of what Jesus said from the cross…and it’s interesting to note, because as I was preparing for today, I was trying to wrap my head around the things Jesus was going through at the time…of course there is absolutely no way for me to do this, because more

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