  • David Kosobucki

    Contributing sermons since Oct 18, 2013
David's church

Horizon Christian Fellowship Central
Indianapolis, Indiana 46203

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  • The Unveiling Of Jesus Christ

    Contributed on Oct 18, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    This book, more than any other, led me to the Lord almost 40 years ago, so it has a gigantic place in my heart and my story of faith. Here is a look at the first chapter, which begins a series that will take us through the entire Apocalypse.

    The Unveiling of Jesus Christ Revelation 1 I began reading the book of Revelation almost 40 years ago, before I had even put my faith in Jesus Christ. We had a large, old, fancy Bible in the house and I began reading it, prompted by some music I was listening to that had a few biblical more