  • Jerry Caddell

    Contributing sermons since Feb 16, 2007
Jerry's church

Westboro United Methodist Church
Midland, Ohio 45148

About Jerry
  • Education: I started undergraduate school at Alderson-Broaddus College in 1964. After leaving to get married I continued to take courses at Akron University, Sinclair Community College and finally graduated from Wright State University in 1998. I received my MDIV from United Theological Seminary in Dayton, Ohio in 2002.
  • Experience: After a varied past as a teacher, retail manager, restaurant manager,and several other endeavors, I entered ministry in 1996. I am now serving my fourth church. It is my hope to retire form this last church in five years.
  • Comment to those looking at my sermons: Use what you like from any of my sermons. I have borrowed from others.
  • Sermon or series that made a difference: The last one I heard and the next one that I am looking forward to hearing.
  • One of my favorite illustrations: A young boy saw his next door neighbor, an elderly gentleman who has recently lost his wife, sitting on his porch looking very sad. The young boy walked up, climbed in the man’s lap, and sat with him for a long time. When he finally returned home his mother ask what he had said to the old man. "Nothing, Mom," the young boy said, "I just helped him cry." This is a great example of Christian caring and presence.
  • Family: I have been married to my wife, Cheryl, for 38 years. We have two grown daughter, Jaime and Jessica. And we have five grandchildren whom we delight in spoiling.
  • What my parents think of my sermons: Both parents are dead and neither ever heard me preah.
  • What my spouse (really) thinks of my sermons: I am afraid to ask her.
  • Best advice given to me about preaching: Be secure in the Word. Preach what you know.
  • Books that have had an impact: I have enjoyed seeking out the theology in Steven King’s writing; especially in the Dark Tower series and in such books and Desperation.
  • Hobbies: I am an avid amateur radio enthusiast, operating both a base station where I have talked to people from many countries and a moblie station in my vehicle. I love reading, camping, bike riding, euchre, and spending time with my wife and family.
  • If I could Preach one more time, I would say...: Just what I ahve been saying. Just what God gives me to preach.
  • Something funny that happened while preaching: In a children’s sermon: I was using a cordless phone to emphasize that when we pray we do not have to know God’s phone number or URl, but that we just talk with God whenever we want. Just as I said that if I knew God’s phone number I couold call Him, the phone rang. Talk about adding impact to a story!
  • What I want on my tombstone: I’m not here!
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Newest Sermons

  • The Wise Men

    Contributed on Jan 9, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    What we do not know about the wise men will help us to understand their purpose - to worship the newborn king.

    Things we do not know about the “Wise Men.” 1. How many there were. a. The number three comes from the three gifts: Gold, frankincense, and myrrh. b. But for such a trip they would have had a caravan with servants to assist them. 2. Where they came from. a. All we know is that they came from more

  • The Transfiguration

    Contributed on Feb 16, 2007
    based on 7 ratings

    Peter saw the Glory of Jesus and did not recognize it.

    Transfiguration Sunday, February 18, 2007 Luke 9:26-43 I. How many of you here have ever bought a used car? A. You should see the looks on your faces. B. It is obvious that some of you have had some negative experiences buying used cars. C. But it is also obvious that some of you have had more

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Newest Sermon Illustrations

  • A Young Man Went Out To Buy His First Car. He ...

    Contributed on Feb 16, 2007

    A young man went out to buy his first car. He didn’t have a lot of money to spend so he went to a local used-car lot where he found a 1967 Red Mustang in what appeared to be mint condition. He was told by the salesman that the car had been owned by a little old lady from Pasadena, oops, I’m sorry, more

  • Another Young Man Was Looking Through The ...

    Contributed on Feb 16, 2007

    Another young man was looking through the classifieds in search of a used car when he came upon an ad for a brand new Jaguar being sold for only $50. Surely he thought this was typo, but calling the number listed he was assured that $50 was correct. The next day he went by to see the car and to his more