  • Kevin Shelton

    Contributing sermons since Apr 20, 2003
Kevin's church

First Missionary Baptist Church
Lexington Park, Maryland 20653
Voice: (301) 863-8388

About Kevin
  • Education: BS, MS, MDiv
  • Experience: I have been ministering almost all my life through music ministries. In some form or another I was a quartet musician for almost 30 years. Through the unction of the Holy Spirit, I received my calling to the GOSPEL Ministry in April 1990. It was not until 1993, that the calling was identified in my life. I began to search and thirst for a better understanding of GOD. As I sought HIM, He began to reveal Himself to me and through me to others. I was licensed to preach on December 31, 1994, the same year I was married. I began to serve as an Associate minister. GOD provided many avenues to allow my passion for computers to develop into ministries at our local church which included the creation of a Computer Department within our Bible College, web hosting services which including the longest running urban gospel radio station in Washington, DC; and christian counseling seminars. As the Lord has progressed in my life, he has established greater works, and a higher calling. I was recently ordained in 2002. In 2003, I began serving as Sr. Associate with a smaller ministry within the Clinton, MD area. GOD has identified my pastorship will soon manifest, but in order to lead one must understand, and know how to follow!!
  • Comment to those looking at my sermons: When seeking a Word to teach, preach, or deliver, Seek GOD first, and Trust in the Lord with all thine Heart and lean not unto thy own understanding, in all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths!
  • One of my favorite illustrations: There was a man seeking an eagle. He walked down the road and came across a bird banging his head against the tree and asked, "Excuse me bird, what type of Bird are you, and why are you banging your head against the tree?" He replied, "I am woodpecker bird, and I don’t know why I am banging my head, I guess its just in me!" Next He came upon a bird kicking up alot of dust and said, "Excuse me bird, what type of Bird are you, and why are you kicking up so must dust?" He said, I’m an ostrich, and I don’t know why I like kicking up so much dust, I guess its in me!" Next He came upon a bird, running around to and fro making all manner of noises and sounds. So he inquired, "Excuse me bird, what type of Bird are you, and why are you making so much noise everywhere?" He said, "I’m a Loon, and I don’t know why I make so much noise, I guess its just in me!" Finally, He came upon a hen house, and noticed this strange bird standing in the back of the coup. This bird wasn’t like the rest. This bird was bigger than all the rest and kind of looked like an Eagle, but he was scratching the ground and clucking like a chicken. So He enquired, "Excuse me bird, I think you are an Eagle, but why are you in here acting like a chicken?" He responsed, "You are right sir, I am not a chicken but I am an eagle!" The man asked, "So why are you walking around like a chicken?" He replied, "I have been around them so long, I have started to act just like them!" In today’s church, so many people walk around and perform religious pomp, circumstance, and ceremony without understanding why they do it; performing traditions, or denominational rituals! Other’s kick up dust for no apparent reason, while still many others walk around in defeated lives, not realizing they could soar above their troubles like eagles? Eagles gain height goin against the wind, where others birds that fly are not that strong and have to fly with the wind! GOD people that wait on him shall renew their strength, they shall mount up on wings as Eagles!
  • Family: I have known my wife for 15 years. We met while she was still in college. Every weekend I would drive 140 miles one way just to go see her during the school year. One semester I enrolled for courses there myself, and drove three days a week to class and home for work. Even though we met in the world, GOD sent us to a church home together. We were married shortly thereafter, on September 24, 1994. The fruit of that union has been demonstrated by GOD through us, with our energetic, ever present and joyous daughter of 7 years.
  • What my parents think of my sermons: Initially my mother always referred to me as a little minister whenever I preached or she spoke of the Word GOD chose for me to deliver. Nowadays, she says "Good Gravy.. Good meat always makes its own Gravy!"
  • What my spouse (really) thinks of my sermons: GOD blessed us during my early schooling to allow her to be a part of my Homeletics and hermeneutics courses. My wife is an official preacher critiquer!! She picks apart sermons like a skilled surgeon, describing the relevant subject matter as good meat, and estraneous verbage as peanut butter, popcorn fluff!!! Over the last three years, I have heard very little fluff talk!! :-)
  • Best advice given to me about preaching: I received 5 good points about preaching: 1. Don’t worry about applause or crowd approval! The Word is designed to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comforted! 2. Always familarize yourself with your sermon just in case your notes topple during delivery! 3. Don’t kick over good milk! Preach in a reasonable time! 4. Stay focused you can’t cover every topic of a subject in one session! 5. Preach with GOD and to man, not the other way around!
  • Books that have had an impact: Church Folks, Unchristian
  • If I could Preach one more time, I would say...: If I just could help someone as I pass along this ole road through life, then my living will not be in vain!
  • Something funny that happened while preaching: During the most recent Mother’s Day, I preached the 11:00 a.m. message. Prior to delivering the message I began to sing a down home rendition of "Father I stretch my hand to thee!" My daughter who is two years old climbed into the pulpit, tugged my coat jacket, climbed up, and began to sing in a loud voice, "Daddy, Hold on a change goin’ come, You can make it don’t worry ’bout a thang!" Gonna be alright!" The entire congregation began to roar with laughter! And I could barely keep my composure. As I began to perspire as this transpired, she began to wipe my head and say you’re all wet daddy!
  • What I want on my tombstone: Departed the Land of the Dying on his Way to the Land of the Living!!
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    Contributed on Nov 4, 2008
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    Contributed on Nov 4, 2008
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    Contributed on Mar 20, 2008
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