  • Merv Budd

    Contributing sermons since Oct 27, 2005
Merv's church

North Burlington Baptist Church
Burlington, *Province/Other L7R 3X5

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  • Witnessing The Wilderness

    Contributed on Jul 12, 2011

    Life never seems to be easy, there are always times that are harder than others. Today we examine what those “wilderness” times look like

    In the summer of 1989 all across London England signs on billboards and bus shelters began to appear like this (This poster can be seen and used as a slide here: ) asking the question “Can anyone make sense of ot?” for more

  • Samuel The Old Man

    Contributed on May 22, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    We look at six lessons that Samuel teaches us about how to deal with people who will not follow godly advice.

    Well today we are going to wrap up our series looking at the life of Samuel. If you recall in week one we looked at Samuel’s lifelong habit of telling God’s truth. And then as a Judge of Israel, in week two, we examined the 6 step process that Samuel used to return people to God. But more

  • Samuel The Judge

    Contributed on May 10, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    We'll look at the life of Samuel as a judge of Israel. We'll look at a six step process that he used to bring the nation of Isreal bac to God; a process that each of us can use as well.

    At a 1999 conference in Houston, speaker Marti Ensign, a missionary to Africa, told of bringing some African pastors to the United States for a big meeting. During their free time, these Africans wanted to go shopping. Even though they were in a small town, Marti knew there was a chance someone more

  • Samuel The Boy

    Contributed on May 2, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    We look at a foundational practice that Samuel started as a young boy and that allowed him to build a life of integrity; it is the practice of telling God’s truth.

    There are some characters in the Bible who seem to stand out more than others. Take Elijah for example, there was a man who called fire from heaven, who confronted wicked kings and who did amazing feats in God’s name. Moses was a great man. He also did miraculous feats through the power of more

  • Modesty

    Contributed on Jun 6, 2007
    based on 11 ratings

    While modesty is not mentioned directly that often in Scripture, it is core to Biblical spirituality. In this sermon we explore why.

    Series: Vanishing Virtues Sermon: Modesty June 3, 2007 NBBC Intro A virtue is a moral standard which a society holds as something worthy to aspire towards. As such a society will bring subtle and not so subtle influence and pressure to see that virtues are adhered to. As a virtue becomes more

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  • Lost At The Corner

    Contributed on May 10, 2011

    LOST AT THE CORNER At a 1999 conference in Houston, speaker Marti Ensign, a missionary to Africa, told of bringing some African pastors to the United States for a big meeting. During their free time, these Africans wanted to go shopping. Even though they were in a small town, Marti knew there more

  • We Need More Wilberforces

    Contributed on May 2, 2011

    WE NEED MORE WILBERFORCES In the middle of the eighteenth century, Christians became increasingly concerned about the slave trade. They amassed information on the inhumane treatment of the slaves and believed that eventually they could generate sufficient public support to overcome the slave more

  • We Live In A Society That Needs To Rediscover The ...

    Contributed on Sep 3, 2006

    We live in a society that needs to rediscover the spiritual discipline of fasting. Consider this video I downloaded and edited for length the promo video from the International more

  • The Clock Is My Dictator

    Contributed on Nov 23, 2005
    based on 16 ratings

    The clock is my dictator, I shall not rest. It makes me lie down only when exhausted. It leads me into deep depression. It hounds my soul. It leads me in circles of frenzy, for activities sake. Even though I run frantically from task to task, I will never get it all done, For my ideal is more

  • You May Have Heard Of The Story Of The Old ...

    Contributed on Nov 1, 2005
    based on 2 ratings

    You may have heard of the story of the old lumberman who came into a store and said he’d like to buy a chainsaw because he had heard that they were quicker and easier for cutting down trees than his old one man saw. So he comes back a few days later and says the saw’s broken he wanted a more