  • Ralph Lawrence

    Contributing sermons since Feb 17, 2009
About Ralph
  • Education: Seminary Graduate
  • Experience: 65 years: 3 in candidacy; 41 full time, 21 in active retirement.
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  • "No One Like Him In This World”

    Contributed on Jul 20, 2021

    As Christians, do we take our Savior’s call to discipleship seriously? How do we respond to Mark 9:35 . . .”Sitting down, Jesus called the Twelve and said, Anyone who wants to be first must be the very last, and the servant of all"?

    Whatever you may think of Jesus Christ, there is no One like Him in this world. This sermon title is referring to our Savior. Our subject has to do with any person who takes our Savior’s call to discipleship seriously. And we take note of the 35th verse from today’s Gospel, Mark 9 . . .”Sitting more