  • Ray Mullinax

    Contributing sermons since Feb 16, 2007
Ray's church

Cowpens, South Carolina 29330

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  • The Gospel Rooster

    Contributed on Apr 26, 2007
    based on 27 ratings

    Here is one rooster that really entered the ministry!

    The Gospel Rooster Luke 22:60-62 Here is one rooster that really entered the ministry! He has been called a sanctified (set apart) rooster. Jesus foretold of his crowing (preaching) Notice some things about this unusual rooster: I. He Did What He Could ~ “This rooster crowed” Ephesians more

  • The Sacrifice Of Prasie

    Contributed on Feb 16, 2007
    based on 8 ratings

    God requires a sacrifice from us, and it is our praise

    The Purpose of the book of Hebrews was to show the Law was fufilled by Christ. Jesus is a better way than the Olt Testament Prophets, we have a better way of worship. We dont have to go to a Porphet to sacrifice for our sins, through Christ we can ask forgivness of our own sins. Through Jesus more