  • Ricki Lee Brooks

    Contributing sermons since Oct 24, 2009
Ricki Lee's church

West Sound Community Church
Poulsbo, Washington 98370

About Ricki Lee
  • Education: Masters Degree/Bible
  • Experience: 38 years as a missionary and pastor with Village Missions, Youth For Christ, and the North American Baptist Conference.
  • Family: Jesus said fields all across the world are ready for the harvest. I want as many as possible to hear his life-changing message…and, I can think of no greater privilege than being a part of a team that delivers that message. Believers since the first century have dedicated themselves to this task. The times in which we live are no different. Faithful messengers still proclaim God’s great message of salvation through Jesus Christ. I pray I may be among the faithful. I'm the father of three and grandfather of five. All three of my children are happily married. My heart is to help others overcome adversity by learning to truly walk in the presence of the Savior. Many years of ministry have allowed this in the lives of both adults and the next generations. Throughout the years, the addition of speaking on behalf of Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD), Community Abstinence and Relationship Education (CARE), camps, retreats, and ECOLA Bible College has been both a ministry blessing and benefit. Over 40 years ago, my wife, Vanita, and I wrote down our mission statement for life. Here it is… "Our mission in life is to love our Lord, one another, and our children more and more every day and to help as many as possible to do the same thing." Since then much has changed. My children walk with the Lord as they grow their own families. Many have heard the life-changing news of Jesus Christ and are falling more in love with the Savior. And, sadly, yet triumphantly, Vanita is now with the Lord. One might think the death of my beloved would change the mission statement. It has not. After losing Vanita at the hands of a drunk driver, I have often said, "Without her, I feel less effective, but not less impassioned. Helping people love the Lord is the greatest privilege on earth." Whether talking with an individual on a park bench, leading a small seminar, or speaking to a large audience...whether the topic is specific to an organization or general and universal to the human condition...I know this, people wrestle with similar issues—who am I, why am I here, is there more to life? Failing to answer these questions inevitably leads to SID (spiritual identity disorder). It pushes individuals into drift mode and organizations into corporate anomie. Facing this kind of adversity can be either a positive challenge or a negative pitfall for both individuals and organizations. If I can help, I'm willing.
  • Best advice given to me about preaching: "Fall more in love with the Savior," fell often from the lips of Dr. John G. Mitchell. Imagine a rich, old world, Geordie (northern British) accent from a beloved Bible Teacher of 60+ years urging you to adore the Savior, to worship the Savior. Imagine these words coming from a man himself completely fallen at the Savior's feet. Imagine these words coming from an old, old body, but with an ever new spirit. Imagine hearing, "Fall more in love with the Savior," from a man who new every word of the Bible (seriously, he quoted it extensively, peppered every sermon, every lesson). Imagine being completely star-struck with a man's knowledge, character, presence, and status and his most thoughtful, loving, compassionate advice was always a question, "Are you falling more in love with the Savior." This is John G. Mitchell and he moved me to fall more and more in love with the Savior. How about you, are you falling more in love with the Savior?
  • Books that have had an impact: The Bible...of course, but it must be stated, it must! Also J. Oswald Sanders, Problems of Christian Discipleship; David C. Needham, Birthright: Christian Do You Know Who You Are?; Edward Goodrick, Is My Bible The Inspired Word of God; Albert Bayless, From Creation to The Cross; Francis Schaeffer, The Complete Works.
  • If I could Preach one more time, I would say...: My dearly beloved, we are gathered here today, before God and fall more in love with the Savior. Jesus said, still says, Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God. Believe also in me...
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    Contributed on Feb 18, 2012
    based on 1 rating

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    Contributed on Jun 28, 2010
    based on 1 rating

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