  • Robert Henrich

    Contributing sermons since Jan 15, 2012
Robert's church

The Church Commons
Owego, New York 13827

About Robert
  • Education: I received a bachelor's degree with psychology and sociology majors from Villanova University, spent two years in a Catholic seminary and recently received a Masters Degree in Pastoral Studies from Loyola University of Chicago.
  • Experience: I was ordained to the diaconate in the Catholic Church in 1990 and have since that time served in many different pastoral roles at parishes in Georgia, North Carolina and New York. In addition to my work with The Church Commons I preach and lead communion service liturgies at an area Catholic Church. I am also on the Board of Directors for two multi-congregational nonprofits organizations.
  • Family: I am married with grown children.
  • Hobbies: My wife and I enjoy cross-country skiing, snowshoeing, kayaking and bicycling. I'm also a pilot and flight instructor.
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Newest Sermons

  • Re-Crucifixion: The Response Of Love

    Contributed on Mar 30, 2013

    The Christian is called to respond to the world's increasing contempt, animosity and persecution not in kind, but in love, as Jesus taught and as Jesus did.

    Remembering is a far richer reality for us than it is for the world. Coming together this Good Friday evening to remember Jesus’ act of supreme sacrifice, offered out of intense love for us, is more than just bringing it back to mind: here in the presence of our God, where we encounter the more

  • Stones In The Road

    Contributed on Mar 19, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    The ’stones’ on the gospel road – those difficult verses we stumble over or just pass by – are treasures if we take the time to stop and pick them up; two such ‘stones’ in the story of the raising of Lazarus speak of the intensity of Jesus’ love for us.

    I had to take my car into the shop in Binghamton last week, and I had a lot of time to kill. The waiting room didn’t look very inviting, so I decided to do something I haven’t done in a long time: I took a walk. At first it seemed as if the world had been put on pause, or at least slow motion; the more