Sermon Series
  • 1. Our Purpose: To Reach The Lost

    Contributed on Oct 20, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    A 5 part series to cast vision and clarity about the purpose of our church.

    PRACTICING OUR PURPOSE OUR PURPOSE IS... TO REACH THE LOST LUKE 15:1-10 INTRODUCTION TO SERIES: For the next several weeks I want to talk with you about the purpose of Montrose Christian Church. These will not be doctrinal "What we believe" messages. But these messages will be about why we more

  • 2. Our Purpose: To Teach The Saved

    Contributed on Oct 20, 2006
    based on 1 rating

    A 5-part series casting vision and clarity about the purpose of our church.

    PRACTICING OUR PURPOSE OUR PURPOSE: TO TEACH THE SAVED MARK 4:3-10, 13-20 INTRODUCTION: A minister friend of mine tells this true story of his next door neighbors who had wanted a baby for the longest time. For 6 years this couple prayed that God would bless them with a child. Finally they more

  • 3. Our Purpose: Urging Each Member To Serve

    Contributed on Oct 20, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    3rd in 5-part series on casting vision and clarity for the purpose of our church.

    “OUR PURPOSE: URGING EACH MEMBER TO SERVE THE LORD WITHIN THE CHURCH” Ephesians 4:11-16 INTRODUCTION: The story is told of a very large woman who attended a banquet and absolutely gorged herself on the buffet and afterwards felt very, very guilty. She said to her husband, "I shouldn’t of more

  • 4. Our Purpose: Care For The Needy

    Contributed on Oct 20, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    4th in 5-Part series of casting the vision and clarity for the purpose of our church.

    OUR PURPOSE: TO HELP THE NEEDY SELECTED SCRIPTURES INTRODUCTION: Max Lucado, in his book, Applause From Heaven, tells the story of the time when his 3 year old daughter, Jenna, awoke him in the middle of the night. He said that he tried to stay asleep but her insistent, "Daddy" wouldn’t more

  • 5. Our Purpose: To Magnify God In Worship

    Contributed on Oct 20, 2006
    based on 9 ratings

    5th in 5-part series of casting vision and clarity for the purpose of our church.

    OUR PURPOSE: TO MAGNIFY GOD IN WORSHIP PSALM 100; 33:1-4, ACTS 2:42,43; 46-47 INTRODUCTION: In his book, Exit Interviews: Revealing Stories Why People Are Leaving the Church, William Hendricks took a survey asking folks why they no longer attended church. Surprisingly, the most common more