Sermon Series
  • 1. I Am The Bread Of Life

    Contributed on Jun 6, 2021

    The amazing thing is that the more we eat the Bread of Life, the hungrier for him we become. Once we have started to experience Jesus’s grace and goodness, we actually want more of him! Your appetite for Christ won’t decrease the more you get to know him, but increase.

    Say you’ve recently met someone new. Another worker was hired on, or you started at a new school, or you got a new client for your business. You get to know a person in a few ways. One is to watch what they do. How do they behave, and how do they treat other people? You get acquainted also by more

  • 2. I Am The Light Of The World

    Contributed on Jul 11, 2021

    When we believe in Christ, the Light of the World, He delivers us from the darkness. The darkness is still there, and it’s still deadly, but it cannot overcome the light of the Lord.

    Say you’re out in the bush somewhere at nighttime. All around it’s very dark, just the murkiness of midnight, and you’re a bit scared. You’re glad you have your flashlight, and glad the moon is shining. And when you come to a hill, and you look out over the treetops, you’re even gladder when you more

  • 3. I Am The Door

    Contributed on Jul 19, 2021

    Enter through Christ, who is the door for the sheep. Trust in his name. Love him, and listen to the voice of the Good Shepherd. Know that you are forever secure behind the One who is the door.

    Who does the Bible say that you are? Many beautiful comparisons and images portray our identity in Christ. Who are you? You are the apple of God’s eye. You are the holy bride of the Lord. You are his vineyard, and his body, and his temple. You are his inheritance and treasure. And you are his more

  • 4. I Am The Good Shepherd

    Contributed on Aug 1, 2021

    We come to know Christ in the same way that sheep came to know their shepherd: by experience, by following him year after year, by learning that we can love and trust him. We come to know that He will bring us to places of safety, and that He will be with us always.

    Nobody enjoys feeling like they’re just a number. But this tends to happen when you deal with a big organization, like a bank or the government. It feels like to them, you’re just another account number, just another taxpayer. Sometimes the bank will send you a nice letter, “We really care about more

  • 5. I Am The Resurrection And The Life

    Contributed on Aug 8, 2021

    Has Christ made you alive? Do you see the effects of your resurrection every day? Do you see the power of death slowly retreating from your life, the graveclothes being put off?

    Death is around us every day. Every day there are funerals at the local cemeteries. Every day people die from cancer and drug overdoses and car crashes. Last week I read that about 160,000 people die each day, all around the world—that’s a lot of death. And that’s just physical death. Think of all more

  • 6. I Am The Way, The Truth, And The Life

    Contributed on Aug 29, 2021

    There is a way to the Father, and the way is wide open. There is a truth about God that can be known for certain. There is a life with God that lasts forever. And you can get it all through faith in Christ Jesus!

    Many cities in this land are multicultural. Over the years, people from all over the globe have found their way here. They’ve all brought with them their languages, their traditions, food and clothing—and they’ve also brought their religions. So when you drive around, you see quite a few Christian more

  • 7. I Am The Vine, You Are The Branches

    Contributed on Sep 5, 2021

    When we are joined to Christ the true vine, we are powerfully connected to his Spirit and his vitality. By faith, we can share in Jesus’s righteous life and his atoning death. It is through his death and resurrection that the branches begin to flourish and bear much fruit.

    When we take the time to look at trees, we get a beautiful reminder of how they sustain the life of their branches and leaves. Some of these trees are also able to produce a harvest of fruit that we can enjoy. Scripture talks about this too, the importance of the link from a leaf or branch to the more