Reuben's church

Mount Nasura Free Reformed Church
Mount Nasura, Western Australia

About Reuben
  • Education: Bachelor of Arts (McMaster University); Master of Divinity (Canadian Reformed Theological Seminary); Master of Theology (St Stephen's College); PhD (St Mary's University, Twickenham)
  • Experience: I have enjoyed the privilege of pastoring various churches in Canada and Australia for more than fifteen years. Presently I am the pastor of the Free Reformed Church of Mount Nasura, located near Perth, Western Australia.
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Newest Sermons

  • Seek God While He May Be Found

    Contributed on Nov 20, 2022

    Now is the day of salvation! Come to the waters and drink, because the waters are fresh! Why would we turn down the generous invitation to draw near to God? Why take a pass on the waters of life, or on the great feast in the Lord’s presence?

    It has been said that at the heart of every message spoken by God’s prophets are these three simple words: return to me. For centuries, the LORD sent many messengers to his people—everyone from Amos, that simple farmer from Tekoa, to Zephaniah, a member of David’s royal house. Whatever their more

  • Pleading For God's Mercy

    Contributed on Oct 30, 2022

    What is the only basis for your prayer for mercy? When you’ve been emptied of all pride, when you’ve given up trying to earn the LORD’s favour or to fix your life, then your only hope really is this: God has made you his own in Jesus Christ.

    In our text Isaiah is praying. Praying is a normal thing for us, but let’s appreciate what the prophet is doing here. In this book of prophecy, there’s all kinds of different styles of writing. In Isaiah there are speeches, parables, lamentations, hymns of praise, predictions of the future, more

  • God Sends A Preacher

    Contributed on Sep 11, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    Are we still waiting for the gospel, eager to hear the preaching? Do we come to church hungry for the food of the Word? To you and me it will be good news only if we realize how much we need it—how much we need the Lord every day, and every hour.

    We’re about to do something very old-fashioned. It’s not often anymore that people will sit down for thirty or forty minutes, and listen to another person talking: without interruption, without visual aids, or any active engagement of the audience. But that’s what a sermon is. And so a sermon is an more

  • Introducing The World-Changing Servant Of The Lord

    Contributed on Sep 4, 2022

    God sends his Servant, and what does He do? In short, Christ rebuilds the covenant. He reconciles enemies. He restores the earth. He sets the prisoners free. He shepherds his flock in peace and goodness. And He does one more thing: He builds roads!

    Time and again Isaiah brings Genesis to our minds—Genesis, that amazing book of beginnings. Like in Isaiah 44, where God calls himself, ‘The First and the Last,’ for God is the one who existed before all things and who called everything into being. Or chapter 40, where God recalls the story of how more

  • The Only God, The First And The Last

    Contributed on Aug 7, 2022

    It’s foolish to put our confidence in what we own, or in what we look like, or in the people we love. All these good things only spring from the Lord God, the overflowing fountain. And none of these things can save or redeem, for God alone is the First and the Last.

    One of my favourite Bible stories is in 1 Kings 18. That’s the chapter where God has a showdown with Baal, a dramatic contest on the top of Mount Carmel. You remember how Elijah challenges the prophets of Baal to a competition. ‘Come up the mountain,’ he said. ‘Bring two oxen for sacrifice, wood to more

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