Pentecost Sermon Kit


Summary: In this sermon, Pastor Ed Young teaches that God's vision for marriage is far more profound and much broader than today's culture can even begin to comprehend.


JANUARY 9, 2022, 9:30AM


There's a pandemic out there. Have you heard about that? It's everywhere around the world and there's obviously a serious side too at a life and death situation to it. But also on the other hand, there's a lot of smoke and mirrors involved. We're freaked out about the pandemic, but I would argue there is even a greater pandemic in our world today, and that is over marriage. There is some sickness, some problems, some issues about the foundation of our culture, and we don't really talk about it.

Now and then our culture will address it, but we're not really facing it head on. If the truth were known, our nation and I would say our world is anti-marriage. We're not pro marriage. Name an entity that is pro-marriage other than the church. You would be very hard pressed to do so. You might could come up with one nuance here or one anomaly there. But for the most part, marriage isn't really the deal. Why is that? Obviously, we know our great God has a great plan for every life here and for most of us, that great plan involves marriage. God has a plan, a purpose for marriage. It's great. It's abundant. But on the other hand, the enemy has a plan for your marriage in mind. The enemy always wants to thwart the gift of God.

I've had the opportunity for decades now to speak about marriage, to write about marriage, to lecture about marriage, to counsel people going through different marital issues. I feel unqualified every time I talk about marriage. I haven't arrived yet. Lisa will tell you the same thing. Marriage takes work as we all know. We all face the same issues.

Don't look at me and go, "Wow, they must have this storybook romance 24/7. They must never have the problems or issues or arguments over the subjects that we have." that line of thinking is false. I'm going to talk with you, not at you, and I want to share with you over the next several weeks something that I've never shared before about marriage. I'm probably going to write a book on this subject. It's called the "7 Senses of Marriage".

We have senses, obviously, and a lot of times we use the senses reflexively. Now and then, we'll use them intentionally. Just like today, I woke up, so did you. I woke up, opened my eyes, I saw Lisa lying there next to me and I heard our cat, Meow-Meow. That's her name. It's not Meow. It's Meow-Meow. I heard her Meow. Then I walked into the kitchen and smelled the coffee. I'm a coffee snob. I'm sure many of you are as well. Then I tasted this massive breakfast that Lisa makes for me every morning. I'm just joking. Some of the guys were like, "What?" No. No. I haven't had breakfast this morning. Then I thought about what was on the agenda today, this message. I thought about all the time and energy that I've put into this series along our team. Then I felt nervousness. I feel anxiety every time I speak. Whenever I don't feel any anxiety, which is rare, that's when I worry. I get nervous every time I stand before people, especially when something like this is on the agenda. Then reflexively, I kissed Lisa, she was putting her makeup on, so I kissed her on the forehead, and walked out of the house. I used my eyes, ears, nose, taste, my mind. I used feelings, emotions and touch.

What if we could touch the senses every week in our marriage? Over the next several weeks, we're going to do a census on our senses. We're going to really get intentional about going through all of these senses, the senses that Lisa and I are going to discuss. They're not always what you think they would be, but I'll promise you something. If you're willing to work, if you're willing to do the hard yards, your marriage will be better. It'll be stronger.

I know in a crowd this size here and online and at our different environments, I know a lot of people are watching and you're like, "Ed, you have no idea. You have no clue about my marriage. I'm ready to call the lawyers. I have had enough." You're right. I don't know, but I know in a crowd of this size, there are people going through situations like that.

I want you to know that we have been praying for you and we identify with you and we want you to lean into this series. Others here, you knew what was on the docket and you still had the courage to walk in here and listen and pray and hear the voice of God. Because all I've got when it comes to marriage is not about me or about Lisa or about this and that, it's about what God says. That's all I've got because without the Lord Jesus, Lisa and I would not be married today, and you wouldn't either.

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