
Summary: When we live life we must remember that one way or another we’re leaving something to be remembered!

I. Introduction

A. Memorial day began in the early 1800’s

during the civil war

1. Some began by decorating the graves of

the soldiers who had been killed in

battle to honor their sacrifice for


B. When we see life as we now do, I wonder

who will remember what about me?

C. Let me give you three things to be a

Memorial to be Remembered!

II. Body

A. Remebering A Belief!

1. A landmark of faith--Heb. 11:6

"Without faith it is impossible to

please him."

a. Will you kids, grandkids, or

family remember you for your faith?

b. Will they be able to say he/she

taught me how to have confidence

in the God of heaven?

2. A landmark of fervency--Acts 18:25

talks about Apollos being fervent in


a. Rom. 12:11 Paul commands us to be

fervent in spirit

b. James 5:16c "The effectual fervent

prayer of a righteous man availeth


3. A landmark of fruit--Psa. 126:6 "He

that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing

precious seed, shall doubtless come

again with rejoicing, bringing his

sheaves with him."

a. Will anyne remember that you cared

about souls?

b. Will anyone remember that you gave

all you could to win your family,

friends, and neighbors to Christ?

B. Remembering A Behavior!

1. A landmark of Commitment--Pro. 20:6

"Most men will proclaim every one his

own goodness: but a faithful man who

can find?"

a. Will your kids find you committed

to mom, or to dad?

b. Will you be remembered as

committed to providing a living


c. Will you be remembered committed

to making a home for your children


2. A landmark of consistency--1 Cor. 15:58

"Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye

stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding

in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as

ye know that you labour is not in vain

in the Lord."

3. A landmark of Christlikeness--Phi. 1:21

"For to me to live is Christ, and to

die is gain."

C. Remembering A Banner!

1. A landmark of love--1 Cor. 13:13

Charity is the greatest of all!

a. Will your kids remember that you

loved them because you bought

their love or earned it?

b. Will your grandkids know that you

loved them by the inheritance you

leave for them in eternity?

2. A land mark of living--John 10:10 "I

am come that they might have life, and

that they might have it more


a. John 8:36 "If the Son therefore

shall make you free, ye shall be

free indeed."

b. Will you be remembered as one who

loved life in its fullness?

c. Will they see you as one who knew

how to enjoy those things that

were humorous, and yet sober about

the important matters of life?

d. God forbid that my kids and my

wife be glad that I’m gone because

I was a sour apple in life!

3. A landmark of leaving--2 Cor. 5:8 "We

are confident, I say, and willing

rather to be absent from the body, and

to be present with the Lord."

a. No greater heartache to a wife

than to not know what eternity

held for their spouse. And vice-


b. No greater heartache for a parent

than in a tragic, or even a

foreseen, moment of death not

knowing what eternity held for

their child.

III. Conclusion

A. Friend I can assure you today that the

best way to celebrate Memorial day for

your family is to come to know Jesus


B. If you already know Him, then be sure that

your life testifies of a memorial that

won’t leave any doubt in your loved ones

mind where to follow you in eternity!

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