Summary: A lesson warning us that our focus in life will determine our destiny and our reward: - what Jesus will say to us when we see him face to face! What are you looking for & Where are you looking For iT?


A. The Sermon on the Mount Is About The Heart

1. OT Fulfillment (5.17-48)

a. Jesus took 6 OT laws and interpreted them for His disciples in the light of the new life He came to give.

b. He dealt with the attitudes and intents of the heart and not simply with the external act as the Pharisees dealt.

c. The Pharisees taught that righteousness centered around performing certain actions, while Jesus taught it centered around the attitude of the heart.

2. Our Heart Exposes Our Motive and Focus (Chapter 6)

a. The person with True Righteousness shows this in their daily activities.

b. Jesus related this principle in (6:1-18) to our closeness with God in the motive behind certain acts of Righteousness (charity, prayer, fasting)

c. Today in (6:19-24), He relates this principle to our priorities in life (material possessions)

B. What Are You Looking For in Life?

1. Jesus gives us a test that indirectly asks the question:

What Are You Looking For in Life?

2. A lesson warning us that our focus in life will determine our destiny:

- what Jesus will say to us when we see him face to face!

3. Are you looking for earthly treasure or heavenly treasure

What are you looking for & Where are you looking For iT?


There’s an old story of a man who was walking at night, and saw another man searching for something near a lamp post. Approaching, he asked the man what he was looking for, and the man, without looking up, replied, “My watch”.

The first man asked, “Well, precisely where were you standing when you dropped it?” Continuing his search, the man pointed a finger in the distance and said, “Over there somewhere.” The first man, puzzled for a moment, then said, “Well then sir, why are you looking for it here?” Finally looking up in frustration and meeting the first man’s gaze, the searcher replied testily, “Because sir, the light is better here!”




(Vs. 19-21)

Jesus begins by reminding the disciples that our focus in life determines what we take to eternity!


1. "treasures" is used 18 times in NT and each time, whether figurative or literal, it describes a "deposit" - something "stored" for later use.

2. One "Deposit" is Stolen: "moth" eats cloth and "rust" destroys metal;

3. Thieves are not always easy to recognize.

- "thieves" = petty, sneak thief: - i.e. the shoplifter.

- (can’t see moth or rust happening – only the results)

VERSE 20 – This “Deposit” is Not Stolen

A. How about your "money"?

- Who has control - you or God? One simple test - Do you tithe?

- It’s a matter of the heart! GOOD! It certainly is (you’re catching on!

But I EARNED it!

Who gave you your health, personality, skills, ability –

The Tithe was begun (not as an OT Law) but to recognize one’s dependency & appreciation on God b/cause all comes from Him.

Abraham - Gen 14 - 400 years before the OT Law

Jacob in Gen 28 - again, way before the OT Law

B. How about your "witness"?

- Why would we not want to share this tremendous gift?

(the thieft steals w/out our knowing)

- A privilege to share the gift. FIGHT BACK!

Consider your speech, dress, relationships, and actions show that you represent Christ in a way that you would attract another?

VERSE 21 – Application: “A” – Your Focus Determines What You Take

Whatever occupies our thoughts and our time - that is our "treasure"

“Where is your Treasure being deposited”?


Now Jesus explains this further in describing the "Spiritual Vision" that his disciples should have -- that Godly vision that allows us to see what God wants us to do and to see the world from God’s point of view.


A. Stay Focused on the Light!

1. "the eye is the lamp of the body" – You turn on a light - the body receives light, allowing it to move.

In the OT, the "eye" denoted the direction of a person’s life. The direction of your life determines your destiny.

2. Word Study on “Good” – Jesus said "if the eyes are ’good".

- The word for "good" in the GRK. means "single".

- The idea of a cloth neatly folded once and without a lot of complicated folds (a map) giving the idea of "simplicity" or "singleness".

So the idea here is a "singular focus" in your life. Not like that of double mindedness now described in verse 23.


B. Are your Eyes Bad?

"if your eyes are bad" - in the original, the darkness is self induced. (you determine your direction)

C. Don’t Be Double Minded

“the light within you is darkness” - It describes a double minded man - unstable because of a divided heart. This person, like the Pharisees, think they have the light, but instead they have "shut out the light" and "how great is that darkness".

D. Your “Eyes” (direction) Determines your Destiny

1. Sin makes a man thinks that he is being very rational. He has developed his arguments for rationalizing his sin. He is quite sure that he is right in all of his logic.

But the truth is the light that is in him is dark, sin has blinded his eyes, and he cannot see the truth.

READ 2 Cor 4.4

VERSE 24 – Application on II – “Your Eyes Must be Good”

1. Your Eyes Must Be “Good” – “Singular” in Focus

All persons face the inescapable choice about whom they will serve. They can choose to serve themselves -- to pursue money and selfish pleasures -- or they can choose to serve God.

Exodus 34:14 (NIV)

14 Do not worship any other god, for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God.

2. APPLICATION FOR “II” – “Guard Your Eyes- They Must Be Singular”

Be focused – Know and understand what is important! Yes, do the best with what you’ve been given, but as to the Lord – Understand the light!


1. What your focus – It determines what you take to eternity

2. Guard your eyes – They must be good – Singular in focus.

God is a jealous God and desires your worship – but I think many misunderstand the word worship; He Desires Your Worship by the way in which you live.

God desires a real RELATIONSHIP with you – Just like a son wants with his Father – God wants you and I to spend time with him!


Bill told a story about the approach of his son’s sixth birthday. Bill had asked his son what birthday presents he wished. Bill expected a reply such as "I’d like a baseball glove, or a new bicycle."

But his son’s request was a bit different. He said, "Dad, I’d like a ball to play with for my birthday." Bill said "Great, what kind of ball?" "Oh, I don’t know, either a football or a soccer ball." Bill asked, "Well, which do you want more?"

After thinking a moment the son said, "Well if you have some time to play ball with me this year, I’d really like a football so we could throw it back and forth in the back yard. But if you’re gonna be real busy this year, maybe you just better get me a soccer ball, because I can play soccer with the rest of the kids in the neighborhood."

The dad thought about this and said, "Let me surprise you. How does that sound?" And the little boy smiled and said, "Oh that would be great Dad. I really love you." Bill walked away in tears. He knew his son was not really interested in a football. He was interested in the time his Dad could spend with him.

So are your eyes “Good”? Are they “singular”?