Summary: Life with Jesus should never be in addition to the lifestyle we led before we met Jesus. If that is the way it is in your life, then it will be very apparent to everyone that He’s only an addition and that He isn’t Lord and Savior of your life.

Life, Everlasting, Part II – Who is your Lord?

In Part I, we determined from Ezekiel 37 that, through the breath put in us by God when we give our life to Him, we have life. And through that breath we will know that He is the LORD.

We also briefly touched upon those that claim activities, abilities, talents and smooth talking is evidence enough of their spirituality and that alone will get them into heaven. What was Jesus’ answer to that?

Luke 6:46

46 “Why do you call me, ’Lord, Lord,’ and do not do what I say?”

So obviously He was talking to people that had yet to make Him Lord of their lives.

(John 6:47) I tell you the truth, he who believes has everlasting life.

In his book I Surrender, Patrick Morley [Man in the Mirror Ministries] writes that the church’s integrity problem is in the misconception "that we can add Christ to our lives, but not subtract sin. It is a change in belief without a change in behavior." He goes on to say, "It is revival without reformation, without repentance."

Most people, when they are about to build a house, want to include all that they will ever need in the planning of that house. They may think about additions and subtractions to the family. They may think about the orientation of the house, such as the north winds in the winter and the cooling southerly breezes in the summer.

After the house is built, they enjoy it for many years…but then something happens. A new addition is needed. Maybe the family decided to increase, invite an aging parent, or adopt a child, but a new addition is needed so, they decide to build that addition. And, when it’s finished, the addition, in and of itself, looks good, yet, from a distance, the older house and the newer addition are different. Maybe they couldn’t get the same windows, or bricks, or siding, whatever it is, but it looks different.

Life with Jesus should never be in addition to the lifestyle we led before we met Jesus. If that is the way it is in your life, then it will be very apparent to everyone that He’s only an addition and that He isn’t Lord and Savior of your life.

Giving your life to Jesus implies that you have to let Him tear down the house, and let Him design it and build it. Life with Jesus can’t and won’t casually lay over your current life like a transparency on an overhead projector.

Unless you are willing to let Jesus take precedence in your life, unless you are willing to let Jesus be first in your life, unless you are willing to let Jesus be Lord and Savior of your life, then there is no life everlasting. What you have is an addition to the lifestyle you had before. That lifestyle has its foundation built on sand, and not solid rock.

So let’s step back a little. Maybe even to the time that you were first saved, and, if you’re not saved this doesn’t mean you don’t have to pay attention. This is for you, too.

Let’s step back to that day when we first put our God-given faith in Jesus, and, in turn, received that life-sustaining breath that brought the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. Think back to that day. Are you there? You can close your eyes if you want as you remember summer camp, or another church, or an event. Are you there?

Listen to this question and answer it honestly. What direction have you taken since that day? Has it been a direct path? Has it been a straight road, while all the time you were following the will of God for your life? Chances are…it hasn’t been a direct path. Chances are it’s been a rough road. The chances are very good that that rough road was a road which included self-inflicted detours. Maybe it included selfish turns and rebellious U-turns. Maybe it included impatient speeding. Maybe it included failure to yield to His right of way. Whatever it was, whatever the reason, rest assured…He didn’t get lost, He was still right there with you, trying to get you to turn around, to yield, to slow down, or maybe even speed up, or maybe even stop altogether. All of our lives are impacted differently by the will of God.

As I was preparing this message and reflecting back on my own Christian walk, I was presented with that traditional ‘chase scene’ in the movies. I envisioned my life as following my own road trying to shake the pursuit of God. Do you understand what I’m talking about? Sometimes I was like the person in the car that’s being chased by another car. I would swerve this way or that way, all the while trying to lose the pursuing Creator Who only wanted good things for me.

The good news is this…You can’t lose Him. You can’t shake Him. He’s still there.

Jesus says,

Revelation 3:20 Here I am! I stand at the door and knock.

He is always there. He is always ready. And, He’s always waiting for you.

(John 6:47) I tell you the truth, he who believes has everlasting life.

This is not indicating that we need to add something to our life it means that it is to be our life.

Who is your Lord? His Expectations

The first thing we need to understand is, “Who is God?” “Who is our Lord?”

He is the fountain, or well-spring of life. He is your source of existence. Whether you are a believer or a non-believer, He is your source of existence and power, and He is your source of goodness.

He created the sun, moon, and the stars. He spoke into existence the flowers, the trees, the grass and the birds of the air. And, every one of them is totally given over to God.

Without this understanding of exactly Who God is, there is no need to go any further. How we listen and obey if we don’t know Who it is we are obeying?

We mentioned earlier that many people in the world only make Christianity an addition to their lives, rather than getting rid of the old nature and letting God take control.

How many people does it take to drive one car? One…any more and the driving will be awful.

I’ve heard it said once or twice before, “When I’m flying through life it’s great to have God as my co-pilot!” That can not be! God must be in control. He’s not our co-pilot! If you want to use a better definition, then say you’re a passenger and He’s everything else, while the plane is simply taking you along the plan and will of God.

God doesn’t expect any less than a total and absolute giving over, or yielding unto Him. Why, because He is God!

Those clothes you’re wearing now, did they resist when you put them on? Did they complain about having to be on you? Did they complain when you took them out of the closet? “Not me again. Get those new pants and wear them! You wore me three days ago.”

Essentially we can be no more. God calls us. God directs us. God leads us. God uses us. God speaks to us. And, when He does these things He requires absolute submission. If there is anything less than that, if we give or offer anything less than that, then it can not be said that we’re submitting to His authority over our lives.

(John 6:47) I tell you the truth, he who believes has everlasting life.

Who is your Lord? His Accomplishments

What has He done?

Well, take any hero or any bad person in the Bible, and you’ll see that God had a purpose.

Abraham didn’t just become Abraham overnight. Noah didn’t just become Noah overnight. What about Joseph, Moses, Samuel, and many others? They were brought up with an express purpose of fulfilling God’s purposes.

Pharaoh, himself, was raised up to resist Moses and the exodus of the Hebrews from Egypt.

(Exodus 9:16) But I have raised you up for this very purpose, that I might show you my power and that my name might be proclaimed in all the earth.

If God says that about a man that was not surrendered to Him and ultimately wound up in hell, what’s He got to say about you? Don’t you think there are far better words, and far better thoughts about you and what He can do for you?

Look at yourself and your position in life and the culture you’re in. Look at who you are and where you’re at in your family. You were raised up to be in the exact position you are in for a purpose. Could someone else be able to handle your circumstances the same way that God is working them through you?

(Philippians 2:13) for it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose.

Who is your Lord? His Acceptance

Many times we hear people say, “I’m not cut out for this!” No, you think that, but not God. God works in your heart, you that believe, whether or not it’s imperfect. Didn’t Jesus say He came to minister to just such a person as you and I? Didn’t He basically say He came to heal the sick…?

(Matthew 9:12) On hearing this, Jesus said, "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick.

(Mark 2:17) On hearing this, Jesus said to them, "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners."

I once had someone tell me, right before they were scheduled to speak to a large crowd, “I feel so inadequate. I feel so deficient. I can’t do this!”

That’s right they couldn’t do, but God, through that person, could do it.

We’re imperfect! What more can we say then,

(Mark 9:24) Immediately the boy’s father exclaimed, "I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!"

That’s all He wants. He wants you to admit you can’t do it alone, but, you trust Him to work in and through you to accomplish His purpose.

Who is your Lord? His Sustenance

“Yea, I get stirred up on Sundays, but by Tuesday I’ve lost the feeling and I’m back to my old lazy self again.”

“Well, yea, I did commit my life to Him on Sunday morning, but on Friday, the guys asked me to go out with them to the clubs…”

“I was so overcome with conviction and love at the Sunday service, but the next day, at work…”

[Hymn, Moment by Moment, Major Whittle, May Whittle Moody}

Dying with Jesus, by death reckoned mine;

Living with Jesus, a new life divine;

Looking to Jesus till glory doth shine,

Moment by moment, O Lord, I am Thine.


Moment by moment I’m kept in His love;

Moment by moment I’ve life from above;

Looking to Jesus till glory doth shine;

Moment by moment, O Lord, I am Thine.

Never a trial that He is not there,

Never a burden that He doth not bear,

Never a sorrow that He doth not share,

Moment by moment, I’m under His care.


Never a heartache, and never a groan,

Never a teardrop and never a moan;

Never a danger but there on the throne,

Moment by moment He thinks of His own.


Never a weakness that He doth not feel,

Never a sickness that He cannot heal;

Moment by moment, in woe or in weal,

Jesus my Savior, abides with me still.


Is it possible to live moment by moment with Jesus?

Try it and you’ll find out it’s a lot easier to live that way than any other way. Try it. Here’s how…

Submit to what He wants you to do

Give yourself over to Him, absolutely. Sure, they’ll be moments when you may lose a little here and there, but catch yourself and put yourself back into that ‘trust and obey’ mode. This is the personal and ‘in the heart’ side.

Submit to what He wants to do through you…

At first glance, this might be the same as the one mentioned earlier, but it’s very different. This is coming out of the heart toward others and ourselves. You see there are things that He can do through us that we’ll never be able to comprehend in the beginning, and maybe even in the end. You may never understand why you felt compelled to give an extra effort here, or an extra tithe there. You may never understand why you felt like saying hello to this person or that person, or helping that person to do something. In the end, you will understand of course, and in the end will be when…? When you are with Jesus.

Who is your Lord? His Blessings

Well, maybe this could be better described with a series of questions.

Do you think you really deserve anything for the life you’ve led prior to Jesus?

The Bible is very clear on this point. We all have sinned a fall short of the glory of God. We all are sinners and deserve death. So, the answer to that question would be: “No, thank God I’ve put my life in Jesus and won’t receive my ‘just’ punishment.”

What about this?

Do you think your current lifestyle is such that it deserves or warrants some type of blessing on His part?

No matter what you answer, it could be construed by others as the wrong answer. Why? Because if you think you’re living according to His will and way for your life and in your heart there is the slightest belief that you’re doing it for a reward or a blessing then you’re doing it for the wrong reason. If you think you’re living according to His will and way for your life, and you like to bring it up before others, well, you’re guilty of not being humble. If you think your current lifestyle is such that it deserves something, then you’re working your way into heaven. Christians serve God because they want to honor and glorify Him, not for some reward or blessing.

Do you think that giving your life TO Jesus means you get something other than salvation in return?

This is that cost/analysis that we talked about in Part I. People count the cost and choose this ‘good’ way or that ‘good’ way, but it’s not His way. If it was His way that we chose there would not have been a “What’s in for me?’ thought.

Giving your life to Jesus and receiving the gift of everlasting life is the biggest blessing that you’ll receive on this earth. Isn’t it wonderful enough that we know that we’re not condemn to everlasting death, and will spend an eternity with all that is good?

Life on this earth is hard; there are hard knocks, tough climbs, and uncertain turns, but we’ve received the breath of life. And, that breath of life provides a constant assurance of life everlasting. No strings attached.

When I was growing up, whenever you bought anything that was electronic in nature, whether it was a small toy dog that moved around and yapped, or the monkey that clapped its cymbals, inevitably, there on the outside of the package were the words: “Batteries not included.” That’s not life with Jesus. That doesn’t describe the Christian life at all. Batteries are included; as well as after-service, with an eternal warranty. He provides everything you’ll ever need to succeed on that road to the mansion that He has provided for you.