Summary: Adonijah, one of the sons of David, set himself up to be the King of Israel. However he was a pretender who constantly sought to tha short-cuts. This passage reminds us that, in God's kingdom, we don't need more pretenders.

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1 Kings 1:5-2:10

“We Don’t Need More Pretenders”

Last week we learnt two important truths about 1 & 2 Kings.

That the book gives us a very selective account history … 400 years covered by 50,000 words.

That the original audience which Kings has in mind is the exiles in Babylon who have been there for about 30 years.

Then we started reading the book … only the first 4 verses … and we met Abishag who was helping to keep old king David warm.

It is pretty obvious that David is at the end of his life and everyone is wondering, now that the King is gone, who will be the King to replace him?

But there is a problem.

David was a good king, but he was a hopeless father.

Let’s start reading from 1 Kings 1:5-27

Read verses 5-6a

This is the hopeless father bit – his sons did many terrible things – David might have gotten angry, but he never chastised them.

They just thought they could do whatever they wanted.

Keep reading to verse 27

Story … taking a short-cut.

Very early in my driving career … went on a car rally.

No GPS … Ended up at a dead end.

David’s legacy is coming to an end. Adonijah decides to take a short-cut.

Note some points:-

Point 1

1) Amnon mother Ahinoam … he was killed by Absolom.

2) Kileab mother Abigail … no more known, dead?

3) Absolom mother Maacah … sister is Tamar … died by getting his hair caught in a tree

4) Adonijah mother is Haggith

At the moment Adonijah is the oldest, but being the oldest didn’t guarantee you were king

Normally God chooses the king.

Or it is affirmed by a prophet

Point 2

What kind of man seeks the throne before his father has died?

A very presumptuous man … one who lacks humility.

Jesus told a parable about such people (Luke 14:1-14)

Those who lead are the ones who are humble.

Adonijah forces himself upon the people, presuming he will have their trust.

Point 3

There are two teams taking shape – only certain people get invited.


Joab … a military man.

Abiathar the priest.


Benaiah … a military man.

Zadok … a priest.

David’s special guard … like the secret service.

Nathan the prophet.

=> avoiding the one who can speak the word of the Lord.

Point 4

Little details matter

He was very handsome

Kings Saul described like that

Absalom – tried to take the throne from David – described like that.

All good looking men people are doomed to fail!!


Don’t look on the outside, but look into the heart.

Stability comes when the heart of the King is for God.


To those who are in exile, they would be all nodding in agreement. So often the kings that came into place lacked humility etc.

So often they took a shortcut and they paid the price.

Because they wouldn’t listen to the prophets.

To us

Are we taking shortcuts because we are not listen to the prophets.

2 Peter 1:20-21.

20 Above all, you must understand that no prophecy of Scripture came about by the prophet’s own interpretation of things. 21 For prophecy never had its origin in the human will, but prophets, though human, spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.

Scripture is Prophecy.

Wouldn’t our lives be so much easier if we just listened?

Speak freely … so often our troubles are from our own doing.

God has to keep on fixing up the messes we make.

And for that to happen here King David needs to act like a king.


Frail weak David … cuddled up with Abishag.

All these issues of political intrigue are going on … no idea.

So Nathan and Bathsheba come up with a plan.

Bathsheba goes in.

In Hebrew all he says is “Mah-lak” … what to you.

Pooor David so old and cold.

But, then he hears that the kingdom is under treat … then we see the old David come out.

Let’s read what happens

1 Kings 1:28-53

Remember Israel is God’s chosen nation.

The old and cold David all of the sudden has all this life … God’s kingdom is under threat.


The original readers are in exile because they were stirred by the wrong things. Distracted by life. Chasing after foreign gods. Self absorbed and inward looking. They ended up in exile.

What about us?

What stirs us up?

What stirs us up?

A dip in our financial situation?

The cricket score?

The time it is taking for our car to be fixed at the mechanic.

Family and loved one.


Activated faith?


The needs of this world for Jesus

Do we sit too comfortably in our comfort zone?

expand … things that stir us up … what does that say about our focus?

David gets stirred up because God’s kingdom is under threat.

He makes sure the right man is put onto the throne.

Not a King that is forcing His will onto the people.

But one who allows the people to support him and acknowledge that he is the one.

There is such a contrast between Adonijah and Solomon

50 horses and chariots verses a donkey.

A party for a few chosen special guest verses a triumphal celebration encompassing most of Jerusalem.

The forceful demand for the throne, verses an invitation to take the throne.

A sneaky disposition verses a take charge attitude.

The kingdom thrives when the right King is on the throne.

That is a truth we really need to hold onto in our time and in our culture.

Talk freely about making sure that Jesus is on the throne for us

The kingdom thrives when the right King is on the throne.

Just to be sure Solomon understands his role David leaves Solomon with these words.

2 Kings 2:1-12

Read verses 1-4

reflect on this powerful promise and the sort of person Solomon needs to be.

Read verses 5-12

David’s wisdom watch out for the enemies and deal with them.

It all works out well in the end, but it nearly didn’t.

Which should make us very aware of the importance of the decisions we make.

One decision can make all the difference.

relationship decision … can wreck a marriage

career decision … too slack.

BUT also

taking a step to be vulnerable.

taking the step to stand up for your faith

Our decisions matter.

And the question we all should want to face as we think about these decisions is this.

Are we going to be pretenders … or are we going to be real?

The pretenders are the ones who take shortcuts.


- moral shortcuts.

- life-style shortcuts.

- spiritual shortcuts.

When we keep on that road we end up in exile.

Those who are real live each day in full reliance on Jesus.


- seeking forgiveness.

- praying for growth.

- actively working towards transformation.

It doesn’t mean getting it all right, but it is about working towards the future.

We don’t need more pretenders.

When Jesus, who is the Son of David, is our king … we can’t be satisfied being pretenders.

No more shortcuts.

No more pretending.

Let’s be real.
