Summary: Put together for Holy Week noon dinner on Wednesday. We are to forgive because He first forgave us.

Title: Forgive Them Even Though They Know What They Do.

Date: 4/12/17

Place: Holy Week Service

Text: Luke 23.34

CT: We are to forgive because he first forgave us.

FAS: Jesus went to the cross to make up for all the sins of all people. The sins of all people including me and every one of you. So when we think of Jesus on the cross we must realize that we put Him up there just the same as anyone in His own day did.

Jesus was interceding, taking our place between the wrath of God and us for our actions that deserve the judgment of the Holy God.

Jesus spoke his first words on the cross right after he was lifted up and it was certainly what know one was expecting this suffering, dying man to say.

So much had happened to this man since the night before.

-One of his closest disciples had betrayed him for money.

-He was arrested by temple soldiers.

-He was interrogated by Annas the high priest.

-He was tried on false evidence by the Jewish council.

-He was denied by his most vocal supporter, Peter. Not once but three times.

-He was beaten and flogged by the soldiers.

-Questioned by the Roman governor, Pontius Pilate and King Herod Antipas.

-Taken before Pilate again

-Whipped by some more Roman soldiers.

-Finally condemned by Pilate to be crucified at the insistence of the local people who had just been cheering him a few days before.

-Mocked by the soldiers and crowned with thorns that cut into his brow.

-Forced to carry his cross to the place of his execution.

-Stripped and completely expunged of any dignity.

-Nailed. I repeat nailed to a board.

-Lifted on a cross to hang from his nail pierced hands and feet until dead.

If you had been Jesus and you were looking down from the cross at those who had just schemed to have you murdered, and yes the ones who actually beat you and nailed you to the tree, what would you want to say to them?

I can’t imagine what I would be saying. Something I would not want repeated here today I’m sure.

What Jesus actually said was, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they are doing”.

I have always been blown away by the immense power of that statement. I can truly say I would not have felt that way about those people trying to kill me. But I am not Jesus. I am not God in the flesh. Jesus was.

The first thing Jesus says is to forgive the ones betraying Him. He wasn’t denying their part but he was saying they did not know what they were doing.

The Jews thought they were getting rid of a blasphemer. The Romans thought they were punishing a criminal. None of them knew they were committing the most horrific offense of putting the “Author of life” to death.

So Jesus just did what He did best. Even in this worst moment, Jesus interceded for sinners.

Jesus was a man who practiced what he had preached. He had said, “Love your enemies” and “Pray for those who persecute you”.

Jesus meant it and he still does.

He became the Lamb that took the sins of man away. No longer would the system of sacrifice of that time be needed. Jesus has been the one time sacrifice and the priest for us all. Even today.

As followers of Christ our goal is to be in the Holy presence of God. The place of all holiness and purity and light. What could make us worthy of being permitted into that presence? How good would I have to be?

How good would you have to be? Ever thought about that? What can I do to make myself good enough? I want to be good enough to get to be in God’s presence. I want to get to heaven cause only good people go to heaven. Right?

If I go to church every week, read my Bible every day, put enough money in the plate, stop cussing, avoid eating too much, be patient with my kids. Boy this list could go on and on of what I need to do if I want to be good enough.

Don’t believe I could do everything I would need to do. What if I can’t be good enough? What if I would fall short? I’m starting to worry about my chance of getting to be with God. Don’t believe I could ever do anything good enough to get there. Ever feel like that?

But wait, Jesus had something to say about this on the cross, right?

“Father forgive them for they know not what they do”.

He said this as his blood was flowing down. That same blood still flows today.

We sing of this in some of our old hymns don’t we?

There is a fountain filled with blood drawn from Emmanuel’s veins; and sinners plunged beneath that flood lose all their guilty stains.

To be honest we sing this not really envisioning what is taking place. Do we?

Jesus died a horrible death for me. We are talking about blood. We are talking about nails. The imagery of this song sounds like something from the walking dead. A dying, bleeding Savior.

Wow. That kind of says it all. Without that blood of Jesus from the cross we won’t get to God. It’s that simple.

Without the suffering and pain of Jesus our hope is gone.

But am I really any different from the ones who crucified Jesus. Actually they thought they were right in what they were doing. I have been privileged to grow up in a church family. I’ve gone to church. I read the Bible. Heck I became a preacher for some reason I still can’t even believe that sometimes.

Yet I know there are times, I know what to do to serve and honor God and I still fall short. When I fall short not only do I shame myself, but I dishonor the one who died on the cross for me.

Maybe you are like me. You try to follow Jesus. It is hard to do you know.

How many times have you known exactly what God wanted you to do and you didn’t do it?

Or maybe you knew the words he wanted you to say, but you stayed quiet. I’ve done that.

Or maybe you knew what God wanted you to give or give up, but you didn’t. You just kept doing what you want, when you want, with whom you want not caring what God thought.

Or how many times have you known something was wrong to do but you did it anyway.

Or how many times did you say something hurtful to someone and you knew you shouldn’t.

Or maybe there are places you shouldn’t go, but you do.

So many times it isn’t that we don’t know better we just don’t have the passion in our heart to do what’s right.

Jesus says in Luke 9.23, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me.” Whew

None of us could keep that up. Jesus knew this. That is why he made the way for us.

He knew that we could never be good enough to get to God.

It isn’t good people that get to be with God…to go to heaven. ????

It is forgiven people who get to be with God.

Forgiven people will get to heaven.

The thing is Jesus gives us grace upon grace. Does this mean we don’t need to worry and just keep sinning?

Of course not. Why would we go against a God who is so giving and forgiving towards us?

Jesus knew what he was doing when he said of those who were crucifying him, “Forgive them for they know not what they are doing”.

But the thing is, Jesus is still saying this in intercession for us today.

Today Jesus says it just a little different though, “Father forgive them even though they do know what they are doing”.

Puts a new twist on things doesn’t it.

There’s nothing we can do to earn God’s forgiveness. But when we receive it freely we do have a responsibility.

We have to forgive others as well.

Matthew 6.14-15 Jesus says, For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.

Let us as we go through this holy week remember the cross and what it means to us. Remember the forgiveness that we can only receive through our Risen Savior Jesus Christ. I emphasize our Risen Savior Jesus Christ.

And also let us extend this same forgiveness to our fellow travelers on this earth.

Love God Love People


Furtick, Steven. Seven-mile miracle: journey into the presence of God through the last words of Jesus. CO Springs, CO: Multnomah, 2017. Print. Chapter on Forgiveness