Summary: Paul's strategy of outreach from Corinth after leaving Athens

Text: Acts 18:1-19:10, Title: Branching Out, Date/Place: 9.17.17, The Road, AM

A. Opening illustration: IMB changing strategies to where the missionary facilitates people group adoption

B. Background to passage: Paul had just left Athens after his address on Mars Hill regarding the Unknown God, possibly with some Athenians with his team now. We see throughout this chapter continued passionate zeal for the name of Christ to become known and worshipped more and more. His mission was the great commission, and he did all to accomplish it. I can’t tell if it is because this is such a large text to handle, or if Luke is truly demonstrating his urgency in moving from place to place. This text does cover at least four years, but only goes into details in particular cities once or twice. I think Paul may have realized, maybe in hindsight, the multiplying effect of his split with Barnabas, or maybe he was simply provided the right people in this season to demonstrate his methodology for disciple-making and regional evangelism.

C. Main thought: I want to draw out three aspects of Paul’s strategy

A. Personal Evangelism (v. 4, 19, 26, 8)

1. As his pattern most commonly was, Paul began in the synagogue after entering Corinth. There were times of proclamation, but what we see increasingly, and consistently in this text is “reasoning.” The difference here is more like discussion. This word reflects an exchanging of opinions. Sounds a little like life. Whether it was with a synagogue, or a school, or on Mars Hill, or with a family, he was just discussing Jesus with others, convincing them that he was God in the flesh having come to save the world. There was not a “canned” memorized gospel presentation. He was not going door to door. He wasn’t confrontational in his presentation, although at times he was firm and unyielding.

2. Argumentation

3. Illustration: Judy Calsing, Jewish Evangelism class in seminary, Geisler’s first few weeks as a believer, “Two ways to inspire: extrinsic, or "do this because you should, because of the consequences if you don't, etc." That's biblical. Like the Decalogue. Another is intrinsic, "do this because it's beautiful, you were born for this, it's a movement." That's also biblical. Like the Great Commission. I prefer the latter but sometimes need the former. Be open to either.” -Alvin Reid

4. Most of us here about personal evangelism, and we start to wiggle in our seats. We all feel like we don’t do enough of it. We feel uneasy about engaging in what we think it to be. We have pictures, maybe misconceptions about what it looks like. Or we look at accounts like these, and think, Paul was one of the greatest missionaries and evangelists ever, so God would be unrealistic to require this of “regular” Christians. We see a picture here of a man with a good grasp of scripture and what it teaches telling others about it. Sounds simple, right? Can you talk to others about Jesus? Do you know enough scripture to share with people the way to Christ? Don’t sell yourself short. You do have the capacity. You are not too young, too old, too long a Christian, not long enough a Christian. School has our 13-year-olds doing algebra and languages, most of our jobs include training and continuing education, ability is not the issue. If confidence is the issue, remember that you have the Holy Spirit indwelling you, who is promised to give you the words to say when you need them. If it is fear, know that spirit is not been given from God, and greater is He that his in you. The gospel destroys fear through love in that through love of God’s glory and his image-bearers, Christ endured the cross, despising the shame. Know that there are many more sheep out there that the Captain and Author of salvation laid down his life for, and commissioned us to go tell. “You were born for this. God hardwired you—yes, you—for this. I'm talking about sharing Jesus with others. What if I told you evangelism is less about delivering a polished presentation and more about having a real conversation? What if I told you that God has created you to bring glory to himself by sharing Jesus with others, and that you don’t need years of training to obey what he already made you to do? God created you for his glory to advance his gospel with the gifts, talents, and opportunities he gave you. You live at this time in history for a purpose bigger than yourself. In these pages you will read how to connect the gospel story with your story, and how to talk about that story in normal conversations with people you know. No gimmicks. Nothing clever. No need to freak out. Just you, Jesus, and others—in conversations that matter.” -Sharing Jesus Without Freaking Out. We can also begin with Creation to Christ. The point is, we can, we must, we should want to because it’s beautiful, the greatest thing in the world, and the only hope for the starving soul bound for an eternity without God.

B. Discipling Disciple-Makers (v. 2, 5, 24, 9-10)

1. There is a law of logic called the law of non-contradiction. It says that two things cannot be simultaneously true in the same sense at the same time. It’s a good application for evangelism, but it also relates to Paul’s presence. He knows he can’t be everywhere at the same time in the same way, so he must start multiplying himself. In this text, it truly becomes more evident. We can’t say whether this was intentional or simply because God placed in his path people ready to be sent, but it happened. Recount Aquilla/Pricilla, Apollos, Timothy, 12 men in Ephesus. Note that disciples make other disciples. Paul made Aquilla and Pricilla and left them in Ephesus. They made Apollos, and he desired to go to Corinth. Upon Paul’s return, he took 12 men and over two years, spread the Word of Christ to all of Asia.

2. 2 Tim 2:2

3. Illustration: "You know when I started out, we agreed to do this just to get the "Preacher" off our backs and on to someone else. We figured we could get the hour down to about 30 minutes a meeting. Do our time and get it over with. BOY was I wrong. One hour is not really enough. I did not know I had such a desire and such hunger for God’s word until now. My whole life has changed. I only wish I would have had someone to direct me to a Triad the day after I got saved. Instead I started my walk in Christ alone. I struggled for a long time because I did not understand a lot or how to get started. Because you didn't give up and talked me into doing the Triad, I have so much to be thankful for. Because of the Triad I no longer look at my pastor and my friend in the same manner. I look at them as close friends in Christ. Someone who will be there if I ever need to be picked up. Someone I can have a lot of confidence and trust in. True brothers in Christ. I have learned and grown so much in my relationship. My wife will tell you I am not a reader, but this is one book I cannot put down. I am in it almost every day. I'm even excited about starting it over from the front with a new group just to get to go back through the book again. I feel like you can ask the hidden questions that you hide in the back of your mind and together figure out the answer without being embarrassed or looked at funny because you didn't already know the answer. It may be different with the others, but I have been truly blessed. Finally, you come away feeling like, now you are being equipped to make disciples as God has called us to do. Proverbs 27:17 ...... Iron sharpens Iron, and one man sharpens another." -Marvin Young

4. Again, some of us come from church backgrounds where this was delegated to Sunday mornings/evenings, or DT, or various studies. None of these are bad. The question that we must ask upon any “program” or method or practice is: are disciples being made. We should not be so married to the aforementioned that we are not willing to evaluate, revamp, change, or relinquish, if it is not making disciples. Jesus’ command was simple and clear, is what we are doing at The Road doing it. Another component that we mentioned was multiplication, not simply addition. Are your disciples making more disciples? That is our goal and standard, and hopefully our desire. If not, plead with Christ to change your desire, and your determination.

C. Strengthening Churches (v. 23, 1)

1. Never finished this point, sorry

2. Argumentation

3. Illustration:

4. Application