  • Jason Jones

    Contributing sermons since Jan 4, 2007
Jason's church

Jason Jones
LaGrange, Georgia 30240
(706) 8822545

About Jason
  • Education: Undergrad in Wildlife and Fisheries Science from UT Knoxville Master of Div from Southeastern Bap Theological Seminary
  • Experience: 2002-2006 - Church-planter with NAMB in Maine for four years 2006-2013 - Pastor, New River Baptist Church, for seven years in Tifton, GA 2013-2016 - Associational Missionary for the Mell Baptist Association in Tifton, GA 2016-2017 - Church-planter, The Road Church, Tifton, GA 2 years 2017- present - Western Heights Baptist Church, LaGrange, GA
  • Family: I have been married to Erika since 2000, and have three children, Mackenzie, Kaitlann, and Knox
  • Best advice given to me about preaching: Stick to the Word, say it just as God said it
  • Books that have had an impact: Radical Together-David Platt When I Don’t Desire God - John Piper Pursuing God - A W Tozer Changed Into His Image - Jim Berg Total Church by Chester and Timmis
  • Hobbies: Hunting, fishing, reading
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Newest Sermons

  • Wolves And Lions Going Vegan

    Contributed on Jun 10, 2024

    I want God to expand our minds on what the New Earth will be like as in union with Christ the new heaven and earth become one.

    Background to passage: Closing two chapters of Isaiah, an end for the book which reflects the biblical timeline itself. From 39 on, the testimony of the coming messiah is much clearer, and it is mingled with justice and mercy. Finally, now toward the end of the book, but like Revelation, we get to more

  • Our Life In Heaven

    Contributed on Jun 10, 2024

    what will our lives be like in heaven

    Background to passage: Rev 4-5 are chapters of praise to God and Jesus respectively that culminate with angels, living creatures, saints, and elders praising the Lord for redemption because he is the lamb that was slain before the foundations of the world. He was also is proclaimed as the only one more

  • Two Heavens And Two Earths?

    Contributed on Jun 10, 2024

    This morning I want to cover three misconceptions and three foundations for our study, then a final comparison

    Background to passage: Beginning our new summer series on Heaven. Some of the material will be based on Randy Alcorn’s study called Heaven if you are interested in further reading. One of his opening hypotheses is that the subject of heaven is rarely and only casually dealt with in church life, more

  • All Other Duties As Assigned

    Contributed on Jun 10, 2024

    This morning we will set aside one to serve as a deacon. This is a pattern for the church and an example for each to follow.

    Background to passage: Church is growing. Pentecost 3000 people got saved. Healed a lame man and preached the gospel, and the number of men was up to 5000 (plus women and young people). They were brought before the Sanhedrin twice, threatened, jailed, beaten, and given an ultimatum, preached the more

  • Our Turning Point

    Contributed on Jun 10, 2024

    We must determine what our commitment will be financially in a time of scarcity in view of the ministry we seek to have.

    Background to passage: The Corinthian church had been corrected for disunity, pride, immorality, suing each other, their understanding of marriage, their understanding of love, their understanding of spiritual gifts, and their understanding of the resurrection. There was also a “severe letter” that more

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