Summary: 19th in a series on the wonder of God as our loving Father. This message continues the discussion of heaven as our inheritance.

“The Reward & Inheritance Factor -- Heaven” Pt 5

(The Fatherhood of God Message 19)

X. The Reward and Inheritance Factor

We inherit our Dad’s riches and resources





Rev 21& 22

1. The physical aspects of life on the new earth

a) General Observations

There are a few things to establish that will open our Biblically directed minds and imaginations to a whole new way of thinking. The new heaven and earth is a literal physical place. The New Jerusalem, Zion, the Holy City will come “down” and take its permanent place on the physically renewed Earth under the physically renewed Heavens. Our eternal destiny is not some unfamiliar immaterial dimension where we float around in immaterial bodies in an immaterial universe doing unfamiliar activities in a world where time and space no longer exist.

The very nature of the word “world” demands a space dimension. If you have space you have to have time. The culmination of God’s eternal plan includes resurrected lives in a resurrected body on a resurrected earth engaging in resurrected relationships enjoying a resurrected home and culture with the resurrected Jesus employing resurrected gifting for the glory of God.

It will be a time when EVERYONE perfectly fulfills the admonition to glorify God in EVEYTHING.

Whether, then, you eat or drink or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God. 1 Corinthians 10:31

The present heaven is only the temporary transportation terminal awaiting our ultimate journey home.

Note: See heaven perception chart at the end of notes.


Revelation reveals a number of physical characteristics will find on the Renewed Earth by its description of the New Jerusalem which comes “down” out of heaven and permanently locates on the Renewed Earth. This is the eternal capital city, Zion the City of God located on a renewed and restored earth. It is where God has chosen to eternally dwell among men. (Mentioned 15 times in Rev 21-22)

John describes a city of great beauty. He describes a city with measurable dimensions.

He catalogs many recognizable elements: trees, rivers, streets, throne, fruit trees, people, angels, jewels, stones, gates, walls, lights. We might expect the same characteristics of cities on earth; people; activity, education, arts, culture, government, social events, homes, buildings, shops, roads, eating places. All this without pollution, crime, greed, selfish ambition, prostitution, McDonalds, garbage, trash, decay, dilapidation.

An angel measures its size. Why discuss measurement if the city has no actual physical significance? The angel measures a city of 1,400 miles in length, width, and height. A city of this size dropped in the middle of the United Sates would reach from Canada to Mexico and from the Appalachian Mountains to the California border. This calculates into about two million square miles. If you consider the height aspect, the city could contain some 600,000 twelve foot stories. Obviously the capital city has plenty of room for God's people. Jesus' description of his father's house containing many “rooms” triggers some interesting thoughts in light of the enormity of this city. John describes both architecture and natural wonders. A river of crystal clear water flows from the throne. Where there are rivers, you also must have lakes and oceans.

Lining the banks of the river are the trees of life. It is like a natural park. Since the tree of life is described being on both sides of the river it is logical to assume that there is more than one tree.

The trees of life bear a different fruit every month and its leaves provide healing for the nations.

It is easy to think of the tree of life in spiritual terms when in reality it may actually have physiological significance. The fruit and leaves from these trees may actually have physically regenerative and life-sustaining properties. What other reason would God have to keep man from eating that particular fruit from the garden? We will continually be dependent on the life-sustaining provision of God through eternity.

There are most likely other natural wonders. John was taken to a “high mountain”. Perhaps we will see waterfalls that outshine Niagara Falls or new and exotic plants and flowers our Mountains that tower over Mount Everest. With our renewed bodies perhaps we will be able to see dimensions of flowers and plants and animals we never saw before. Familiar yet new.

God’s original creation was perfect. He planted the original garden in which Adam and Eve walked. Why not restore the earth back to its original perfection? The capital city contains both elements of nature and architecture. John describes a 300 foot walls delineating the city of God.

The walls seemed to be inlaid with 12 varieties of precious stones. The streets themselves are made of pure gold almost transparent. There are 12 gates entering the city made of material from a single pearl.

The most striking feature is the manifestation of God's presence which illuminates the whole city. The Bible does not say that there is no sound it just says that there will be no need for sun or moon for illumination. It would be like the relevancy of a desk lamp after the sun has come and fully illuminated the room. We'll talk more about the relationship with God on the new earth later. This will be a city of great beauty because its architect is God himself. (Heb 11:8-10)

Just as God planted a garden of great beauty in Eden he will plant a city of great beauty in Jerusalem.

Listen to God’s promise of restored Eden.

Isaiah 51:3


Ezekiel 36:35 Isaiah 35:1-3 Isaiah 55:12-13

It seems that there will be renewal throughout the whole earth. The earth will no longer be subject to sin’s fury and futility. Creation was currently groans awaiting its redemption at the revealing of God’s kids. No weeds, pollution, poison, pestilence, arid places, desolation, or uninhabitable land. We may be able to travel to familiar places and find them restored and renewed to even greater glory. All creation will perfectly function as God originally intended.

There will be those who come to the capital city by way of ship to present their latest treasures.

Exploration, travel, discovery, wonder.

If Scripture mentions some animals it is safe to assume that God will include others as well.

If the perfect first Eden included a multitude and variety of creatures, why not the Renewed Earth? Perhaps God may resurrect a favorite pet. There will no longer be any animosity and fear between man and animal.

Think of the most beautiful and glorious sights of creation you have encountered on this earth.

Waterfalls, rivers, oceans, plants, animals, majestic mountains, stately trees, fruits, vegetables, gardens, landscapes, seascapes, lakes, ponds, streams…

Just think of the even greater possibilities on the Restored and Renewed Earth.


Perhaps the current desolate planets will be renewed to a never seen beauty. Perhaps they will be changed or we will be changed to not only survive but thrive in those places created by God.

One interesting passage in Revelation perhaps indicates a new relation to the universe.

Revelation 2:26-29

The “morning star” refers to Venus. Will we be given different planets to manage as reward for faithfulness? Will other stars be awarded to His children to manage and cultivate?

Perhaps we will be able to stargaze from the moon. Maybe we will be able to transport to different galaxies. With everlasting life, the exploration possibilities are endless.

Why would God create such a vast universe if He never intended His most priceless creation to explore it and appreciate? It a sunset engages our senses and directs our heart toward the Majestic Creator, what about standing on the edge of a black hole or circling the Milky Way?


From the beginning God created us as to include both a material and immaterial dimension.

These are so interlinked that it is impossible to separate them. In fact, the separation is excruciating because it was never God’s intent for it to happen. The reunification of the immaterial and material has been an expectation since the time of Job. Job 19:25-27

Jesus promised that the thief would be with Him in Paradise and yet spoke of a future resurrection. John 6:38-40

Paul encouraged holy living in light of our citizenship in the renewed heaven.

Philippians 3:17-21

Much of who we are as individuals comes physiologically coded in our DNA. That coding remains, even after death. God will resurrect our bodies at the resurrection. It will be a resurrection with similarities to the resurrected body of Jesus. He retained His identity, gender, even certain physical scars. He was the same, yet radically different. It was immortal, incorruptible. He is called the first born from the death. He is the first among many yet to come to sport a resurrected body.

There are many Biblically unanswerable questions but some are addressed in the Bible.

Christ was not just raised spiritually. God raised His physical body. We call the bodily resurrection of Christ. Jesus called His disciples attention to it and challenged them to touch it.

He assured them He was not a ghost but consisted of flesh and bones. He still carried David’s DNA. God will also reunite our immaterial body with our physical body. We will eat and perhaps sleep. We will touch, taste, smell, hear and see perhaps in a heightened capacity.

See new colors; hear new sounds, feel new textures, smell new smell.

Paul described this glorious event. 1 Corinthians 15:50-58

No sickness, disease, deformities, aging, fatigue, pain, or physical malfunctions. Not mental or emotional breakdowns or senior moments. No chemical imbalance

Perfect function – Perfect health. Every member of our body will function at full capacity in absolute unity. This life is only the beginning. Your current life has impact in the next.

Your current toil has eternal significance so keep abounding in Kingdom work!


Psalms 24:7-10

Following chart from Randy Alcorn’s book “Heaven”


Non-earth New earth

Unfamiliar, otherworldly Familiar, earthly

Disembodied Resurrected "embodied"

Foreign Home (all the comforts of home)

Leaving favorite things behind Retaining the good; finding the best ahead

No time and space Time and space

Static, fixed Dynamic, changing and developing

Neither old nor new and earthly; just strange Both old and new

Nothing to do; floating on the clouds A God to worship and serve; the universe to rule; purposeful work to accomplish; friends to enjoy

No learning or discovery; instant and complete knowledge An eternity of learning and discovery

Boring Fascinating and exciting

Loss of desire Continuous fulfillment of desire

Absence of the terrible but presence of little we desire Presence of the wonderful everything we desire and nothing we don't