Summary: Message 21 in our journey through Nehemiah. This message summarizes many of the principles of leadership and church growth picked up along the way. The message was presented as a letter from Nehemiah to our church.



Paul warns the people in the church at Corinth to be care how they build upon the foundation laid by Christ and the Apostles. Not all kingdom building results in glory to God. We must continually be careful to build according to the divinely designed blueprints and build with divinely endorsed building materials and methods. A sense of caution is developed by continual exposure to the written Word of God and the examples of those who have applied the Word of God.

We at Chico have a desire to be on the front lines of kingdom building. If we are to be on the front lines we must be all the more cautious in our materials and methods and direction. Success must be measured in relation to faithfulness to the blueprint. A church could be considered faithful in the eyes of the world but totally miss the purpose for which God has left the church here in the first place. As we look at models, it is important to seek after those who have demonstrated faithfulness and realized the fruit of that faithfulness. It has been apparent from reading his journal that Nehemiah is one such prominent model of kingdom building.

If he were alive today, it would be of great benefit to correspond concerning what advice he might pass on to us concerning Chico Alliance Church.

Dear Nehemiah,

We at Chico Alliance Church in Bremerton, Washington United States of America have greatly appreciated reading the account of your administration and leadership as governor of Jerusalem. We praise God for the fruit of your labor for the Kingdom of God and your deep commitment, your penetrating passion for the hurts of others, your patience and persistence, your diligence and life of prayer. You have been an inspiration of servanthood by your humility and personal sacrifice. thank you for your deep commitment to god and His righteousness. You have truly been and example of one who sought first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness.

It is because of your experience and faithfulness that we write to you today for some advice concerning how we can be better kingdom builders in our time our place in this world. From your experience, what would you consider as the most important principles for us to consider for our church family?

Dear Pastor and members or Chico Alliance Church,

Thank you for your encouraging letter. Any accomplishments that I have achieved on this earth are a direct result of God's work in response to our obedience to His direction. What advice I might offer can call be found in my journal which God has so graciously seen fit to edit by His Spirit and record for you to read. Perhaps I could highlight just a few nuggets from my notebook that I feel are essential principles in building the Kingdom of God.

1. Develop a passion to bear burdens -- FEEL

When I became aware of the burden of God's people he wept and mourned for days. Be alert to the hurts and burdens of others. Allow God to ignite the fire of compassion in you that longs to relieve pain and suffering through the truth and power of Christ. Remember, any plan to build people must begin with a passion to bear the burdens of those people.

We at Chico must be sure our goals are well defined. Are we here to increase the number of people, or are we here to increase personal awareness of God's life changing, freedom imparting truth? When was the last time we cried concerning the awful bondage that has imprisoned many of our fellow saints. Most of the time we are not even aware of the burdens let alone weep over them. And when we are aware of them, we become self-righteous, critical and harmful rather than compassionate, understanding and helpful. Ministries that develop here at Chico Alliance must be aimed at applying the healing message of Christ's truth to the bondage from satan's lies. We must not be afraid to FEEL. Without feeling there is no healing.


Lord, I confess that I am often so focused on my own troubles that I am not aware of the pain that others bear. I am sometimes callous to the struggles and hurts in others that have caused them to act the way they do. Give me compassion for others as Christ had compassion on others in spite of their sinfulness. As a church may you stir within us a divine drive to reach out and touch with your love and offer your healing hand.

2. Never neglect persistent and passionate prayer -- PRAY AND FAST

When I heard the condition of my brothers in Jerusalem I knew that the only source of help was God's supernatural move on their behalf.So I went immediately to prayer and spent some time fasting. I spent about four months in intensive prayer for God to work and bring relief to the pain of my brothers. Prayer must always be the first course of action.

Friends, Jesus encouraged us in Luke 11 to keep on asking and we would receive, keep on seeking and we would find, keep to knocking and the door would be opened. He taught that men should always pray and not give up.

Abraham kept interceding for Sodom

Elijah kept praying for it to rain. what if He had stopped at 6?

Moses kept interceding for the Israelites against the Amalekites and the battle was affected every time he quit.

We cannot stop preparing soil and planting through prayer or there will be no harvest next year. We are reaping a early commitment to pray from last year. Early 1990 we had 35 turn out for a 4 hour prayer time and a continual commitment to 1 hour on Sunday evenings. What about 1991? Week before last we had six including myself turn out for a 2 hour prayer time and fewer and fewer committed to pray together on Sunday evening or Wednesday. What will we find at the harvest next year when the soil is hard and the planing was sparse?


Lord, I ask as did Samuel, may I not sin against You by failing to pray for others. I confess my prayerlessness. I confess my lack of desire to pray. I confess my neglect as sin. I confess my doubts as to the value of my prayers. I confess that I value other methods more highly and more important than the practice of prayer. Without your work in my heart, I will continue to lead a life of limited prayer. Stir within me and within us as a church the desire to make prayer without ceasing a reality in our life as we with all prayer and petitions pray at all times for all the saints.

3. Plan faithfully in the present while waiting on God to move mightily in the future -- PLAN AND WAIT

When I heard the news, I wanted to abandon my responsibilities as cup bearer to the king and pursue my high calling to relive the suffering of God's people. Yet in my initial times of prayer I knew that God work only in His timing. So I thought through plans, and waited on God for papers. Then one day the king asked why I was sad (even though I had tried not to show it in his presence). I shot up a quick prayer to the Lord and sensed the go ahead to tell him the reason for my heaviness. Well God gave compassion before the king and he asked what I wanted. Because I had not been idle while waiting I was ready to tell the king just what was needed. God granted through the king everything needed to carry out the repairs in Jerusalem. It always pays to wait on Him!

Sometimes we get in an all fired hurry to rush off and offer advice before we ever get a specific direction from the Lord as to where and what He wants us to do. Until I have spent a significant amount of time in prayer and meditation and listening, I should not attempt to dive into or onto anyone's life. When I learn to wait upon the Lord, He not only gives me strength but also direction and resources that I would otherwise be unavailable. This principle goes for a major move, witnessing, confronting, rescuing, encouraging. While I am waiting I must remain faithful to the responsibilities God has given me to do.


Lord, I always seem to be in such a hurry to see things happen. I acknowledge that whenever I rush on ahead of you that things rarely work out right. Teach me that in quietness and trust is my strength. Help me to have the patience to wait on you to prepare soil and generate the necessary resources before I charge into any situation.

4. Encourage and enlist full participation of each individual member at their God-given place around the wall.


We could have never finished the monumental task of repairing and replacing 6 or so miles of wall unless we had all worked together. It is vital that each person be enlisted to do their part along the wall. Each one has particular skills and talents that are vital to the success of the project.

There are many New Testament passages that would affirm this principle. Ephesians reveals that growth within the body occurs by the individual working of each individual part. When everyone works together according to their individual gifts and experience and skills, the body is built much faster and is stronger and more stable because the work does not rest on one or two particular people.


Father, I know that it is easy to let someone else do the work. I confess that I am tired and feel that I have already done my part. Yet I realize that you do have a place for me in the ministry of this church. Please forgive my reluctance and reveal where you would have me serve you. Don't let me neglect the gift that you have given but to stir it up into faithfulness to you and benefit to the family.

5. Maintain a heart for the work -- WORK HARD

The people of Israel were able to keep going on the project in spite of ridicule from some influential people because they had a heart for the work. This heart enabled them to get the project half way completed and to press on to do the next half.

Have we lost our heart for the work? Has serving and working in the church become "old hat"? Have you lost your desire to work because you are no longer convinced that what you do makes any difference? Paul said in Romans 1, "I am not ashamed of the Gospel for is the power of God for salvation to EVERYONE who believes." Are we convinced that the Gospel really holds the answers to all of life or is it for us just the preferred system among many possibilities. Our heart for the work comes from our faith in the power of what we do to make any difference in our world. Sometimes we are less than convinced. Paul was convinced however that He is able to keep that which Paul did and bring fruit in the day of Christ.


O Lord we believe, help our unbelief. We long to see the power of your gospel demonstrated first in our own lives and then through us to a would that is in such desperate need of the truth. Give us a heart to seek you. Give us a heart that burns with your life and enables us to mount up with wings as eagles, to run and not get tired, to walk and not faint.

6. Pray and press on through opposition -- PERSEVERE IN BATTLE

Did we have opposition. Most of our opposition came from the unholy trinity Sanballat, Tobiah and Geshem. They fabricated false accusations. They mocked and ridiculed. They intimidated with physical harm. They continually tried to discourage and frighten. They transmitted rumors. They tried to divert our direction away from the goal. The only way to combat these attacks is to keep consistent in prayer and press on in the task God has called you to do.

Be clear on your position.

Entrust yourselves to God's capable care.

Center on the truth.

Have we at Chico pulled back or stopped pressing on because of meeting some opposition? God makes it clear that we must forget the things behind and press on to the high call of knowing and living Christ in spite of living in a painful godless world. Through prayer and fixation on the author and perfecter of faith we can run the race set before us and win.


Father, help me to lay aside every sin and encumbrance that seems to so easily trip me up and to run with patience and perseverance the race that has been set before me, looking to Jesus the Author and perfecter of faith. As your servant Paul, may I labor to present every man complete in Christ, striving according to Your power which mightily works within me.

7. Be continually alert to danger balancing battling and building -- WATCH AND WAR

The only way I could beat the continually intimidation of Sanballat and company and get anything accomplished was to develop in the people an continual alertness. I encouraged them to do several things.

First learn to protect the family.

Second focus on the awesomeness of our God.

Third Foster the work.

Formulate a "911" System.

Because we kept on alert, we were able to continue on with the work and see the fruit of our labors.

Peter made it very clear that we are to be continually alert, for our enemy goes about like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour. These are experienced being faced by our brethren all around the world. We must be alert, we must learn what it means to be armed for warfare lest we be caught by surprise by the enemy. We must not get tricked into fighting the wrong enemy. Our battle is not against flesh and blood. Be alert, not whistling while we work but battling while we work.


Thank you Father that the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses and every lofty lie raised up against the knowledge of Christ. Enable us to be alert and to bring every thought into captivity to the truth and obedience of Christ. Help us to be armed with your armor so that we may learn to stand against all the destructive schemes of the devil and to raise our shield against his fiery darts. Help me not to be ignorant of Satan's schemes but to be alert and sober so as to resist the devil with the sword of the Spirit and persevering prayer.

8. Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit -- SERVE ONE ANOTHER

We not only had to deal with Sanballat and company but the people began to mistreat one another and take advantage of one another and the difficult situation we were facing. Instead of rallying together and supporting one another, the rich were selfishly exploiting the poor. That selfish atmosphere effectively stopped all work on the wall. Thank god that after a heated confrontation and the fact that I as governor had not exploited the people, the exploitation stopped and the work resumed.

It is much easier to manipulate others to serve my needs than to sacrifice to truly ministry to the needs of others. Part of our church purpose is to learn to "touch people effectively." What does that mean? How are we doing?

Are we more interested in building personal little kingdoms that bring us "honor" or are we committed to building the kingdom and serving? Jesus Said, that he who would be great, must serve for Christ Himself did not come to be served but to serve and give His life a ransom for many.


Gracious Father and Lord. Thank you for allowing Jesus to become an obedient servant not only as an example for us but as a substitute sacrifice for our wretchedness. Teach us how to truly love one another with the love that you have shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us. Teach us to accept one another where they are with no demands for performance or payment. As we encounter needs and hurts in others, help us to give of ourselves and sacrifice for the sake of others because that is the Christ way.

9. Avoid distraction by keep a clear focus -- FOCUS ON THE GOAL

It is so easy to get sidetracked when the newness of a project wears off. Sanballat had tried to get me to leave the work in order to come and chat with them. I was able to keep going by focusing on the priority at hand. I simply told them I could not participate because I was involved in "a great work." As persistent as they were, it was my commitment to the task and prayer for strength that enabled me to keep going.

Do we at Chico have a good grasp of our goal? What are we trying to do? Do you have and personal goals for this coming year? Whenever we do not have a clear direction and a commitment to a specific goal we will be easily distracted by the "urgent." Subsequently the "important" never gets accomplished.


Lord. You are a planning God. Help me to be organized in my life around your priorities and the things that are important. May I do more than sing "Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God and His righteousness. Help me to make best use of what time I have especially as that day of your return draws near. Help me to number my days that I may present to you a heart of wisdom, that I may not shrink away in shame at your coming but rejoice and exalt in the glory of God.

10. Enlist Godly leaders who have proven faithful and who fear God more than many -- ENLIST LEADERSHIP

We could not afford to place the task of protection and purity in the hands of those who were not of the best character. Thus I enlisted governors who had proven faithful over the long haul and who had a fear of God that surpasses that of the majority.

It is vital that we pray for our leadership and support our leadership. We need those who have a record of faithfulness and those whose core is a healthy fear of God.


Great Shepherd, you alone are our supreme leader. We do desire that your fill our leaders at Chico with your Holy Spirit that they may be one and lead us toward you. Where we lack leadership, bring to us those who can fill in the gaps.

11. Continually cultivate and atmosphere for revival -- RENEW CONTINUALLY

Revival does not spring out of a vacuum. Revival grows out of specially treated and cultivated soil. Ultimately God alone can pour out genuine revival in the hearts of men but we can cultivate the soil from which that revival will spring. I encouraged the people to participate in the disciplines in which revival flourishes.

Recruit leaders

Rally together

Read together

Rejoice together

Reflect together

Resolve together

Our commitments centered around four basic areas.

We committed to a life of discipline

We committed to a life of distinctiveness

We committed to a life of devotion to God

We committed to a life of dedication of our resources

These things have to be the focus of your life together as a people if you would realize fruit for the kingdom of God.


Lord, help us to be truly committed people. Help us to continually seek your face in all that we do. Keep us faithful.

12. Avoid falling back by accountability -- BE CONSISTENT / FAITHFUL

It was a grave disappointment for me to return to Jerusalem and find that the people had fallen away from all of the commitments they had sworn before God and each other to uphold. It is difficult without accountability to keep moving ahead in one's walk with the Lord. We either move ahead or we are falling back. Three things will aid your consistency.

Exhort one another daily in love.

Submit to leadership as those who will give account for your souls.

Develop relationships that come close enough to confront.

Today's modern church has broken it's bones falling off either end of the truth of accountability or exhortation. We have either ignored the practice all together or indiscriminately and unwisely blasted members of the body without regard of past pain or reasons for behavior. We can neither ignore nor pervert such a vital practice prescribed daily for the church.


Father, we have become so hardened and callous to the things that are in actuality hurting us. Like the Laodocians we are blind and naked and don't even know it. Help us to respond to Your loving discipline through the things of the earth and through the truth spoken in love through other members of the body.

Dear members of Chico Alliance, fellow laborers for the Kingdom. I hope highlighting these twelve nuggets from my notebook have been of some benefit. It is my prayer that you will be able to get a grip on the principles and catch a vision for what God can do when we take the time to listen for His direction and do things His way.

We were able to complete the walls in fifty-two days in spite of intense opposition. All through my days as governor in Jerusalem my prayer was that God remember me for my faithfulness and dedication. I can say that God has remembered me and even has seen fit to allow my journal to be passed to you. You would do well to refer to it often in your journey to be God's people in a fallen world. I look forward to the day that we can share together the matchless grace and kindness of our awesome God.

From a heavenly perspective,
