Summary: In conversations with people there is one thing I hear too often, and that is: “Boy, the Church sure is in a sad state these days.” When I read the scriptures I sense that I am truly reading about God’s grace. Grace is God’s gift to us. Grace is, then,

Rom. 11.1-2a, 29-32; Matt. 15:21-28

I. Opening

A. In conversations with people there is one thing I hear too often, and that is: “Boy, the Church sure is in a sad state these days.”

B. Saddens me because the church has had such an incredible affect on me.

C. Why?

1. Jesus shows grace and mercy to people throughout the Gospels, forgiving people, healing people, even those who may be considered unworthy of such gifts.

2. People calling themselves Christians have shown the world so little of the grace of God shown through Jesus which has been so freely given.

3. Phillip Yancey, "What’s So Amazing About Grace" = he calls the world’s actions “ungrace”

D. There are so many examples of God’s grace throughout the Bible.

1. If I could just follow them and take more heed to the subtleties of them,

2. take heed to the unconditional love shown in them,

3. and show some humility in the face of my own shortfalls,

4. couldn’t I then show less “ungrace” to those with whom I come into contact, and offer them more of the grace (the free gift of love) that God shows me every day.

II. Grace Under Fire

A. Story in Phillip Yancey’s book

1. Friend working with “down-and-out” in Chicago

2. Hungry, homeless, and sick Prostitute comes to see him

3. Tells about “renting” 2-year old daughter out to men who are interested in kinky sex.

4. Knows its wrong but had no choice, more for daughter in one hour than her all night (starving, had to buy food)

5. Yancey’s friend stunned and speechless (legal obligation to report any instances of child abuse)


7. Finally asks if she had thought of going to a church for help.

8. Face contorts, “Church? Why would I go there? I am already feeling terrible about myself! They’d just make me feel worse!”

B. Saddens me most: her reaction to the church, her reaction to us! (judgment and damnation).

1. Not the love Jesus taught, she knew it was wrong.

2. If she felt slightest bit welcome here, in God’s Church, among God’s people, she may never have resorted to renting her 2 year old child out in order to buy food. What has happened to us?

3. I myself was dismayed, sickened, and shocked at reading this story—then I became even more dismayed, sickened and shocked at my reaction. I might have been one those people of whom she was afraid.

4. Where have we gone astray where people are running away from Christ instead of to him for help?

C. Jesus and Canaanite woman.

1. Jesus knows his mission is only to the House of Israel for “from the Jews salvation shall come to all.”

2. Yet, takes time to minister to a Canaanite woman.

3. Canaanites considered unclean by Israelites, thus hostile.

4. Unfit to even be acknowledged, let alone have prayers answered and to be recognized for such faith!

5. Jesus offers her grace, an unearned, undeserving gift.

D. Seminary story.

1. God made a promise to me to never leave me and to lead me along the way, all I had to do was accept the offer.

2. God never failed me, promises were kept.

3. God’s love was free, all I had to do was accept it.

4. Grace = beauty, favor, goodwill, free gift, gratitude.

5. God was offering me a beautiful, free gift ...I had favor in God’s eyes, God chose me—and all I had to do was accept and the rest would be taken care of...and it has been!

a. education

b. spiritual and intellectual growth

c. loving me even when I have doubted the possibilities

d. and even gave me the incredible love of a beautiful woman, all of which I find myself incredible undeserving.

6. God gives us life, we mess it up, and God keeps on loving us—that is grace!

E. In Romans, Paul writes about the promise God made to the Israelites, that God will not fail them.

1. Jewish-Christian tensions rising.

2. Church in Rome most likely made up of Gentile (or non-Jewish) converts (Jews seen as the enemy)

3. Paul says, “NO! Stop!!! God, through Jesus, promised salvation by grace (a free gift of God), that promise is not and will not be reniged!”

F. Shooting in Los Angeles at the Jewish Community Center this last Tuesday

1. 5 injuries, two adults, three children (all recovering, but one not out of the woods yet) . . . 1 postal worker later reported as shot and killed.

2. In response, JCC’s across the country were responding with vigils, gatherings to pray for the victims and for the Jewish Community throughout the world.

3. JCC across the street called Carol in our office here at Grace Church to let us know about their vigil that night at 6:00pm, inviting us to participate.

4. We jumped on the phones calling the neighborhood leaders trying to contact as many people as we could.

5. Though we could not reach everyone, eight or so people from Grace church went there to show support for our brothers and sisters over there. Many other people outside the Jewish community were there, as we were not the only ones who did not know the songs they were singing from memory.

6. Cherie was asked to help read some scripture along with several other clergy people and rabbis. (was on TV, I’m sure much unwanted publicity).

7. A moment of pure grace—two communities coming together to show love and support, a free gift of love.

III. Closing

A. Like the words on the bulletin [read them] No matter what people do, no matter what people say or think, no one can be refused the love of God unless that person chooses to refuse it.

1. We have the opportunity in our lives to share the incredible blessings God has bestowed upon us (one such blessing being life itself).

2. Instead of defending doctrine, arguing about what “should” and “shouldn’t” be, what if churches competed to “out-grace” on another...wouldn’t that be a site?

a. Pouring more resources, not just money, into local and foreign missions...offering more time to those in need, offering just a listening, loving ear for someone to vent their frustrations.

B. We can show the free love (grace) of God to everyone we meet by remembering the examples in the Scriptures,

1. remember Jesus loving the Canaanite woman (while his disciples stood there bickering about how annoying she was),

2. remembering the love that the Apostle Paul poured into the ministry with which God graced him despite the danger of being hated and hunted by both Jewish and Roman authorities, despite physical illness to which he was constantly battling,

3. remembering that God loves each one of us, every day, no matter what we do, no matter how much we frustrate, no matter how many tears God sheds for us, longing for us to see the truth around us.

C. When I read the scriptures I sense that I am truly reading about God’s grace

1. Grace is God’s gift to us.

2. Grace is, then, to be freely given by us, without any expectation of repayment (thus being “free”).

3. We live in a world full of ungrace. If we were to share God’s grace with just one person each day, we could make such a difference!

4. The church should be the LAST place people should feel unwelcome.

5. We judge the prostitute because that is what we feel we must do, or maybe because she makes us feel uncomfortable for whatever reason...maybe she smells, maybe we’re afraid of the diseases she may carry.

6. What if she were to come into this church, walk right through those doors . . . There is something very special here . . .

7. We CAN accept God’s grace into our hearts, God’s unyielding and undeserving love for us, and then when she walks in here and tells us her story we can wrap our arms around her, offering her our love, freely given without any expectation of repayment, saying, “I am so sorry for what you have had to do, but I love, we love, God loves you!”

8. Jesus calls us to share grace, something beautiful in the world! Just one person per day. Let us pray...


Gracious and loving God, we thank you for the love you have so freely bestowed upon us. We ask you to help us accept your grace, your free love, so that we may share it with others, Lord. Help us to understand more fully what it means to follow You, to basque in the rays of your love, so much so that we overflow with your grace and mercy, so much so that we just can’t help but to share it with all those around us, without judging. Thank you, Lord, for the opportunity for us to come here, hear your word through the scriptures and through the spoken word, we pray that this has honored you. In the name of your son, Jesus the Christ, we pray.



Blessed are you, God of all creation;

through your goodness and grace we have these gifts to share.

Accept and use your offerings for your glory

and for the service of your kingdom.