Summary: In housing plans we talk about family units, in churches we no longer want to add people we want to add family units. God has a plan and purpose for His family unit

1 John 3:1-10

God’s Family Unit


A. We love to Talk about the family Units. That is a big word in politics, real estate and so on

B. The Lighthouse is building 6 family units of housing this summer (in August if you can clear your schedules)

C. The Question is what does a Family consist of today

D. We often here that the divorce rate is 50% (now I am hearing 60%)

E. Inside the a family unit there should be Love, Sacrifice, and Guidance

F. That is the way God set it up

G. God gave us the perfect example

H. The Father Loves Us

I. The Son Died For Us

J. And The Holy Spirit Guides US

I. God, the Father, Love us (1-3)

A. Explanation

1. One of the things that are missing in our translation is John begins the sentence with a command, “see”,

a) John wants you to observe the different manifestations of the Father’s love

2. It does not say the Father loves us. Wait a minute what are you talking about Pastor Dan

a) What it does say is great is the love the father has lavished on us.

(1) Lavished is a fun word. It means that He gave far more then he needed. He loved us far more then was required

(2) Mary when she used the perfume on Jesus’ feet. That was lavished.

(3) A more modern example of lavishing is our veterans. They went beyond there call of duty and served our country proudly

3. He lavished us so much that we should be called children on God. That, my friends, is a great privilege. A special privilege, an honor. Most importantly that is what we are

4. We look funny to the world. However, we should consider that a compliment. That means they see something in us that they do not have. That difference is obviously God.

a) By rejecting us, however, the world confirms our relationship with God the Father.

5. Look as Vs 2. This is exiting stuff. This should make give you goose bumps from your head to your tow. This is amazing stuff (Read Vs 2)

a) We will be with God, we will be in his likeness, and we shall see Him as He is. Hallelujah. I can not say anymore then Hallelujah

6. Vs 3, Hope. Hope is important. Without Hope were would we be Let me show you a quick video clip on hope.

7. John does something interesting is vs. 3. Everyone will purify himself. It does not say that “he may purify himself, or ought to purify himself he says that he will purity himself.

B. Application

1. Now comes the point when we try to put all this knowledge together and figure out what it means to our lives

2. God Loves Us. Seems so basic.

3. Take a look how much He love you. Think about the Love that God has shown you. You better be saying “Thank you God”

4. Because of His love we will get to be with him. We will be in His likeness.

5. That makes everything that is happening here on Earth seem a lot smaller

6. All the ruff times that we go through will not matter; we will be spending eternity with God.

7. Our Hope for a better life is in God. Our hope carries us through.

C. Illustration

1. (Need to think of someone who has every reason to have no hope. But because God lavished His love. ______ Has hope)

II. God, the Son, died for us (4-8)

A. Explanation

1. Notice it mentions both sin and lawlessness. Both could be translated sin. John wanted just to make sure that you knew he was talking about sin

2. John does something nice for us in vs. 4. He tells us what sin means. Sin is not following God’s law.

3. A definition of sin “Sin is deliberate rejection of God’s standards and a resort to ones own desires.”

4. This is where Jesus comes in. Vs 5 the author tells us what Jesus did

5. The last little sentence in 5 is interesting. It does not say in him there was no sin or will be no sin. It says there is no sin. That is present tense. Christ has been without sin, is without sin, and will always be without sin!

6. Vs 6. This two sentence verse presents a contrast

a) First one = Believer

b) 2nd one = unbeliever

7. Sin in John is not something to be joked around about, sin is a serious issue.

8. John tells us you can tell a true believer by weather they are living in sin or not

9. Vs. 7-8 hit right into the heart of what John is trying to say

a) John is trying to prevent people from going astray

b) He probably has seen personal friends who use to be in the light go over to the dark

10. Look at the end of 8. That is what Jesus came to this earth to do. Plan and simple

B. Application

1. We are guilty of sin

2. That part is not too heard to mention

3. Jesus came to take away our sins

4. That is just amazing

5. Here is the thing though

6. Too many of us are living in sin. Sin is serious

7. All sin is sin against God, sinning against God. That is horrible

8. Too often we have seen people who lived in the light fall.

9. That is horrible when it happens

C. Illustration

1. You can insert whatever name you want in here. The pattern is all too common. We have all seen it happen.

2. We have to stop that. The path they are on leads to destruction

3. The son of God will Stop that

4. Break the bondage of sin, and help your brothers do the same

III. God, The Holy Spirit, Guides Us (9-10)

A. Explanation

1. This is a hard concept for us to get read 9a. But lets put our minds to it

a) John is making a logical argument fueled with passion

b) If in truth there is not sin (Remember last week 2:21).

c) And God is truth, There can not be sin from a person born of God

d) God’s is without sin, sin cannot live with god

e) One born of God will stay in sin, that does not mean will not sin, I said will not stay in sin

2. Vs 10. TEST TIME!

a) Don’t you just love test

b) Well this is a test with one question, and two choices

c) The good news is you have a 50% chance of getting it right

d) The even better news is that You have the Holy Spirit to guide you

e) Read 10

f) Sure makes it simple

B. Application

1. What that mean to us?

2. We have with the Holy Spirit the greatest mentor, friend, parent, teacher, wise next door neighbor you could imagine

C. Illustration

1. Do you remember Wilson on Home Improvement? Some how he always seemed to have the right answer to Jill and Tim’s problems. They would go over there and ask him a question and he would give them a solution

2. That is what we have with the Holy Spirit.

3. He is much better then Wilson

4. He is never wrong and does not use confusing stories or hides behind a fence

5. He is there to guide us and direct us

6. If we are doing what is right and confess our sins and ask Jesus into our hearts we are Children of the Light

7. That test we just talked about should be taken often

8. Do this one right before you go to bed

9. Ask your self did you do what is right and did you love your brother?


A. This is God’s Family Unit

B. God set this structure up for us

C. Who are us you ask? Us is the Children of God

D. That is who we are

E. WE are God’s Children

F. That is something we need to be proud of

G. That is something we need to be thankful of

H. That is something we need to be telling others of

I. WE do not deserve any of this

J. God went over and beyond the call of duty

K. Thank You Lord, Thank you