Summary: Paul answers questions from Thessalonica

I Thessalonians 413-511

Last Sunday evening we had a question and answer session here at HT. I had no idea that we would spend most of the evening answering questions about what happens to us after we die, what would heaven be like? And many similar questions. In the providence of God this morning’s sermon is all about what happens when we die? In chapter 4 of 1 Thessalonians Paul begins a question and answer session with the young Christian believers at Thesslonica. Timothy has obviously brought a series of questions back from this young church and Paul sets about answering them. In the first 12 verses of chapter 4, which Jack dealt with two weeks ago, Paul answered questions on the following:

Holiness – and he answered that they should avoid immorality.

Brotherly love – and Paul said that they should take their share of financial responsibility within the fellowship of the church.

Now he sets about answering the question: What happens to those believers who have died before the Lord’s return? And verses 13ff of chapter 4 answer that question.

You see the Thessalonian believers feared that those who had died before Jesus had come again would miss out on the second coming. They thought that their friends, by dying, had fallen back again into darkness and were lost. They had not made it to the day of the Lord’s return and so they are anxious for instruction from Paul on this issue. Remember the Thessalonians did not have the benefit of the rest of the NT teaching, as we do, on this issue.

Paul in these verses makes two points.

1. Key to Comfort

2. Great Expectations

1. Key to Comfort.

Janet was taught piano by a lady called Miss McDowell, she lives on the Woodvale Road – in a house that when you go into is like stepping back in time. She was awarded an MBE a few years ago and everything is very much done properly in her home. How her and I get on so well is a mystery to Janet and her family because I am so not proper. Anyway one of Miss McDowell’s favourite sayings is this: He is ignorant of his ignorance. Paul begins verse 13 by telling the Thessalonians I do not want you to be ignorant. That is I do not want you to be agnostic about this issue. He goes on to point out to them that those who have died in Christ are alive with Christ in heaven. Paul deliberately uses the word ‘sleep’ here to speak of death, but note that when he speaks of Christ he says he died. He uses the word ‘asleep’ because he wants to convey to the Thessalonians the fact that death is temporary for the believer. When we sleep we are temporarily out of communication but their comes a time when we awaken and so it will be with those believers who have died before Christ has returned. Their spirit has gone to be with Christ but their body is asleep in the grave. Jesus used this word ‘sleep’ to describe the death of Lazarus and of Jarius’ daughter – and he raised both back to life again with a word of command. So it will be says Paul when he comes again.

You see for us, as it was for the Thessalonians, we are in a waiting room and the door has the word ‘death’ written upon it. Every so often someone gets up and goes through that door and they disappear from our presence and view. Now we can speculate all sorts of things behind that door but what we need is someone who has gone through that door and come back to tell us what is the other side – the one who has done that can speak with authority and we should listen to him. That person is Jesus Christ – he passed through death, a real death, and rose again and so he alone in all history can speak with authority about life, death, resurrection and life to come – so we must listen to him on this issue because he alone knows. You see for the Thessalonians this was a very practical question – they had had loved ones die and they wanted an answer concerning their fate at the second coming. I want you to note that Paul used the Word of God to comfort them. In the face of death the only true comfort is to be found in the Word of God because it alone has the words of eternal life. Paul comforts them by instructing them – teaching them that Christ will come again and bring with him those who have fallen asleep in Christ.

Listen to me now this is important. Christ will bring with him those who have fallen asleep in Him. He cannot bring them with him if they are not with him – that is if they are not in his presence – they are with him in that their souls go to be with him at death. The body remains in the grave and the soul goes to be with Christ. When Christ comes again he brings them with him and resurrects their bodies and reunites them in the air. Then we who are left are taken up to be reunited with them in Christ Jesus.

2. Great Expectations.

Warren Wiersbe put the sequence this way and I think it is a pretty accurate way to do it:





Return of Christ – verses 14-16. This is our Christian hope – it is a confident expectation not a vain wishful hope. Do you know that 1 out of every 13 verses in the NT makes reference to the second coming – it is one of the most prominent and dominant themes of the teaching of the NT.

Resurrection – every Christian whether dead or alive will receive a resurrection body (1 Cor. 15). There will be a cry of command from the Lord, the trumpet will sound and the archangel will shout – the heavens will part and we shall see Jesus Christ, king of kings, Lord of Lords, riding in power and majesty on the clouds coming for his people.

Rapture – Paul says we will be snatched up, caught away speedily, seized by force, claimed by Christ for himself, removed from earth and taken to heaven, rescued from danger – that is saved. That is what is all meant by that word ‘rapture’ here. You know this passage is the only passage in all of the NT where the use of that word is unambiguous and Paul used it deliberately because he was teaching young vulnerable troubled Christians.

Reunion – together with all the people of God, down through two millennia. The Transfiguration was a foretaste of this reunion for the disciples and it gives us a glimpse of what it will be like. We will meet with Noah, with David, with Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Elijah, Jeremiah and all the OT saints, with Peter, John, Paul and the NT saints and we will meet with all the saints who have gone into the presence of Christ by passing through death before Christ returned. We will be reunited with them – what a joy that will be. And the key to it all is verse 14 – believe that Jesus died and rose again – therefore those who place their faith and trust in him will know the resurrection to new life.

1 Tessalonians 51-11

I want very quickly and briefly to go through these 11 verses. Paul does three things in these verses:

1. He gives Information

2. He points to Association with Christ

3. He points to a Destination

Information – Janet and I sometimes receive party invitations. We received one from her Mum and Dad for their 50th Wedding Anniversary at the end of this month. It contains the following information:

Who, What, When, Where and Why.

Well Paul says to the Thessalonians here is the invitation to the Day of the Lord:

What – the personal return of the Lord Jesus.

Where – everywhere

Why – to gather believers and to punish unbelievers

Who – Jesus Christ, King of Kings, Lord of Lords

When – anytime – long awaited and expected.

You see Paul actually says to them you do not actually need to know when it will happen because when it does you will be ready. Brethren you are not ignorant of your ignorance on this issue. You know that Jesus will come again at any moment and therefore you are not ignorant about the second coming in fact you know he is coming and therefore you live your lives accordingly. By living lives which are sober and alert, that is in contrast with the drunk and sleeping world, you show and demonstrate that you are children of the Light, that is Christ, and not children of darkness. You know that he will come again, you know it will be like a thief in the night, but you will not be surprised by it as the world will be. No on the contrary you live in confident expectation of the imminent return of Christ. It is your hope and therefore you will not be taken unawares but found ready and waiting.

Association with Christ.

Paul tells them that because they are Christians they are associated with Christ. Because they have placed their faith and trust in Christ they are confident that when he comes again he is coming for them. They are therefore no longer in darkness but live in and associated with the Light – Jesus Christ the Light of the World. Paul is actually saying to them that not only are your minds enlightened but the quality of your lives is now totally different to those who walk in darkness. Light, Jesus has dawned in your hearts and minds and therefore your life can never be same again. You live differently from the world. Therefore you put on the armour of God – you are ready and active in the service of him who is coming again for you. You see we have a lot of Christians, even here at HT, and you are still in your pyjamas – you are in your pyjamas because you are falling asleep in this world. You have bought into the world in which you live as if this were your home – it is not – heaven is your home. You are sleeping and falling asleep – that is why prayer is not a priority in your life, neither is Christian service, nor evangelism, nor the Bible Study – you are not putting on the armour of God but remain in your pyjamas imbibing the darkness of this world and it is lulling your heart and mind to sleep. Paul says in light of the fact that Christ may come again at any moment waken up and put on your armour and get into the battle. Waken up for Christ sake is what he is saying.

Destination – nobody gets on a bus unless they know where they are going. If I say to you follow me – very soon you ask where are we going? Paul says to the Thessalonians your destination is eternity with Christ. The second coming will be a glorious day for you as a believer because you will reach your destination. Therefore encourage each other with that fact. Let your soul be at rest concerning those who have died in Christ, you be ready for his appearing because that is your destiny.

So let me finish with some questions for you:

Do I live for Christ?

Do I know well that Jesus will come again?

Do I belong to the Day of the Lord?

Do I live soberly and actively or insensitively to the things of God?

Am I looking forward to the Second Coming or will it catch me unawares, unprepared and lost?
