Summary: Jesus is ready and willing to accept all.


JOHN 4:1-26


You don’t have to travel to Samaria to find those that need cared for & accepted. It’s not necessary to go to an ancient well to find people who need living water. We are surrounded by those who constantly are living “at the end of broken dreams” and are craving belonging and a purpose for living. Part of following in our Lord’s footsteps is to love the unlovely, the lonely, those that might be looked on as outcasts. Jesus did just that. In fact, as you watch His life He seemed to look for those who needed acceptance.. Peter, Andrew, James and John.. Galileans.. looked down upon as uneducated, commoners. Matthew and Zacchaeus, tax collectors.. He was accused by the “religious” of constantly mingling with “sinners.” But Jesus made sure that those who felt unloved, felt His love. And He has told us to do the same. Matt. 5:43-48 - “love your enemies..” The parable of the Good Samaritan in Lk. 10, tells us basically to love those who are hurting no matter their ethnic origin or condition.

We have a daughter in college in Florida. There have been many times in her almost 22 years now that I have been proud of her but maybe none more than the time she was in 3rd grade, and at our Jr. week of Christian camp. There was a girl there named Amanda and it was plain to see from the very 1st day. Amanda was all alone and didn’t have any friends. The counselors would catch her crying, she was from a troubled home. Marlo, unsolicited, took Amanda on as her project. She sat with her at meal times, made sure Amanda was included in her group of friends, she helped her in the cabin and kept encouraging her. It was no coincidence that at the end of the week Marlo was chosen “Camper of the Week,” not because she was really any better than the other kids but because the camp counselors had seen her reach out to this lonely girl. But, over the years I have often wondered..What happened to Amanda when she got home? Was there a Marlo around or did she just go back to her lonely and bleak world where she was not accepted? And as my mind has gone back to that occasion so many years ago, I have also often wondered.. How often have I been like Marlo was that week? Aren’t we all to be looking for the Amanda’s of this world? Paul said- Phil. 2:4, “Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.”

Well, here in John 4 we see Jesus doing just that. Here is a woman who could relate to Amanda and to all who are in need of acceptance. She had been given attention but never a heart; she had been given a bed but never rest; in fact she’d had 5 beds with five different men and her current relationship probably wasn’t all that satisfying. Yet deep in her heart, as in all us, she longed for true care, true acceptance. And then she meets someone who is so genuinely interested in her life and she discovers lasting acceptance - lavish love, living water.

We couldn’t put 42 verses in the bulletin. So, I hope you have your Bibles open and will open them to the fourth book in the New Testament, John 4. My prayer is that you will be encouraged and motivated to do the things that Jesus did for this woman, for the “Amandas” that God puts in your path. And.. if you feel like an “Amanda” that you will see, in Jesus, someone who truly cares for you.


The first thing that Jesus did for this woman is to remove the barriers. I think this woman would be to most of us, because of her lifestyle and her background, unlikely to be interested in anything spiritual. Jesus saw past her problems and to her true need. But before He could reach her with the message of true acceptance & Life He had to remove some of the walls that were between them.

(1) He removed the geographical barrier. Vs:2 tells us that after Jesus learned of the Pharisees tendency to look at Jesus and John the Baptist as competitors, Jesus decided that He would travel north to another location to minister. Vs:2 says that “.. he left Judea and went back once more to Galilee.” Now, if you are not familiar with Israel during the time of Christ, Galilee was in the north section and Judea in the South. If you went south to north as the crow flies you would travel through a region of country known as Samaria. There was an intense hatred between the Jews and the Samaritans (we discover why in a moment) and so normally those who made the trip Jesus was about to make made a wide turn to skirt Samaria. This route took the Jewish traveler well out of his way, taking him either to the extreme east or west of Samaria. It reminds me of the times when we go to the Durango area but because of storms, instead of going the more straight route over Red Mountain, we travel to Telluride, over Lizard Head, into Cortez and then down to Durango. But to the Jew, it was worth the extra miles not because of safety reasons or inclimate weather but in order to time from coming in contact with the Samaritans. The late, Grady Nutt, used to tell this story and emphasize that somewhere in their trip Jesus should of taken a right or left and when He went straight, right into Samaria, the disciples must of thought, “He had left His senses.” Can’t you just see the disciples once they got to the well worn trail that would take them around Samaria telling Peter to say to Jesus, “Ah, Lord, don’t know if you ah, are day dreaming or something but you missed the turn back there.” If nothing else, this trip was going to show the disciples that the gospel message was to permeate the entire world, not just the Jewish community. Plus, this incident would always remind them that as followers of Christ, they were to go out of their way to serve the hurting and reach the lost. For this woman, the fact that Jesus was in the village of Sychar in Samaria and was a Jew was certainly enough to arouse her curiosity and to wonder why He had not taken the “Jewish” route and skirted her city. But that was just the first step..

(2) Next, Jesus removed the racial barriers. A few moments ago we said that there was an intense hatred between the Jew and the Samaritans. The history of this people is complicated but the bottom line is that Samaritan’s were “half-breeds” to the Jew. They were the offspring of a Jew and another race. Some could be traced all the way back to the time of Israel’s captivities when they were enslaved Assyria and Babylon. And because of this racial mix, the Jews hated the Samaritans. In fact, if you used a dish that had been used by a Samaritan you were ceremonially unclean and had to fast and pray for days to undo the damage. The woman at the well understood all of this. That’s why she asks in vs:9- “You are a Jew and I am a Samaritan woman. How can you ask me for a drink?”She was amazed that a Jew would ask for a drink or anything from her because she understood the mutual dislike that these races had for each other and yet here was Jesus, willing to touch her jar and drink from it!

And we must never allow racial prejudice to interfere with our commitment of caring. Maybe you were brought up in an environment where Hispanics, native Americans or blacks were to be shunned. I grew up in the south at a time when segregation was the norm.. And many there still would never think of having a person of a different race in their home or to help them in a personal way. But if you claim to be a follower of Jesus Christ that barrier must be removed.

(3) Jesus removed the gender barrier. Did you notice in vs:9 that the woman didn’t just say, “You are a Jew and I am a Samaritan...?” She said, “You are a Jew and I am a Samaritan woman..” In vs:27 when the Disciples come back from their shopping trip it says they , “..were surprised to find him talking with a woman. But no one asked, .. Why are you talking with her?” It is difficult for us to understand the disrespect that women received during the time of Jesus. They were thought to be second class citizens.. Not worthy of education, position or even having a worthy opinion. They were considered property. Unlike for some of today’s feminists, the women of Jesus’ day yearned for acts of kindness and chivalry. Today, acts like opening a door or giving up a seat are viewed by some of the more radical women, not as chivalry but condescension. Dave Stone a minister in Kentucky tells of seeing a woman in the airport carrying 3 heavy bags. Dave offered to carry one for her and said, “Ma’am, may I help you?” And Dave said, “She looked at me with actual hatred in her eyes and said, `Do you think I can’t carry my own bags? I can take care of this myself.’” And Dave said, “Well, would you carry my briefcase then, it’s awful heavy.” (He didn’t actually say that but thought it) But in Jesus day, women were treated with contempt. But here, Jesus treats her with respect and courtesy. By His request for water He was giving her dignity, giving her significance.. She had something He needed and He was respectful enough to ask for it.

I grow weary of some modern teachers who claim that Christianity suppresses the role of women. That’s simply untrue! Jesus Christ and Christianity elevates women.. Throughout Scripture it is clear that women are equal to men in every area except physical strength. Gal. 3:28 tells us in Christ there is to be no barrier of Male and Female.. 1 Peter 3:7 tells us that our wives are our “joint heirs.” Jesus spoke to her.. He didn’t just look at her or respond to her, He initiated the conversation! And that led to the next barrier, that needed overcome...

(4) Jesus removed the spiritual barrier. She must have amazed at Jesus’ actions. Here’s a Jew that doesn’t care that I’m a Samaritan.. Here’s a man that doesn’t care I’m a woman.. So, she asks Him in vs:9 why He’s doing it and He answers in vs:10- “If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him and he would have given you living water.” Every time I read this incident I’m amazed at Jesus’ brilliance. He used His need to turn the conversation to the spiritual! I often use someone else’s need to emphasize spiritual things but Jesus used His. That made her less defensive. Her answer in vs:11 reveals that she was still on a physical level.. “Sir, you have nothing to draw with and the well is deep. Where can you get this living water?“ And maybe she even gets a little sarcastic when she asks in vs:12 whether Jesus is greater than Jacob, who built the well. But Jesus doesn’t let her stay on the physical but in vss:13-14 brings her right back to the spiritual when He explains He has water that will quench her thirst forever. “Everyone who drinks of this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give.. will become a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”

I think this should teach us that those we talk to might not understand spiritual things. Last Saturday Kelly Crippen took myself and Steve Ingram skiing for the first time. Kelly was a professional ski instructor for many years and was very, very patient with us. But when he began to explain skiing to us, at first he used words I didn’t understand.. “bindings”, “wedging,” “moguls” and I had to say, “Wait, I don’t know what you mean.” Being the astute person Kelly is, he began to explain the terms in ways I could understand. Sometimes, those of us who have been Christians for a long while use jargon and “spirtualeeze” that those who don’t have our background or knowledge don’t understand. We are in a culture where trees and whales are “saved,’ and “justification” is something you do when you’re late for school or work. You see, Jesus didn’t talk theology, He offered her what He had. A lot of people today don’t understand they need repentance, baptism or sanctification. But they do know they need peace, contentment, hope.. That’s what we need to offer them, being careful to, like Jesus, use terms they can understand.

(5) One more barrier I want you to see Jesus removed. The barrier of selfishness. Look back up in vs:6.. It says, “Jacob’s well was there and Jesus, tired as He was from the journey..” Jesus was beat.. He was thirsty.. He could of satisfied His own desires before He looked to this woman’s needs. But He placed her needs above His. Why? Because His spiritual life and sharing it was His top priority. It is interesting that when the disciples come back to the well, they had gone to buy food, that they ask Jesus to eat something and He says in vs:32- “I have food to eat that you know nothing about.” To Jesus, sharing spiritual truth with others was so satisfying and stimulating that He put it above His own physical needs.

I have to confess, there are not a lot of geographical, racial or gender barriers I face that keep me from communicating spiritual things.. but there is this one! And maybe you can honestly say, “I’m willing to share spiritual truth with others no matter how different they are from me..” But the question is.. do you? Most of us will admit that it isn’t a priority for us like it should be.. Why? Because we have not climbed this barrier.. We’re so wrapped up in our own lives.. After all, we’ve got problems, we’re exhausted, we’re distracted. Listen... caring like Christ means leaving our comfort zones. So Jesus moved from a surface conversation about physical water to a deeper level, talking about living water and in so doing He removed barriers that opened the way up to build a bridge..


Notice that Jesus puts three planks in this bridge. (1) Jesus gave her acceptance in spite of her past. Now, no doubt she had a bad reputation. J. Vernon McGee said, “This woman was probably not real popular with the women of Sychar because apparently she was real popular with the men..” Vs:16- “Go, call your husband and come back.’ `I have no husband,’ she replied. Jesus said to her, ‘You are right when you say you have no husband. The fact, you have had five husbands, and the man you now live with is not your husband.” Someone defined tact as the ability to make a point without making an enemy. Jesus accomplished that. He told the truth without alienating this woman. From a religious standard she was a blatant, rebellious sinner but to the Savior she was someone in need. Jesus was perfect but He did not rail against this woman who was living in sin. Now, He didn’t condone her actions but He didn’t have a condemning attitude either. He used her sinful relationship to get her to see Him as the One who could forgive. He accepted her where she was and began to work with her from there. He didn’t say.. “Before I tell about this living water, before I’ll talk to you about your soul, you’ve got to clean up your act!” Aren’t you glad Jesus still works that way? The fact is, we need reminded often.. when Christ forgives, the past is NOT just the past, it’s forgotten forever! When you come to Him and accept Him as Savior and Lord He forgives and forgets! Micah 7:19- “You will have compassion on us, You... will hurl all our iniquities into the depths of the sea.” Corrie Ten Boom said, “God takes our sins, throws them into the deep, blue, sea and posts a ‘No Fishing Sign.” Jesus took this woman, in spite of her sin, & accepted her by taking her where she was & trying to elevate her to where she could be.

(2) Jesus gave her direction when she was confused. After revealing He knew her life’s dirty little secrets she does what we often do, she escapes accountability by changing the subject. Vs:19- “`Sir,’ the woman said, `I can see you are a prophet. Our fathers worshiped on this mountain, but you Jews claim that the place where we must worship is in Jerusalem.’” She moves away from the personal to the abstract. I’m sure none of us have ever done that..? You see when a person feels convicted, they’ll try to escape. She says, “You seem to know what you’re talking about and that reminds me... Where is God? On our mountain or in Jerusalem?” But Jesus doesn’t let her get away with it, but gently directs her once again to Himself. He tells her in vs:21 that true worship isn’t confined to a place, it’s a matter of a right attitude toward God. And then He offers her a third plank in this bridge:

(3) Jesus gave her a reason to respond to Him when she wanted to procrastinate. In vs:25 the woman responds to this talk about worshiping God and says, “I know that the Messiah is coming..” I.e., Now, someday when the Messiah comes.. Someday, Someday.” How many times have I heard that.. “Someday I’ll get my life right with God..” “Someday I’ll get baptized..” “Someday I’ll get the time to get serious about a quiet time with the Lord..” Someday, someday.. One of the devil’s most effective darts is delay. And Jesus responds very simply in vs:26- “I who speak to you am I.” Isn’t that amazing! Jesus doesn’t reveal His deity so simply to the Pharisees nor to King Herod - nor to the crowds at the temple.. But here beside this long used well, in a rejected land to an ostracized woman He says, “I’m the One you’re looking for.” He gave this woman a reason to respond, to repent, change.. To come close to One she was looking for.. the very Son of God.


And the result of removing the barriers and building a bridge is that Jesus brings change. Jesus inspired belief.. I want you to see what this woman does. (1) She leaves her water jar! Vs:28- “Then leaving her water jar, the woman went back to town..” No longer was physical thirst that important! She no longer remembered what she had come for ordinary water.. Because now she had something of so much more value.. She had met, maybe for the first time in her life, a man who looked at her through eyes of love not eyes of lust. She had met a man who knew her inmost secrets and still accepted her without condemnation. Jesus didn’t tell her to repent or go to hell! He gave her a way to get to heaven. (2) And then she runs and gives her testimony to those she knows. Vs:29- “(she) said to the people, ‘Come see a man who told me everything I ever did.” (Don’t you think that made some men squirm in town?) Could this be the Christ!” This woman wasn’t a Bible College student this woman hadn’t been to any classes.. She just shared what she knew.. When the disciples, the learned followers of Jesus come back from shopping they bring no one. This woman share Jesus and brings scores of people back with her! (3) And then, because of her leading people to see Jesus we see them believing.. Vs:39- “Many of the Samaritans from that town believed in Him because of the woman’s testimony.” And vs:41 is a beautiful verse. It says, “They said to the woman,`We no longer believe just because of what you said; now we have heard for ourselves, and we know that this man really is the Savior of the world.” A barrier removed, a bridge built, a dynamic change.. All because of the wonder of Jesus’ acceptance!

Now, before we go home I want us to see very briefly, three applications that hopefully will motivate us to accept others and share with them the greatest lover of all time! (1) Be prepared to leave your comfort zones for God. Start praying and looking for people who need acceptance, who need the barrier’s broken down, so they can see Jesus. Ask yourself.. “If at the end of time on this earth, my spirituality is measured by the times I’ve stretched myself for the cause of Christ, how spiritual would I be?”What is it that keeps you from sharing Christ? What is it that keeps you from desiring Christ? (2) Build bridges that lead people to Christ. Please remember that Jesus didn’t try to “wow” this woman with His Scriptural knowledge or slick speech. He simply lead her to Himself. And all of us can do that.. We make an invitation to church, we bring them to a special program, we tell them what the Lord and His Church has done for us. For you see, when someone is changed it’s not the church, as great as I believe this place is, it’s not you, as great as your testimony might be.. When anyone is changed it is because they’ve allowed Jesus Christ to change them! But it’s our privilege and responsibility to build bridges so that people can see Him.

(3) Be confident of His acceptance of you! I want you to understand today that this same Jesus who accepted this woman at the well is ready to accept you! Just think.. This woman came to a well to get water, Jesus offered her living water from a spring. There are many differences between a well and a spring. In a well the water is stagnant, in a spring the water is fresh. In a well the water is limited, in a spring the water is limitless, in a well the water must be drawn, in a spring the water is bubbling up for you. Maybe you are trying to fill the jar of your life with water from this world’s well. How I want you to know that what Jesus told that woman long ago at that ancient well is just as true and just as real from His lips right now: “..Whoever drinks the water I give.. Will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give.. Will become in you a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” And you can come, just as you are.”