Summary: Be strong and don’t lag behind for the wolves are watching and drooling!

The Ones The Wolves Pulled Down!

Garth Brooks had a song awhile back called Wolves written by Miss Stephanie Davis. In it he speaks of thinking about the ones the wolves pulled down the morning after he drove heifers to lower ground during a bitter January with ten-foot drifts and wind that had been blowing for weeks. The song also speaks about a family that lost its ranch to the bank due to dry years. He then prays for a light of hope for those who have fallen behind asking for God to pull them up while there is still time, yet he remembers God getting him through his hard times. While he prays, he hears the lonesome, mournful sounds of the cattle that have lost their calves and then asks that God keep him from being the one the wolves pull down.

Wolves have always been bad in our folklore though some would say that the imagery is wrong. When the wolf is at the door, it is bad news whether you are pig or human. Red Foley knew enough hard times that he said, “The proverbial wolf at the door had a litter of pups on my back porch.” Wolves are always shown pulling down the very young, the sick, the very old and the stragglers.

In Scripture, wolves are not portrayed in a good light either so I have to believe that they are treacherous and dangerous animals. The Creator would know them better than the best zoologist in the world so I’ll take His expert evaluation of the critters. In their defense, I will have to say that before the Fall of man they were not what they are today so it is really man’s fault that we have wolves as they are.

Luke 10:3 Go your ways: behold, I send you forth as lambs among wolves. (KJV)

When Jesus sent out His seventy disciples, He knew what was awaiting them. When they started preaching the Gospel and doing mighty works among the people, they were going to arouse the wolves. The religious and political establishment would not be fond of people rocking boats and horning in on their territory. They would be thirsting for blood and longing to rip flesh and crush the bones of these defenseless disciples.

Matt 10:16 Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves. (KJV)

He told the Twelve the same thing and gave them instructions on how to act. Wise as a serpent is to be able to quickly assess a situation and be able to handle it accordingly. Most snakes will turn away from a fight and only strike a human when they feel they have no choice. There will be dangerous times for the Twelve and they need to know when to take a stand and when to kick the dust from their feet and walk on or even to run if necessary.

Though giving the Word of God to a lost person will often cause a reaction like a snakebite because it burns or hurts the Twelve are to be harmless as doves. They are ambassadors of peace and they need to be peaceful in the administration of their duties. Thus, we have the command for pastors to be not brawlers or strikers. We are commanded to avoid useless discussions (profane and vain babblings) and even to walk away from a heretic after the first or second admonition. We fight the good fight with peace and even though we may have to turn over the moneychanger’s tables, from time to time the intent of our hearts must be to bring in truth that we may bring in peace and reconciliation to people for whom Jesus died. Sometimes we can convert wolves into sheep and that should be a driving motivation for us.

Ezek 22:27 Her princes in the midst thereof are like wolves ravening the prey, to shed blood, and to destroy souls, to get dishonest gain. (KJV)

Wolves can be politicians or those in control of a country. Ezekiel was given the mission to tell Jerusalem her sins and problems. One of those problems was that her princes fed upon the people like wolves on a rampage instead of being the shepherds they were supposed to be protecting and feeding the flock entrusted to them.

To deny that we have such leaders in this country is to be naïve and blind to reality. We have bad politicians, judges and police personnel that abuse their power and care only about themselves and what they can gain from their power and position. We are blessed that we still have some good leaders but a few bad ones is all that is needed to ravage the flock.

Pastors have been denied their right to protect their flocks by calling the names of the bad ones or denounce a pack of bad ones, but hopefully that law will be changed. The one thing we can do is preach the Word and paint a picture of a wolf from Scripture so that the flock will recognize one wolf or a pack of them and flee.

Acts 20:29 For I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock. (KJV)

The biggest job of a spiritual Shepherd is to keep the wolves away from the flock. The meanest and toughest wolves often bear the title Reverend, Doctor, Bishop or Prophet. Some of the meanest of the mean can be called M’am. Paul knew that soon after he left the wolves would gather. Some would be very slick talking or have some sort of pedigree to show but they would be wolves nonetheless.

They would not care for the flock. They only wanted what the flock could give them. When they had fleeced all they could they would depart leaving behind pain, disappointment and loss of faith and maybe several women with lost honor. They would be covered in the blood of the flock but not the Blood of the Lamb. Someday like the wolf in “Little Red Hiding Hood”, these wolves will meet their end and meet the Lamb of God AKA the Lion of Judah. The wolves will be recompensed for what they have done to the Lord’s flock. The sheep shall be avenged.

Matt 7:15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. (KJV)

If wolves would come in snarling and frothing, the sheep could easily recognize them but they come in sheep’s clothing and as angels of light. They speak great swelling words and whatever it will take to win your confidence. Some even come with lying wonders. Yet, a causal search of their theology shows their hypocrisy and heresy. The strong are not taken in by them but the very young, very old, very sick and stragglers or backsliders fall prey to their wickedness and vain jangling.

Success for the young, healing for the sick and old are all promised like a birthright to these dear people and if it does not happen, they are dismissed as having no faith or being in sin. These wolves devour widow’s houses taking their “seed ” money and living as kings while the flock lives in poverty and despair. They make the people think that God will not work through these so-called choice servants if the funds are not provided even to the point of saying God is holding them hostage and will kill them if the money does not come in!

Blasphemy and abomination!!! Only a God of grace and mercy would allow such defamation of His character without instant retribution. Can you see the need for study of His Word so that you might rightly divide the Word of truth not only to be an approved workman of God but also to be able to stand against such evil?

If you are still a babe or novice in the Word, you are a target for these ravening wolves. If you are struggling with health or financial issues these spots in your feasts of charity will sound good but remember that the serpent sounded pretty good to Mother Eve. Their slick words or complicated theologies may make them sound good but God will teach you and lead you into sound doctrine and godly success if you will seek Him and heed what you read! The Spirit has been given to lead us into all truth not to put on traveling miracle shows at 10, 2 and 4 so barrels of money can roll out the door. God released the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost. He doesn’t need some lad to do it. When you are saved, God gives Him to you. You need only give yourself to Him to experience His leading and power.

Get your eyes in the Book and off of the TV. You’ll find more truth on your knees then you will find in most of the Babylonish weirdness and hoo-ha on the networks. Communicate more with your Lord and Saviour and less with charlatans and wolves. Get into a godly Church that will help you with the Word where there is a pastor that knows how to use the rod and staff God gave him to fight off the wolves and defend the flock. Being out there alone or straggling behind will get a wolf at your jugular. Be faithful and seek a place to exercise the gift God gave you. These things will make you strong, mature and able to avoid or survive a wolf attack.

O Lord, keep those who hear or read this message from being the one the wolves pull down. Place a hedge of protection around them and give them great power and discernment through the Holy Spirit to overcome the strongholds of satan in their life and the lives they touch! Maranatha!!!!