Summary: #1 in a series. God is pouring out a whole new level of city-wide cooperation amongst churches and church leaders. Prayer-Care-Share is a concentrated effort focusing on "Building Bridges to our Community"...loving our communities to Christ.

This is a very special day! This is a very unique day!

A special day @ Father’s House. A special day here in Cedar Rapids. A special day for all of us in Christ. A special day for Jesus.

So what makes this day so very special & unique?

Let me answer that question by starting with God’s Word.


Mt 28:18-20 Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”


Jn 17:20-23 “My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one: I in them and you in me. May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.

TWO powerful statements from Jesus’ lips.

A Commission & Commandment that has been with the church for 2,000 years... but not yet fully fulfilled.

Do you believe that God can fulfill these two powerful desires of Jesus? Did you ever stop to think that YOU might be living in the day when it might fully happen?

Did you ever stop to think that YOU might participate in being a part of the SPECIFIC ANSWER to Jesus’ TWO GREATEST DESIRES?


That His CHURCH would work together AS ONE?

That may sound outlandish to think that YOU could be an answer to Jesus’ desires...His prayers...BUT DON’T might be more possible than you might think!

Today (January 22nd, 2006) in Cedar Rapids, over 30 churches are uniting together under ONE CAUSE, ONE PURPOSE.

We believe that it takes a CITY-WIDE CHURCH to REACH an entire city.

Cedar Rapids has become a pilot-city with Mission America to see what might happen if a number of churches actually work together to fulfill Jesus’ GREAT COMMISSION and Jesus’ GREAT COMMANDMENT in Linn County.

We’ve had city-wide prayer & agreement in the past, but today that agreement & cooperation goes further than it ever has before.

TODAY, in all these churches you see listed (plus many more) we are choosing as pastors to pull our ministries together for ONE specific purpose of: PRAYER. CARE. SHARE. Building Bridges in Linn County. Loving our Community to Christ.

(see brochure) @

We fully believe that there are some things the church does better TOGETHER than when we try to do something by ourselves.

We believe when it comes to BUILDING BRIDGES of Christ’s LOVE in Linn County...LOVING our Communities to Jesus...we can do this better together!

We also believe that we can only fulfill Jesus’ GREAT COMMISSION and GREAT COMMANDMENT by bathing all of our efforts in PRAYER.

We can care, loving ’the hell’ right out of people but without the power of prayer & God’s Holy Spirit moving...we just end up with great social projects.

We can share the Gospel to thousands of people..but without PRAYER & the Holy Spirit working in people’s lives, they just hear empty, meaningless words...

So...we start TODAY by calling our churches to PRAYER.

Today, in over 30 churches around Linn County...10,000 Christians are hearing this same message.

If you look at our calendar...I want to go over a few important dates.

Book-Mark’ Sunday February 5th Thousands of PCS bookmarks will be distributed in churches throughout Linn County. The prayer phase begins.

’Evening of PRAYER’ Book-Mark Follow-up Friday, February 10th, 7:00 PM @ ’The House’

Go-to-the-Wall’ Sunday, March 5th Throughout Linn County, congregations will be writing their ’names’ on our ’Building Bridges’ prayer walls.

’Concert of PRAYER’ Go-to-the-Wall Follow-up Friday, March 10th, 7:00 PM @ ’The House’

Throughout February, March & April...our Sunday morning teachings will focus on our PRAYER CARE SHARE experiences. What God is doing in our lives & in the lives of those we are PRAYING for.

Easter Celebration Sunday @ The House Sunday, April 16th

Citywide ’SHARE’ Evening of Worship featuring Brian Doerksen Friday, September 15th, 7 PM @ Location: TBA

And MUCH MORE to come.....

This whole city-wide project has been modeled by a wonderful work of God that has happened & is still happening in Coachella Valley. California...

Runs about forty miles east and west, starting about 100 miles east of Los Angles on Interstate 10. Palm Springs is its most popular city.

A year ago, pastors from 38 congregations in the valley entered into a three year agreement to PRAYER CARE SHARE.

Pastor Larry DeWitt is our coach. He has told us amazing stories of God’s power...

not just amazing stories of salvation...

not just amazing stories of Christian having their hearts changed...

not just amazing stories of pastors praying together, churches working together...but literally...

JESUS’ COMMISSION and JESUS’ COMMANDMENT being fulfilled before their eyes!

So what? What do you want from me?

An offering? A salute? A hip-hip-hooray?

No...but how bout this...??

1. A commitment to Jesus’ commission & commandment.

personalize it. make it YOURS. YOU can be an answer to Jesus’ desires & prayers Do you BELIEVE THAT?

2. An open mind & open heart to PRAYER CARE SHARE.

This can either be a PROGRAM or a total heart change in the culture of our church & the whole church.

3. A prayerful personal effort to PRAYER CARE SHARE


Prayer over circle of influence. Pick 3-5 names you will commit to PRAY for. CARE for...SHARE WITH over the next three months.

How do I pick my names?

Who needs Jesus?

Who needs more of Jesus?

Who would you like to see sitting with you here on Easter Morning?

Who would you like to see experience major God activity in their lives over the next 3 months?

Let’s PRAY as we kickoff this MAJOR CITYWIDE EVENT.