A disgruntled early American once complained to Ben Franklin, “so where is all this happiness that the Constitution was supposed to guarantee me?”

Franklin is said to have responded, “The Constitution only guarantees the American people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself.”

God's promise is that Joy is superior to happiness—happiness is conditioned by our happenings. When happenings are good, we feel happy, but the inverse is also true.

Joy on the other hand is a divine attribute. Nehemiah discovered the joy of the Lord is contagious on contact. We experience in His presence, the Joy of the Lord and it becomes our strength.

When God imparts on human hearts the wonders and joy of heaven, the human spirit is impacted deeply.

Worship is the highest form of joy! We re-joice—echo, repeat and resound the joy; the same joy which has origin in the Lord!