Some years back I noticed a male co-worker, trying to open a package of a certain candy product for his significant other. Now, we all understand the need for security in packaging and other things, but this package was sealed above and beyond the call of duty!

Most of the time, each package would have a “soft” spot, or a place where it could be opened. Some packages actually had an image or “logo” showing you exactly where to tear the corner open and access your candy.

Others—like this one—ah, not so much.

The male coworker tried to open the package, but couldn’t. Then she tried: same results. Well, being a nice guy (I hope they think I was!), I offered to try my hand at it.

Tearing at the corner? Nope. Nothing. Couldn’t even feel a change.

Trying to peel apart the seam? That didn’t work, either.

I was about to find my scissors and CLIP the end of the package when he said, “Hey, thanks, it worked! She got ‘em after all.”

This whole encounter gave me something to think about. Here are a few of these thoughts:

1. We can be glad for security in packaging snacks. Had the pack been already opened . . . well, let’s not go there <shudders>.

2. We can feel dismayed when we spend good money for something we can’t use or eat! That pack of candy might have been able to survive Armageddon, the vial judgments, and who knows what else.

3. Sometimes even our best isn’t good enough. We try, and try harder—but there are times when we just can’t make it work.

4. There are times when all we need is a helping hand from a friend. Whether it’s on the job, or opening a package, when there’s someone who wants to help, it can be a good thing. I myself am grateful beyond words for all those who have helped me in so many ways. Thanks to you all.

Paul wrote in Galatians 6:10, “As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith (King James Version).” When our Lord gives us a chance to help another person, even if it’s only trying to help open a package, I hope we’ll do our best.

Many people need our assistance. Let’s do what we can!