Sermon Series
  • 1. Tricking Or Treating God

    Contributed on Oct 22, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    We should all be “treating” the Lord with our devotion and reverence. But how many of us are trying to “trick” Him? How many of us are doing things to appease God, while at the same time we’re pleasing the world or ourselves?

    Halloween is a holiday that most children look forward to, because they get to dress up as their favorite storybook character or superhero; and then go knocking on doors and hopefully come home with a big bag full of candy. And what’s that expression that kids say while they’re standing on more

  • 2. Saul And The Psychic Hotline

    Contributed on Oct 22, 2021
    based on 4 ratings

    Halloween brings a heightened awareness to the realm of evil spirits. This message provides a word of caution concerning the evil spiritual forces that walk this earth, and of how easily people are tempted to dabble with the supernatural.

    This morning’s message will be a Halloween sermon. I wonder how many times you’ve ever heard a Halloween message? Probably rarely, if ever. Halloween brings a heightened awareness to the realm of evil spirits, so I would like to take this Sunday after Halloween as a time to caution us concerning more