Sermon Series
  • 1. The Promise Of Liberty-1

    Contributed on Jul 6, 2016

    1 of 6. Peter revealed that a false liberty had been presented to the Church. The true Church yields to true liberty, but Why? We will examine 9 stipulations of true Liberty(God’s liberty)....

    The PROMISE Of LIBERTY-I—2Peter 2:17-22 Attention: *Read the Declaration of Independence*(minus the 18 ‘Facts’—specific grievances listed—& minus 56 signers)—18 grievances...27 total[9 of which are sub-categories to “Acts of pretended more

  • 2. The Promise Of Liberty-2

    Contributed on Jul 6, 2016

    2 of 6. Peter revealed that a false liberty had been presented to the Church. The true Church yields to true liberty, but Why? We will examine 9 stipulations of true Liberty(God’s liberty)....

    The PROMISE Of LIBERTY-II—2Peter 2:17-22 Attention: “It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religions, but on the gospel of Jesus Christ. For that reason alone, people of other faiths have more

  • 3. The Promise Of Liberty-4

    Contributed on Jul 27, 2016

    4 of 6. Peter revealed that a false liberty had been presented to the Church. The true Church yields to true liberty, but Why? We will examine 9 stipulations of true Liberty(God’s liberty)....

    The PROMISE Of LIBERTY-IV—2Peter 2:17-22 Attention: Henry Ford in his autobiography, ‘My Life & Work,’ made a statement in 1909 about Ford’s Model ‘T’—“Any customer can have a car painted any color that he wants, so long as it is more

  • 4. The Promise Of Liberty-5

    Contributed on Aug 2, 2016

    5 of 6. Peter revealed that a false liberty had been presented to the Church. The true Church yields to true liberty, but Why? We will examine 9 stipulations of true Liberty(God’s liberty)....

    The PROMISE Of LIBERTY-V—2Peter 2:17-22 Attention: Freedom? The Fourth of July was coming up, & the nursery school teacher took the opportunity to tell her class about patriotism. "We live in a great country," she said. "One of the things we should be happy is that, in this country, we more

  • 5. The Promise Of Liberty-6

    Contributed on Aug 23, 2016

    6 of 6. Peter revealed that a false liberty had been presented to the Church. The true Church yields to true liberty, but Why? We will examine 9 stipulations of true Liberty(God’s liberty)....

    The PROMISE Of LIBERTY-VI—2Peter 2:17-22 Attention: Forklift Economy After being laid off from three jobs in the past year, Dewey was hired to work in a warehouse. Unfortunately, one day he lost control of the forklift & drove it off the loading dock. Surveying the damage, the owner shook more