
Summary: Three truths from the life of David that will help in establishing you in your walk with God.

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2 Samuel 2:1-4a; 2 Samuel 5:12

It’s no secret that we live in a very unstable world. Brenda asked me just the other day if I had a map of the world. I told her that I have a world atlas from when I was in college, but it, in just 12 years is already out of date. Countries have fallen and countries have arisen just within that period of time. I have a friend who closely follows the stock market. I believe he could also tell you that the world we live in is unstable, stocks go up and stocks go down. The market is either a bull market or a bear market, depending upon the economy, which also goes up and goes down. Fashions also show how our world changes. Just a couple of days ago, I went through my ties and sorted out some that I no longer wear. Twelve years ago, I had some ties that were about one inch in width, then four years ago, I had some that were probably 4-5 inches across. I had some that were knit, and some that were silk. I would not want to put my trust in any of these because they constantly change. Thank God that He doesn’t change. Psalm 102:25 Of old hast thou laid the foundation of the earth: and the heavens are the work of thy hands.26 They shall perish, but thou shalt endure: yea, all of them shall wax old like a garment; as a vesture shalt thou change them, and they shall be changed: 27 But thou art the same, and thy years shall have no end.

Even though we live in an unstable, changing world, I believe that God wants you to be different, I believe He wants you to be established. I also believe that one thing every Christian should want, and desire is to be established. We should desire to be strong, stable and firm in our faith. However, for many, their Christian life seems to be filled with nothing but ups and down. Instead of being established, they feel like life is a roller coaster, filled with twists and turns and highs and lows. I remember the first time that I ever flew on an airplane. It was on a DC-9, flying from Huntsville, Al. to Memphis, TN. From there I boarded a 737 going to Minneapolis, MN. I remember staring out the window, once the plane was in the air, and I could see the wings of the plane bouncing up and down, yet overall the ride was smooth. Several years later, a friend in Montana had a small two-seater piper cub and he invited me for a ride. It was a windy day in March and we felt every air pocket, and every gust of wind. We were flying into a strong head wind and it seemed that we were making very little progress. I was never so glad to get my feet back on the ground as I was when I landed.

We would all desire to have faith like soared like the jumbo jet, but often, it would seem that we are more like the little piper cub, not making as much progress as we would like.

The scripture says in 1 Peter 5:10 But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you. God desires that you be established. In the scriptural text I read today, we find that David, after the death of King Saul, was anointed as King over Judah. Many years before, Samuel the prophet came to Bethlehem and anointed David to be king. He was later brought into the throne room to play his harp for Saul, and we later find him fighting the giant Goliath, marrying Saul’s daughter, and then spending several years on the run, in fear of his life because of the threats of Saul against his life. Through all of this, the kingdom must have seemed far away from David. The promises seemed to be almost impossible. Yet it did not change the fact that David was God’s anointed man. God desired to establish David into his kingdom. God’s plan included placing David on the throne of Israel, and establishing him in three different areas of his life, the same three that God desires to establish you in, established in his authority, established in his blessing, and established in his calling. These are three areas that every believer needs to be established in. Just as David was established by God, even so God desires that we be established in our position in Christ. The Bible says, Colossians 2:6 As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in him:

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Suzanne Wilkins

commented on Sep 4, 2019

My name is Suzanne. I'm from NJ. I just wanted to share what the Lord has been doing in my life as well. He deserves all of the Glory and Praise. Thank you for sharing Man of God. I'm actually going through a hardship right now involving my mom, Aunt as well as my health. I made the decision to trust the Lord. He has been guiding me to eat the right things and using people to help me do these things. As well as been helping me feed my mom and Aunt healthy foods, manage their medications. I am learning a lot. Just recently between July and August I had been back in forth to the hospital with my mom and my Aunt for health related issues . The Lord made provisions for us to keep our rent paid, gas and electric paid as well as had enough money for food. I love the Lord so much. I see this hardship as a test to strengthen my faith and to mature in the spirit. Now It's happening he is truly disciplining me in the spirit. Thank you for sharing this article. God bless you Man of God, your family and your ministry.

Suzanne Wilkins

commented on Sep 4, 2019

I'm truly being established gradually

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