Summary: Exposition of 1 Peter 4:7-11

Text: 1 Peter 4:7-11, Title: The End is Coming, Date/Place: LSCC, 2/19/06, AM

A. Opening illustration: statements from JWs and Gallup poll--ill file

B. Background to passage: Peter brings up the subject of the “end of all things” as a reality check for the suffering believers of his day. So after reminding them to keep the sufferings of Christ in their minds to help them suffer well, he reminds them of the urgency of our mission with the understanding that Christ will return, and it will be soon. The perfect tense verb “has come near” means that all things are in place for Christ to return, and we must be ready, therefore…

C. Main thought: Peter gives us three instructions with one empowering method.


A. Pray more (v. 7)

1. Peter uses two terms here that instruct believers to think and evaluate situations in life in view of prayer. The idea is that prayer should increase as the battle of life intensifies and moves toward its designed end. And believers must be alert as to the things that they should pray for. Informed thoughtful prayer is better than sending up “old faithful.” In fact, Peter implies here that prayer based on knowledge and spiritually mature evaluation is more effective and productive. Peter assumes that prayer will be continual through the day.

2. 1 Pet 1:13, 5:8, 1 Thess 5:6-8, Tit 2:12, Rom 12:12, Matt 6:7, Mar 14:38, Luk 21:34,

3. Illustration: In one region of Africa, the first converts to Christianity were very diligent about praying. In fact, the believers each had their own special place outside the village where they went to pray in solitude. The villagers reached these “prayer rooms” by using their own private footpaths through the brush. When grass began to grow over one of these trails, it was evident that the person to whom it belonged was not praying very much. Because these new Christians were concerned for each other’s spiritual welfare, a unique custom sprang up. When ever anyone noticed an overgrown “Prayer path,” he or she would go to the person and lovingly warn, “Friend, there’s grass on your path!” the praying soldier—ill file

4. The understanding that Christ is on his way will do much good to our prayer life. Do you really believe that? This can be done while you are talking with your spouse, reading the newspaper, watching the evening news, traveling to work, and so on. We must be alert to the spiritual significance of all of life as we prepare to pray. We must guard against vain repetition and thoughtlessness in our prayer life. Life is short, the return of Christ is soon, and we are at war, pray hard! Is your prayer life growing? On a very practical note, fasting helps you to focus your mind, and stay in prayer more consistently through the day—hunger can be a good reminder to pray diligently the end is near.

B. Love more (v. 8-9)

1. Peter emphasizes the reality that Christian love is a foundational grace to all other types of service, ministry, and duty. He says “above all” to keep on loving (agapao) one another fervently. This word fervent means to stretch or strain in order to reach the one being loved. Love intensely and devotedly. Then Peter gives a benefit of this self-sacrificing love by quoting Prov 10:12: covers sin. Side note that Peter or Mark had been memorizing scripture in Hebrew. Reference to relationships between believers with a family kind of love, but alludes to Christ’s love of sinners. Have a special love for other believers, but furthermore, be lovers of strangers. Explain hospitality in the first century, especially among early Christians. By 100 AD however, certain restrictions were put in place to curb abuse. Love strangers without complaining, but help them to get back on their feet, not welfare.

2. 1 Pet 1:22, Col 3:14, 1 Thess 3:12, 1 Cor 13:7, Heb 13:2,

3. Illustration: Something from Christmas Vacation about hospitality, great examples in our church – Mark and Lauri, all those that bring food and watch Mackenzie, the ICU—ill file,

4. To serve without love is hypocrisy; to preach without love is harsh and legalistic; to do missions without love is cold and mechanical. Sometimes to love someone is difficult. In fact some people are difficult to love. There are some of you here who have never opened up your home to another church member for dinner, or helped out a student, or single person in a tight spot, or supported a Christian ministry outside your church tithe. We must be about the business of caring for our own and winning others to Christ through service. Some of you are being hospitable but complaining about it. Allow Christ to love people through you when you are out of love. Allow his love to cover their sin, and yours.

C. Minister more (v. 10)

1. Peter explains here the great truth that all believers have been given at least one spiritual gift. He uses the word charisma, which is same word that Paul uses in texts like Rom 12 and 1 Cor 12 where he specifically discusses these gifts. He also explains the purpose for ministry in the body. He says to be a good steward (define steward: as a household slave in charge to manage something that belonged to his master) of your gift, figure out what it is and use it. He says to serve one another, same word from which we get our word deacon. It means servant or attendant. This is someone who attends to the needs (physical, spiritual, emotional, mental) needs of another. Peter says to serve one another using our gifts.

2. 1 Cor 4:2, 12:7, 11, Heb 6:10, Eph 5:16,

3. Illustration: Puerto Rican woman—ill file, “Gifts are not necessarily mature at the time of discovery ... they are developed through practice.” Stanley’s four things about believers who don’t exercise their spiritual gift 1) robbing the body of Christ, 2) forcing other members to carry their load, 3) they are dead weight on the body—dysfunctional limbs, 4) they are out of touch with the spirit.

4. Some may say, I don’t know what my spiritual gift is! Well you are in luck, I have brought some spiritual gift inventories for you to take home, fill out, and make an appointment to talk with me. Is it perfect, no, but better than nothing. If you know your gift and are not using your spiritual gift to build up the body, you are not being a good steward of what God has given. God can remove gifts that are not being used. And your church will suffer as a result because God has placed you here and you are not fulfilling your purpose here. The last days are not a time for the church to be weak, but strong! No one has the spiritual gift of attending every other week, or filling a pew on Sunday morning. God has gifted you, and your life will be more fulfilling as you accomplish what God has planned for you. Remember, however that spiritual gifts are not a mark of maturity or progress or status in the faith, fruit is.

D. Do it all through and for Christ (v. 11)

1. Following his last thought about gifts he breaks down the whole gamut of spiritual gifts into two broad categories—speaking gifts and serving gifts. He outlines here the responsibility that goes with them and the power to carry them out. Explain. Then of course he ties it all up in a nice little bow that shows that Christ is coming, so prepare yourself, and if you do, the end of all things is to have God glorified through Christ. Only when these gifts are done in this proper fashion is Christ seen clearly and magnified above all things. Then the doxology. Making this a statement of faith, not a wish. Amen: so it is!

2. Rom 12:6-8, dox--Rom 16:27, Eph 3:21, 1 Tim 1:17, 1 Tim 6:16, Jude 1:25, Rev 1:6

3. Illustration: “Resolved: that all men should live for the glory of God. Resolved second: That whether others do or not, I will.” –Jonathon Edwards, “Art is the gift and must be used for his glory. That in art is the highest which aims at this.” –Michelangelo,

4. When we who speak wrestle over the words to say and let the Spirit speak through us, and we who serve, serve in the power of Christ in us, people see Christ, and he is exalted and not we ourselves. Looking for strength to minister it is found in Christ, looking for power to overcome—in Christ, looking for guidance in life—in Christ. Make sure and point others to that end, not any other.


A. Closing illustration: He is Coming, and Savior and Judge-see ill file

B. Recap

C. Invitation to commitment

Additional Notes

• SO WHAT???