Summary: Stating the truth is a goal for most Christians. This is what sparked the reformation. And one of the events that is turning point in the reformation is the presentation of the Augsburg Confession, which is a statement of how important God is and that Je

Today we are remembering an important and significant event for Christians and for us as Lutherans.

It is when a group of lay political leaders publicly read and supported what was stated in the Augsburg Confession.

On this day, 476 years ago, at around 3 o’clock in the afternoon on the 25 June,

Chancellors Bruck and Bayer stood in front of the emperor of Germany, Charles the fifth and read out this document.

A further five had signed it.

This document contained what was consider the most important 28 points or articles

on what the supporters of the Lutheran movement believed,


and confessed as accurate teachings from God’s Word, scripture.

Publicly the Lutheran reformation movement had commenced some 13 years earlier,

when Martin Luther had nailed the 95 thesis or points for discussion and debate to the church at Wittenberg on 31st October.

But the Augsburg confession highlights and clarifies a number of biblical truths.

The Augsburg Confession, went a step further.

It clearly spelt out what Lutheran’s truly believed as the correct interpretation of scripture and the Christian faith.

And it was now available for all to see and hear,

because it was read allowed,

it was read in public

and it was read in a language that people could understand

not behind closed doors to a privilege few.

However the lay leaders who put their names to this document encounted significant pressure to conform to a particular view that did not seem consistent with scripture.

Many people and leaders in Germany, including The German Emperor, feared being attacked and having power ceased from them on two fronts

One from the Turks, who would bring the Muslim religion.

And another from France,

unless he was able to stabilise the religious unrest that had occurred as a result of the differences between the Catholic Church of the time and those supporting Luther’s interpretation of scripture,

and other Protestant leaders.

So the emphasis on unity to protect the country from attacks was a real pressure.

It is reported that Charles attempted to use both these reasons into scaring people into conforming to the catholic teachings of the day.

Regardless of what these teachings were or their implications on people’s faith.

Or at least for the reformers to keep quiet about what they believed.

Have you ever been in a similar situation?

This can be a very dangerous situation to be in.

We can compromise or keep quiet about some part of the truth to improve our situation or even just to protect ourselves.

Ever been tempted to create enemies of others based on suspicion and innuendos,

and keep quiet about the truth simply to protect our own turf.

Our own power?

Simply because it helps maintain what some people think is peace.

But as Christians we are not lead by what we or others think is right,

we are lead by what God says in His scriptures is right.

The early reformers did not allow these threats of attack to determine what they believed about God and the Christian church.

The circumstances weren’t irrelevant

but rather they trusted God even though it appeared there was a real possibility of difficulties for the whole country and themselves.

And yet they trusted that God would be with them during these difficulties.

And there was even a greater personal threat.

Emperor Charles the fifth, on numerous occasions had said Luther and his followers had to either conform to the teaching of the Catholic Church or die.

Imagine that threat being placed before you?

How would you react?

So the threat of death for stating the truth about scripture was extremely real.

Luther himself at various times throughout the Reformation was kept in hiding.

For this reason Luther himself was not at the reading of the Augsburg Confession, as his life was in danger.

But listen to the response of George, Margrave of Brandenburg,

one of those who appeared at the reading of the Augsburg Confession, when confronted with such a threat.

"Before I let anyone take from me the word of God and ask me to deny my God, I will kneel and let them strike off my head."

How would have you reacted to such a threat?

In fact how do you react when confronted with the situation of between choosing God and something or someone else?

Everyday each of us is confronted with such situations.

The choice of confessing that we believe in God with what we say and do

or keeping silent with our lips and actions.

Our physical life may not be at stake.

But something far more important is,

our eternal life,

and so is the eternal life of others.

The Gospel reading we heard today from Matthew 10, verses 26 to 33 is part of a larger teaching.

And throughout these teaching Jesus informs the disciples and us

that being one of His followers,

Does not necessarily mean that life will be easy and pleasant.

When we state and live as Christians

even in our closest relationships, which God created for good,

like families,

we maybe faced at times with the choice of being loyal to our family or loyal to God.

Listen to what Jesus says a few verses later to us:

34 “Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.

37 “Anyone who loves his father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves his son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me; 38 and anyone who does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me. 39 Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.

This is not physical war, but it is a spiritual one

On this point I like the counsel of an older friend.

She is in the difficult situation where her grown up children and many of her friends

for various reasons have drifted away from the church and their faith in God

and yet she still wants to show love to her family and friends.

So what does she do?

Initially she thought an easy way would be to say and do nothing?

She believed that this would keep peace.

But she said there were too many instances where such peace was not helpful to her or to others.

Instead she now constantly acts in ways to remind them that God still values and loves her friends and family.

She constantly prays for them.

She invites them to events where they have the opportunity to mix with other Christians in a church environment.

At times they come, at times they don’t.

But her most difficult times occur when they invite her somewhere when this clashes with worship or bible studies.

Most of the time her response is simple,

How about we start a little later?

Or better still how about you come to worship with me first and then we go for lunch or our afternoon together.

Even when she visits their town,

she makes a concerted effort to go to the local church and invites them along.

Her stance on not allowing other things and situations to compromise her time with God,

has lead to various discussions with her children and their families.

Some difficult and some helpful.

Over time she has been able to explain not only that God is important

But why He is important.

That He not only created us, but continues to love and value us.

And wants to freely give everyone a life where nothing perishes, spoils or fades.

Yes she does fear that at times her family or friends may reject her.

Reject her friendship.

But Her life as a Christian disciple,

leads her to fear and love God even above her relationships with other people.

Because as she says it is only God who can give her life now

And a life in the future.

Not only this but also it is only God that can give such life to her family and friends.

And that this life relies totally on what Jesus has done for her in his life, death and resurrection,

is doing for her as she lives her life today

and will do for her as He acknowledges her to His Father.

Think about that for a moment.

Jesus will acknowledge you as one of God’s children before his Father.

Simply because you trust that He died for you.

That your life and future totally relies on God.

And as you read through the summary of the Augsburg Confession as found in our Daily walk with God.

My prayer is that you see that our life is one of relying on God.

It originates and exists because God is gracious and has compassion on us.

Not because we have earnt it,

nor can anyone else apart from Jesus make it possible for us.

This is something we constantly need to remember.

It is our perspective on life.

This was the aim of the reformers.

Those that signed the Augsburg Confession,

and it should also be ours.

To state and live in ways that emphasis

How important God is to us.

Because only God cares for us, values us and is prepared to give us life now and in the future.

Only God will be with us at all times

This has been clearly demonstrated to us through the life, death and resurrection of his only Son Jesus.
