Summary: This is the second week of our "Toy Story" sermon series - To Infinity and Beyond. CVLI for the clips and dramas to reinforce.

“Beyond Doubt”

The Faith to Try New and Scary Things

Matthew 14:25-33

25 During the fourth watch of the night Jesus went out to them, walking on the lake. 26 When the disciples saw him walking on the lake, they were terrified. "It’s a ghost," they said, and cried out in fear. 27 But Jesus immediately said to them: "Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid." 28 "Lord, if it’s you," Peter replied, "tell me to come to you on the water." 29 "Come," he said. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. 30 But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, "Lord, save me!" 31 Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. "You of little faith," he said, "why did you doubt?" 32 And when they climbed into the boat, the wind died down. 33 Then those who were in the boat worshiped him, saying, "Truly you are the Son of God."

Woody: (Rev. Homan dressed as Woody)

Howdy pardners! My name’s Woody. I’m the sheriff in these here parts, and I welcome you to Andy’s Room! Over yonder are the building blocks. (Points left.) And, over that-a-way are the plastic soldiers. (Points right.) If you need help finding anything here just ask me… I’m glad to help ANY toy here in Andy’s room!!!

Did you know that I am Andy’s favorite toy? Yep, life is good is for me! Love! Adoration! A prime spot on Andy’s bed at nighttime. It has been that way practically forever… and it will never… ever… change. Nothing could ever replace me! Nothing could ever be better… than what we have right now!

However, things always get a little tense when Andy’s birthday rolls around. I don’t know if you remember, but last week Andy got a brand new toy that he was really REALLY excited about. This week we find out what that toy is. Wait, wait, wait… I think that is the new toy coming now!

[Enter Buzz Light Year]

Buzz: (Pastor Ferguson dressed as Buzz)

Hello Sherriff! I’m Buzz Lightyear… space ranger… defender of the galaxy!

[Buzz poses confidently]

Woody: Ha, ha, ha, haaaaaaaa! (Talking to congregation) He thinks…. (gasp) he thinks… (gasp) he’s a SPACE RANGER! Ha, ha, ha, haaaaa! You know… for a while I was worried that Andy would have some fancy new toy! But I’m glad to see he got a looney instead!

[Turns to Buzz addressing him]

Woody: Alright looney…

Buzz: That’s Buzz Lightyear Space Ranger… Sherriff. (Sherriff said with a hint of derision)

Woody: Whatever… look… let’s get a few things straight here. I’m Andy’s favorite toy, and nothing… NOTHING is ever gonna change about that OK!

Buzz: Well, I don’t know what you mean about that “toy” stuff, but you sound a bit scared to me.

Woody: ME? SCARED! Pfft… NOOOOOOooooooooo.

Buzz: But you want things to stay the same, nothing new,… forever… and ever… and ever… and ever.

Woody: YES!

Buzz: And you’re calling me looney. Look Sherriff, I know I’m new here but once in a while you have to have a little faith and take a little risk. Look at what is going on outside your room window. Why… it’s just like the first time that I flew…

Woody: You can’t fly!

Buzz: Oh yes I can.

Woody: You are a Toy. T. O. Y. Toy!

Buzz: I think the words you are looking for are “Space Ranger.”

Woody: The words I’m looking for I can’t say because we’re in church.

Buzz: You sound like such a doubter to me, I think we should look at the screen and see how this little encounter turns out.

[Play “Toy Story Clip (Can Fly)”]

Woody: Well… that was really quite impressive!

Buzz: So did you get my point!

Woody: What point? Gravity works?

Buzz: I still don’t think you get it. Lets take another look at what happened slide by slide as we reported in last night on TSPN, the Toy Story Programming Network.

[Sit at TSPN table (black table with TSPN sign]. [Play on ESPN] (Toy Story Programming Network) Put headsets on. Start TSPN Powerpoint. Slides with "stills" of the video to do a play by play commentary]

Woody: Welcome to TSPN… the Worldwide Leader in Toy News. Well… today’s matchup was a classic. It was the rookie versus the seasoned veteran… and at the outset of the game it didn’t look like the rookie would be up to the challenge. But the innovation and sheer tenacity of this rookie would ensure that the veteran would have his hands full today in the timeless clash of the titans showdown.


Woody: At the start of the game, it is quite obvious that you are a toy…


Buzz: Does this look like a toy to you? These wings are real, six foot on each side of titanium carbonium alloy. Look at all the fans. They are all in awe at the sheer muscles on this rookie. Even the seasoned veteran is amazed. Whether he is willing to admit it or not, this rookie offers something to his team that has never been seen before.


Woody: Despite the impressive show that the rookie put on you can still see some clear doubt in the veterans face. He is not confident at all. He obviously still believes that the rookie will fall short on his claims.


Buzz: From my perspective the veteran got a little out of control on this play. The refs obviously missed a huge penalty call. This is a clear face mask. He needs to do something with that attitude. You can’t let your emotion come into a game like.


Buzz: We’re off to a good start here. There is good elevation, good trajectory, a lot of potential in this first play. When a team gets ready for such an ambitious first play you have to have total commitment; there is no half way in a play like this. This rookie is giving his all, and it looks like it could be just what they need.

Woody: Ah, but you remember a guy name Willie Coyote.


Buzz: You notice the eyes are closed, just like he said. This guy has complete faith, no hesitation, no holds barred, full throttle, for the win, he has his eyes on the prize. He… could… go… all… the… way.


Woody: Here you can see the rookie is at Mach three. If he keeps this pace he will end up at the gates of saint Peter going mach four backwards with his hair on fire.


Buzz: He is at the 40… 30… 20…10… Touchdown. What a magnificent show of athleticism. You cannot stop him, you can only hope to contain it.


Buzz: You see sheriff… when you have the faith to step out and try something new… great and amazing things can happen. It’s just like the story of Peter and Jesus on the water. Peter trusted Jesus… and with Jesus’ help Peter was able to do things everybody believed was impossible!

Woody: But Buzz… you’re forgetting Peter almost drowned!

Buzz: Oh… I’m not saying it’s not scary. There are times I almost crash; almost. Even I get scared sometimes when I get ready to fly. But the point is… you’ll never fly at all if you never try. What would this world look like if no one ever tried Christianity? What would it look like if had been too afraid to change the way they worshiped in the temple? What would it look like if Jesus had been afraid to die on the cross? After all, forgiveness and grace had never been done that way before. Yes, trying something new is always scary, but we have to live beyond our doubt if we ever want to see what our true potential is; if we ever want to see what God can do through us.

Woody: You know Buzz I think you may be right, it might be time for me to wear my hat sideways.

Buzz: Umm, Woody, trust me there are some things that are never meant to change. But I do believe you’re catching on.

Woody: It does look like things are going to change with you around. But I’m not scared of you anymore. I had my doubts to begin with, but you’re all right. In fact, I think we can be friends after all. Welcome to Andy’s room.

Pastor Homan Now all seriousness aside. In the account of Jesus and Peter walking on the water, it must have taken Peter a great measure of courage to step out onto the water. He did not know what would happen. There must have been some fear that he would sink and yet he stepped out in faith and walked to Jesus. Sure he stumbled along the way when he lost sight of Jesus, but still he was the only disciple brave enough to even try.

Who was it that Jesus said he would build his church upon. It was Peter, whom Christ called the rock because of his strong faith. Sure it is scary and difficult to step out of our comfort zone. It is unnerving stepping onto something we are convinced will fail us. But as Christians, we, just like Peter must live beyond our fear, beyond our doubt. We must live in faith and follow Christ no matter where he leads us. Amen.