Summary: The pouring of the seven bowls shows us that God's grace will come to a close - when the bowls are poured the end is near. How ready are we?

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Revelation 15:5-16:21

God Takes Control of Evil in this Broken World.

Have you ever had déjà vu.

Déjà vu is what happens when you are in a situation and then you think – this has happened before.

I think that when John was seeing the Revelation there must have been times when he thought, “This feels like déjà vu”. “I have seen this before”.

I’ll show you what I mean. Let’s read Revelation 15:5-16:21

God Takes Control of Evil in this Broken World.

If you have been here for the whole Revelation series you might be thinking, “I’ve seen that before”. And you would be right – it all happens back in chapter 8 & 9.

7 angels.

Seas and rivers turning to blood.

A great battle with evil.

The river Euphrates

Fire and smoke.

Plagues, Earthquakes and hailstones.

It isn’t all exactly the same, but there are plenty of similarities. Enough for us to say, “This feels a bit like déjà vu”. So what is going on?

Imagine that Revelation is like the Eiffel Tower. Now I say to you, go and get me some pictures of the Eiffel Tower.

You might get some distant shots, to give us an overall view.

You might get closer, showing some of the engineering work.

Maybe you take some inside shots.

You might get some really close, close-ups.

All those photos are of the Eiffel Tower. You can show me them in whatever order you like, it is still the Eiffel Tower. You might emphasise just one part. It is still the Eiffel tower. As you show me the pictures I might think, “I’ve seen this”. Well I have, but also I haven’t because I am looking from different perspectives.

That is what John is seeing. Except it is not the Eiffel Tower – it is a Revelation which is designed to help us understand events that are going to happen between the time when Jesus went to heaven … and the time He will return in judgement … and the events after the judgement. So there is going to be stuff here that we are familiar with, but also stuff which is new, or looked at from a different angle.

So when we read about the angels, and the plagues, and the blood-turning-to-water, and the scorching sun, and all those events we go, “Yep – I remember what that was all about”. We have seen that these are not going to be word-for-word literally fulfilled events. Rather they remind us that God is in control of history and there will be events which happen which cause us to sit up and take notice.

Famines, Earthquakes, Tsunamis, Fires, Heatwaves, Environmental disasters. God does this because He wants those who are evil to wake up.

The torment of evil that creates fear, doubt, anxiety, greed, manipulation, abuse, self-indulgence, lust, misdirection, brokenness, and apprehension. God allows this to make evil people see the reality.

The resulting death – the greatest fear of so many. Coming onto mankind in so many unimaginable ways. God wants people to sit up and listen.

From the time of Jesus went to heaven up to now all these chaotic events have been taking place. And the whole time the message to those who are evil is the same … I am God – have I got your attention yet?.

The opening of the seals in chapter 6.

The sounding of the trumpets in chapters 8-9.

The pouring out of the bowls in this section.

It’s déjà vu.

… …

But it’s not all déjà vu.

Because as we go through the book of Revelation we keep getting different perspectives. Close-up views, or shots from different angles.

The first close up involves the temple which is in heaven – the heavenly temple is actually mentioned a number of times in Revelation.

Then God’s temple in heaven was opened, and within his temple was seen the ark of his covenant. And there came flashes of lightning, rumblings, peals of thunder, an earthquake and a great hailstorm.

Revelation 11:19

Then another angel came out of the temple and called in a loud voice to him who was sitting on the cloud, “Take your sickle and reap, because the time to reap has come, for the harvest of the earth is ripe.”

Revelation 14:15

Why is there a temple in heaven? Hebrews 9 helps answer that question. You can turn to it with me if you like.

Hebrews 9:1

Now the first covenant had regulations for worship and also an earthly sanctuary. A tabernacle was set up.

Just so you understand the tabernacle was the mobile temple. The Israelites first used the tabernacle when they left Egypt. When they got to the promised land and settled down, King Solomon was the one who built the temple. Effectively the tabernacle and temple are the same thing. So the earthly temple had regulations and a specific set-up. Hebrews 9:2-10 describes the set up and some of these regulations.

Hebrews 9:11

When Christ came as high priest of the good things that are already here, he went through the greater and more perfect tabernacle that is not man-made, that is to say, not a part of this creation.

Jesus is the sacrifice, he is also the high-priest. As the sacrifice/high-priest Jesus went into a tabernacle that is not of this world. That is the heavenly temple we are reading about in Revelation. There is a temple in heaven, which was copied and put onto the earth in Jerusalem. Why is it there?

Hebrews 9:24;27-28

For Christ did not enter a man-made sanctuary that was only a copy of the true one; he entered heaven itself, now to appear for us in God’s presence.

Just as man is destined to die once, and after that to face judgment, so Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many people; and he will appear a second time, not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for him.

There is a sense where heaven and earth are connected. What happens in one effects the other. The heavenly temple is a reminder to all that the sacrifice has been paid. All of heaven witnessed Jesus enter the temple and make the perfect sacrifice.

Sin has been paid for.

Death has been defeated.

Satan has lost.

There is no need for a continued sacrifice. What did Jesus say on the cross? “It is finished”.

So what is the purpose now then of the temple in heaven? Every time any heavenly creature, or angel, or elder, or saint looks at the heavenly temple they are visually reminded of the truth.

Jesus has won the victory.

The end has been eternally secured.

God will bring His people home.

With all that in mind, have a close look at what is happening here.

And the temple was filled with smoke from the glory of God and from his power, and no one could enter the temple until the seven plagues of the seven angels were completed.

Revelation 15:8

This is the only time in Revelation that God’s glory is moved from the throne – so something very significant is happening. This is also the only time that access to the heavenly temple has been blocked – again that is significant.

Jesus has paid the price once and for all for sin.

The heavenly temple stood as a reminder of this.

But now, the way is blocked.

Temple business cannot take place.

A new phase has been reached. Salvation is not on offer anymore. God’s patience has come to an end.

Listen to the voice from the temple.

It doesn’t say, “Do you think the bowl’s of God’s wrath should be poured?”

It isn’t a suggestion, or a question to be voted on.

I heard a loud voice from the temple saying to the seven angels, “Go, pour out the seven bowls of God’s wrath on the earth.”

Revelation 16:1

It’s a command. An overpowering, loud, order being issued by God.

The closure of the temple in heaven tells us that there is no more grace period.

God is patient, not wanting anyone to perish but everyone to come to repentance. But patience does not mean eternally sitting back and doing nothing. One day there will be no more opportunity. One day there will be no accesses to the treasures of the heavenly temple. One day the door will be blocked.

It is important for us to see this. We might think that life is a bit of déjà vu. We can go for weeks, months, and even years where it all feels the same. Nothing really changes that much. It has been 2000 years since Jesus was here. It sometimes feels like it could keep going for another 2000 more.

So we put off making decisions.

And we start to become a little comfortable … maybe even a little complacent.

And we fall into a rut.

But listen to the warning.

When God gives the command for the bowls to be poured out the end is getting close.

When the seals are opened or the trumpets sounded only 1/4 or 1/3 of the target was impacted. But …

… the first bowl impacts every person who has the mark of the beast

… the second bowl pours blood into the whole sea.

… the third bowl brings blood to all the rivers and springs.

… the fourth bowl causes all the earth to be scorched.

… the fifth bowl plunges all of the kingdom of the beast into darkness.

… the sixth bowl speaks about a great battle.

… the seventh bowl is poured and God’s voice from the temple says, “It is done”.

Judgement has been completed. There is a real finality about what is happening here.

It’s déjà vu … but it isn’t. Because as the final chapter of history draws to a close there will be an intensification of the difficulties.

How does that make you feel?

You might say, “Bring it on”. There is so much about this world that just isn’t fun.

So much injustice. So much inequity. So much hopelessness.

You might say, “I’m not ready”. I’m not sure if I have the spiritual strength to get through. I haven’t fully made the commitment yet.

You might say, “I’m afraid”. I have a faith, but I also live in a very comfortable country. I’ve never really been tested. I’ve never really been persecuted. Will I stand?

When we read about the bowls of wrath – this is really where the rubber hits the road. Where are you going to stand? Whose side are you going to be on? Because whether you like it or not you are part of the battle.

Sometimes the battle is called:-


Then they gathered the kings together to the place that in Hebrew is called Armageddon.

Revelation 16:16

Let me say from the outset that this verse has created all sorts of fanciful interpretations. That is despite the fact that this is the only place in all of Scripture where the word Armageddon can be found.

A good rule of thumb about interpreting Scripture is this:- If the concept is only found one time don’t bend the rest of Scripture to accommodate that one time.

Another good rule of interpreting Scripture is this:- Always remember the context.

This gathering at Armageddon is mentioned in connection with the sixth bowl.

This bowl causes the river Euphrates to dry up so that the kings from the East can come.

Historically the Euphrates helped as a bit of protection for Israel against the mighty nations that kept on coming from the north. Once you get over the Euphrates God’s people became an easier target.

This bowl also reminds us that the unholy trinity – the dragon, the beast and the false prophet – that they are out creating a deception. That is what the croaking is all about. Frogs make lots of noise, but it is all meaningless. But the world listens to the meaningless croaking of Satan, and they think they are good enough to take on God.

You put those two things together and you know it isn’t talking about a literal battle. Firstly, it doesn’t matter what sort of river the Euphrates is, in our modern times rivers don’t offer any real protection. Secondly the involvement of the unholy trinity means it is not a physical battle, it is a spiritual one.

This is Armageddon.

God allows evil to think they are going to have a victory. He just lets Satan croak and croak convincing people that they are greater than God and that they will be able to win without any adverse consequences. For the believer that does mean trials and hardship.

In the battle we will suffer.

Our faith will need to count the costs.

Persecution might be involved.

Christianity is not the flavour of the month – and it shouldn’t be.

And sometimes it just looks all messed up doesn’t it. Sometimes we just don’t feel like we are on the winning side – sometimes we doubt and fear and second-guess.

But looks are deceiving.

When Jesus was betrayed it looked like Judas was having his payday.

When Jesus was arrested it looked like the temple rulers were in control.

When Jesus was beaten it looked like the Romans were dominating.

When Jesus was mocked it looked like the Jews had denounced a false Messiah.

When Jesus was crucified it looked like the plan was all over.

When Jesus was buried it looked like death had a victory.

Until three days later. Jesus is in control, He is the Messiah. He has the victory.

Looks can be deceiving.

Maybe we are going through trials and difficulties and we have questions. It feels like evil is stacked up against us and they are gathering. Maybe we are near the end. The world seems to be getting worse and worse. Then again it could be a lot worse. But in all of this uncertainty and wondering and question and doubt look at what happens:-

Behold, I come like a thief! Blessed is he who stays awake and keeps his clothes with him, so that he may not go naked and be shamefully exposed.

Revelation 16:15

Right to the end Satan has got everyone convinced that you can stand against God and win. Then Jesus just steps into the picture and says, “You’ve got it all wrong”. The assault against the people of God is crushed in an instant – and as we will find out in a few weeks, the unholy trinity, the evil demons and the earthly followers all end up in the lake of fire.

My friends your life … the days you live … might feel like déjà vu.

“I’ve seen it all before”.

“I expect to keep on seeing it in the days ahead”.

Don’t let that experience cause you to fall asleep.

Don’t find yourself naked and unprepared.

Don’t become comfortable and complacent.

The bowls of God’s wrath are going to be poured out.

You will be involved in a battle.

It is only a question of which side you will be on.

But also my friends don’t lose heart.

Maybe you have doubts and fears and feel overwhelmed.

Maybe you are suffering, and cost counting, and even being persecuted.

Listen to Your Saviour.

I will come like a thief in the night.

I will come to take you home
