Summary: Being a Christian church means following Jesus command to make disciples of people of all nations, which means we will be a community of diverse people. We explore why this is important, what it means for us and how to live with differences in our church

There is something important for everyone in our congregation to think deeply about.

Do you see differences as a blessing or a problem?

How you answer this question is important, as it will influence how you live and act.

It will influence how you be part of the church.

The church in Corinth had a major problem.

And the problem wasn’t differences, but how people responded to these differences.

Our reading from 1 Corinthians chapter 1 verses 10 to 18 indicated that there were at least four factions within the congregation.

Verse 12 says

What I mean is this: One of you says, “I follow Paul”; another, “I follow Apollos”; another, “I follow Cephas”; still another, “I follow Christ.”

and these factions had led to quarrels and arguments.

The reality was Paul, Apollos and Cephas had all preached the Gospel.

They had all helped others see that Jesus was their only hope for a future and eternal life.

However some people were saying Paul’s style was the best or most important, others Apollos’ style was the most important, others Cephas’ style the most important and others their interpretation of Christ’s style the most important.

The problem was instead of seeing the different way people present and hear the message of Christ as a blessing and helpful to people connecting to God they were using them to cause division.

And when it comes to our congregation there are differences

One of the great things about our congregation is that we have a diverse range of people

We have old people, middle aged people and young people

We have those who loving playing and listening to traditional music and those who love and play contemporary music

We have older people and there are younger people

We have people from different backgrounds and experiences

We have people with different talents and gifts

and the more I think about it there are lots of differences in our congregation

There are many differences in our congregation.

So how are you responding to the differences in our congregation?

Do you see them as a blessing??

Unfortunately some people think that the best way to deal with differences is to eliminate them by either forcing everyone to be the same or excluding or demonising those who are different from you.

This is because they see differences as a problem.

The truth is this would make for a very lonely church.

Taken to the extreme you would be part of a church where only you would be the member.

But this is not Jesus’ approach

Nor is it the way the early church dealt with its differences.

Take a few moments to consider who Jesus spent time with…..

Think about his first 12 disciples…they weren’t all the same characters

He regularly spent time with the Pharisees, tax collectors, adulaters, people who were not popular, people with diseases, his disciples, Jews and Gentiles, women, men and children, and there is a lot more

And his reason for spending time with every person he met, was so they could hear and experience the Good News and have the opportunity to join His kingdom.

Being prepared to spend time with people who are different from you is part of our call in being disciples who make disciples of all nations.

Now also consider the discussion that Paul has with various churches about the Body of Christ.

In 1 Corinthians chapter 12

We are reminded that Christ is the head of the body and there are different parts that make up the body.

And not every part is the same but they are all important.

Please keep remembering this

not every member of God’s church is the same, but we are all important.

2 Corinthians chapter 5 verse 15 reminds us of the following:

And Jesus died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for Jesus who died for them and was raised again.

Because God is focussed on giving salvation to all people….His church should include a lot of different people

Differences for both Jesus and the Early Church are not a problem….

Rather in Jesus coming to earth God made it very clear that our mission as His disciples is to all people, not just those we are the same as us or who we are comfortable with.

Do you see how differences are a blessing and not a problem?

As a disciple of Jesus

As a person called to represent God in the world do you see why it is important to be welcoming to all people?

Marcia was a character

She loved her church

She had retired many years ago

She always seemed to be able to find something good to say in what was happening in her church and everyone in her church.

Marcia realised that she was not going to like everything everyone did…but she also recognised that just about everyone in her church blessed her in some way or another.

The church she attended had a traditional service at 8am, a contemporary service at 10am and a youth service at 6pm

Plus there was a calendar full of events and activities

Some Sundays Marcia would attend the 8am service, other Sundays the contemporary service and on some Sundays the Youth Service.

Some of her friends would often ask her, “How can you attend those other services….how can you stand the music?”

To which Marcia would often reply, “I don’t go there for the music…..I love mixing with others who are part of our church…it is great to see how others are loving Jesus and being loved by Jesus…and it is great to also learn from them….sometimes it is not my cup of tea…so instead I drink their milo”

What about you how are you responding to differences?

Are you fighting them?

Are you ignoring them?

Are you welcoming the differences?

Are you pleased to see others connecting to God who like different things than you?

How are you responding to people in our congregation who are different from you?

And what about the strangers that cross your path?

If we are to take seriously being an evangelising church…

and that means take seriously God’s call for all of us to be His disciples

We need to expect to live with and encounter people who are different from us…

This includes not only people with different background and experiences

But also people who will respond to God’s love differently than what we may have

People with different personalities

However as we saw in our reading from 1 Corinthians 1:10-18 being focussed on differences can cause a problem for a community, especially a church community.

These problems often occur when an individual uses their differences to justify why they don’t have to be part of something in the church, whether it be a worship service, meeting group or some other gathering.

or when an individual lives as if everyone needs to accommodate them and their differences and what they like must always be addressed.

God’s encouragement is not that we demand that our differences be accepted,

but rather we accept others even if they are different and that we don’t let differences divide us

In Philippians chapter 2 verses 1- 3 we hear

If you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any fellowship with the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, 2 then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose. 3 Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves.

The reality is we need differences if we are going to live out God’s call for us to make disciples of all nations.

I am very thankful that Jesus has a broad approach to who can be His disciples

otherwise it is very unlikely that I would be here

and it is highly unlikely that I would know many of you, who are a blessing to each other, to God’s church and the Portland community.

Therefore the solution to being a church where different people can live and work alongside each other is not being all the same or doing the same things

but to be a Christ focussed church

and that means being a Christ focussed disciple.

This means everything we do and how we live is focussed on and centred around Jesus,

We will focus on His life saving action on the cross and through the tomb

and we will focus on the mission He has given us as a church to make disciples of all nations.

With Jesus as our focus

We will be constantly listening to Him in prayer, worship and bible studies so our lives and attitudes will be shaped by Him

With Jesus as our focus

Our aim is to welcome everyone we interact with so they too can follow Jesus and rely on Him for eternal life…

With Jesus as our focus

we live and work together as a team…we don’t have to witness and evangelise to people alone,

but rather we are blessed to be part of a church community that can support and bless each other

and we have the opportunity to connect people to a wide variety of people.

With Jesus as our focus

Our aim is for people to be more like Jesus.

With Jesus as our focus we have a future and a power that is not available anywhere else

As 1 Corinthians 1:18 says

For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.

So as we live as a church community and a disciple of Jesus….

allow our differences to be a blessing and used for God’s glory

be focussed on God’s mission

allow Christ to shine through us

so many more know of God’s great love and power
