Summary: Facing challenges with success, only with the Lord in on our side.

Nehemiah 2:17, 18 - Nehemiah 6:15, 16

It Was Nobody But God

When something happens, we want to know the outcome. We don’t you want me

to take all day. We want the details, so hurry up and make your point. And that

goes for every part of our lives, even at a time like this. Even right now, you want

the message to speed up, get to the point and let’s go home. But when it comes to

the things of God, we must go thru the process. Back in the day, they used to sing

about You Can’t Hurry God, Oh no, You just have wait, we have to trust Him and

give Him Time, No matter How long it takes, because He’s a God that You Can’t

Hurry, He’ll Be there, You Don’t Have to Worry, But He May Not Come When

You Want Him, but He’s right on time.

I just believe that somebody here today is dealing with a challenge, and you want

to know, how long it will take before your situation changes. You want to know,

how long will it take for you to do what you want to do? HOLD UP. STOP RIGHT


question to ask ourselves is, what WE WANT TO DO, is it God, or is it just a good

idea? Is it for self promotion, or is the desire motivated out of genuine concern for

something greater than ourselves?

These are questions for all of us to consider. In the text, we find a man named

Nehemiah that went thru some of the very same things, but in the process, he

recognizes, and he comes to understand, that despite the desires of his heart,

despite challenge that he would face, in the end, IT WAS NOBODY BUT GOD.

From last week’s lesson, in Chapter 1, Nehemiah received the bad news of how

life is going in his homeland, Jerusalem. He knows that the temple has been

rebuilt, but the wall surrounding the temple is still broken down. To have a temple,

without a wall, left the city unprotected and shameful. That was not a good thing.

After Nehemiah got over his time of sadness, his level of deep concern kicked in.

He had to do something about it, but his first course of action came thru His

allegiance to God, and thru prayer and fasting. It was a time for him to

acknowledge who God was to him, and to seek God’s direction. He confessed the

sins of his ancestors, as well as his own sins. He remembered the promise made to

Moses and God honored His promise in that IF, they transgressed, they would be

scattered abroad among the nations. But IF they returned to God, He would bring

them together, to the chosen place, where God set His Name. Nehemiah

committed himself to REBUILD THAT WALL! Is there anybody, in the house

this morning, that’s ready to rebuild. Are you ready to partner with God to fix that

which is broken? It may not be a wall, but you know what it is, and whatever it is,

God IS ABLE. When HE brings it to pass, it won’t be out of our own strength, it

won’t be you money, it wont be your education, it won’t be you colleagues,

confidants, comrades or constituents. It will be NOBODY BUT GOD.

As time moves on, Nehemiah continues in his commitment and his window of

opportunity opened, but he had to take a RISK. He had to seize the moment. He

exercised his FAITH. He had to make his request known before the king, with

CONVICTION and COURAGE. This is a clear indication of growth. That’s what

God is looking for. People that are willing to go against the grain. People who are

ready to break out of the box, because we’ve been in the box, long enough.

People who are ready to come out of the can, because the pressure is tight and we

can’t even MOVE. People who are COMMITED enough, CONVICTED enough

COURAGEOUS enough and CRAZY enough, to trust GOD and to take a RISK,

in order to do something that failed the last time. When we get to that point in our

walk with the Lord, that we TRUST HIM enough, to face our challenges, then our

witness will change, from the same witness that we’ve held on to since the 1970’s.

CHANGE WILL COME, and NOW, the testimony is clearly evident, that down

thru the years, God’s been good to me. IT WAS NOBODY BUT GOD.

Nehemiah finds favor in the king’s sight, which was a pagan king by the way, and

he receives everything that was necessary to get the job done. He had clearance to

go for a set amount of time A set a time for what is believed to be about 4 months

. Isn’t it amazing to see the hand of God, moving, on a situation and touching some

on the most unlikely people to provide what you need, in order to get the job done.

This was not a COMMITMENT for Nehemiah TO BOAST about his

accomplishments; it was an opportunity to trust God, to step out on His promise, to

face a challenge, to grow from it, and to glorify God. It was an opportunity for one

to serve God in a greater capacity, a capacity greater than himself, in order to gain

a deeper perspective of how God can take an UNLIKELY situation, touch the

heart of any UNLIKELY person, breathe upon it and show how ALL THINGS

work together for the good, even when we don’t UNDERSTAND IT. When you

can hardly EXPLAIN IT, but you know that it was NOBODY BUT GOD. You

may be facing a challenge in your life right now, but God is in the midst of the

challenge with you. Stand on the promise that He will never Leave you, nor

forsake you. If you have the approval of God, for a specific assignment, Rest

assured that you can Trust Him, and in time it will come to pass.

When we commit ourselves to God, and He begins to rebuild the broken areas of

our lives, and the things that we are committed to, let me forewarn you. You need

to know this, and take it home with you! Put it on the shelf, you might need it

later. Be prepared for opposition. Nehemiah had enemies. We have enemies, and

the enemy does not like it when you’re doing something positive. As long as the

wall remained broken, they were just those poor children of Israel that could be

invaded at any time. But somewhere along the way, someone SAW or HEARD

something, someone that talks too much, told EVERYTHING, because they

couldn’t keep ANYTHING. Sanballat the Horonite and Tobiah the Ammonite

heard something that they didn’t want to hear. They were enemies of the children

of Israel ANYWAY, and they “HEARD” that there was a man, who was

concerned about the welfare of the children of Israel. Sanballat and Tobiah had no

CONCERN for the children of Israel, at all, other than to try their very best, to

STOP, or to HINDER, any progress from being made. These two men were

“exceedingly grieved at the thought that there might be the possibility of progress.

So often, even in this day and age, People usually will not support you, out of fear

of what you may become.

Stop right there. Let me say it this way.

I have learned in life, and you have learned from your own life experiences, what it

feels like to come in contact with people in the world, that really don’t mean you

any good. We have our own Sanballats and Tobiah’s. Their ways and actions

show what’s in their heart. When they find out WHAT you have going on that’s

POSITIVE, they blow it off as if it’s NOTHING. But these, are the same people

that love drama, and they feed off of NEGATIVITY. They do not have good

intentions where you are concerned, and the objective is to see you FAIL. These

things are character traits of the Sanballats and Tobias we face every day. I just

want you to know that wherever you find yourself in the confounds of this

message, Don’t be surprised when you face the challenges of opposition. It’s

comes with the territory. Open your eyes. Be watchful, be vigilant, opposition is all

around, don’t be caught by surprise. In time, God will EXPOSE the lies, the

trickery, the schemes, and the manipulations. The mask will be pulled off their

faces to prove who they really are, and those in opposition will be cast down, in

their own eyes, for they will witness that it was NOBODY BUT GOD.

Nehemiah faced a major challenge, and God was on his side. He surveyed the

landscape of Jerusalem, not revealing what his plan to anyone. His enemies didn’t

have a clue as to what welfare he sought on behalf of the children of Israel. I can

imagine in my mind, how God had set the stage for him to see what he was

working with. In my mind I can imagine on this particular night God lit up the sky

over Jerusalem, with the light of a HARVEST MOON. The light in the midnight

sky, allowed him to see the destruction. IT WAS NOBODY BUT GOD.

Nehemiah returns and presents his plan to the leaders and the people. They have

seen the destruction, and they know how terrible things look in Jerusalem. The city

was unprotected and wide open for the enemy. It is interesting that Nehemiah says

in vs. 17, Come; “Let us” build up the wall. Thru prayer and fasting, thru

confessions their sins, thru making a commitment, they had everything that they

needed. But the most important thing was that, God was on his side. Nehemiah


The people came together with one collective voice and said. “Let us rise up and

build. They didn’t just say it; they put some action behind it, by strengthening

their hands. It was a joint effort to get the job done. Some were building, while

others were watching, but the all played their role. Can you imagine how we as the

body of Christ, have the opportunity rebuild. We have the opportunity to first and

foremost to allow the Spirit of God to rebuild the broken areas of our lives. A

broken heart, broken self esteem, a broken spirit, a broken fellowship with God.

We have an opportunity to rebuild that which is broken, right here at Beech Creek.

Even as it relates to this building, she has weathered the storm, withstood the test

of time, She’s served well, and she’s still standing, but are we open rebuilding her

to making her even better.

Thru God, we can do it. The opportunity will come with CHALLENGES. The

opportunity will come with OPPOSITION, the opportunity will come by being

able to see something greater than ourselves. We as a church have an opportunity,

for generations to come, that God chose THIS PLACE to set His name upon.

Nehemiah faced great challenges at the hand of Sanballat, Tobiah, and others who

opposed. They were laughed at, plotted against, lied on and manipulated, but they

kept on working. They didn’t allow DISTRACTIONS to result in DEFEAT. They

didn’t allow opinions to ABORT the ASSIGNMENT. Nehemiah took a RISK by


WORK WAS COMPLETED in 52 days. Not 52 months. Not 52 years, but 52

days. That was NOBODY BUT GOD. Out of all that Nehemiah and the children of

Israel had been thru, from CAPTIVITY to RELEASE. They rebuilt the wall while

facing CONFLICT and CHAOS. But With God, they CONQUERED the


BUT GOD. Maybe you’re facing a challenge this morning, and you’re wondering

how will I make it thru. I just want to encourage you, that you are surrounded by a

great cloud of witnesses. Many of us have testimonies that you would never

imagine, but as we gather in this place, Sunday after Sunday, week after week, it’s

NOBODY BUT GOD. God is right in the midst of the challenges we face. God is

in the midst of our mess, teaching us that it ant over, it’s only a test to grow our

faith, a test to grow us up, and to equip us for the next challenge. He kept us, when

we couldn’t keep ourselves. He strengthened us, when we felt like giving up. But

now, because of we’re growing up, we realize that GIVING UP IS JUST A

THOUGHT: IT’S NEVER AN OPTION. He’s depending on us to tell our story,

HOW IT WAS NOBODY BUT GOD .You have heard just a portion of

Nehemiah’s story, and you’ve got a story to tell how the Lord has been good to

you. But what good is it, if we never tell our stories and give God praise that

through it all, we conclude when we reflect upon all that we’ve been through, we

can only lift our voices in praise by saying, It Was Nobody But God.