Summary: During His first visit, the people of Decapolis desired Jesus to depart from them. When He returned, they were glad to see Him, and desired healing. They declared: He has done all things well. No doubt our Lord does all things well.

Doing all Things Well

Mark 7: 31-37

In our text today we find Jesus on a journey, making His way from the Gentile cities of Tyre and Sidon to the Sea of Galilee. He had taken a route that brought Him through the region of Decapolis on the east side of Galilee. This is the same region where Jesus healed the maniac who dwelt among the tombs.

As we follow His steps that day, we no longer find a people who don’t want Him among them, but rather those who are thankful He has returned. Aren’t you glad Jesus came by your way more than once? As He made His way through Decapolis, the people began to gather around Him. I can imagine the noise that must’ve filled the air. He’s back! The One who touched the maniac is back! Bring those who need a touch unto Him!

It is in this setting that our text unfolds. Jesus touches a man who is deaf and unable to speak. Today would be much different than the previous visit. On this day rather than desiring Jesus to leave, the people make a profound statement: He hath done all things well! Many don’t believe, but those who have experienced His touch declare that Jesus has done all things well. Let’s look at the details of this miraculous encounter as we consider: Doing all Things Well.

I. The Turmoil of the Man (32) – This one verse reveals much about the man who came to Jesus that day. There is a picture of all of us in this man.

A. A Life of Dependence (32a) – And they bring unto him one that was deaf, and had an impediment in his speech. We find those who knew the man brought him to Jesus. He may have been able to see the commotion, but he had no idea what was going on. This man was in a position where he depended on others for his needs.

That is the way that each of us were. I had spent time in church, watching others worship, but I had no idea what I needed. I was blind to the things of God and could not understand what I needed in life.

There are those around us today, who do not fully understand what they need. They may know something is missing, but they are unable to find it for themselves. There are lost people, maybe even some of our children, who are depending on others to point them to Jesus. We all know someone who’s lacking, but can’t seem to get there themselves. What will you do to get them to Jesus? He alone is what they need! Somebody needs to point them to the Savior so they too can be saved.

B. A Life of Despair (32a) – This man was deaf; he could not hear. He also had a speech impediment; he was unable to speak. Can you imagine the despair he felt? He was unable to hear what was going on around him. He found it difficult to communicate. No doubt his life was filled with days of loneliness and despair. I’m sure he longed to be able to hear and communicate. He longed to live life without the burden of his condition.

I remember when I had that same longing in my heart. I saw others whose lives were filled with joy. They had been born again and were able to communicate with the Lord. As I looked at the life they lived, I longed to have that in my life as well. I longed for the day to be released from the burden of sin. I longed for the day that joy would fill my heart.

There are those today, maybe in this place right now, which are living a life of despair. They long to be freed from the burden of sin. They long for the day that peace will come into their hearts and be able to hear from God and talk with Him. The grip of sin weighs heavy upon the soul. A life lived apart from the Lord is always a life of despair.

C. A Life of Distinction (32b) – and they beseech him to put his hand upon him. Those who knew the man brought him to Jesus, hoping the Lord would touch him. He may have lived a life of despair, unable to communicate, but he was loved of those who knew him. This man may have lived with a disability, but he was blessed because he was loved.

They beseeched the Lord to touch him. This has the idea of “calling to one’s side, a summons for help, to beg or entreat.” They knew Jesus could touch and heal. He had already healed the demonic among the tombs. If Jesus could do that, He could help this poor man.

Let me encourage you to remain committed to those whom you are concerned about. Cry out unto the Lord on their behalf; call Him unto your side. Jesus brought healing and salvation to us; He is still able today! Never give up; keep pressing on and laboring in prayer. If you love them, lift them up to God. I rejoice that I was loved enough that someone prayed for me!

II. The Touch of the Master (33-35) – These verses reveal a scene that is so familiar in the Gospels. They reveal a loving Savior who is concerned about the needs of people. Let’s take a moment to consider Jesus’ touch.

A. A Personal Touch (33a) – And he took him aside from the multitude. The deaf man was the one who needed a touch. He was the one Jesus focused on. Jesus wanted to do a personal work in the life of this man. Jesus wanted him to know that He was concerned about his personal need. He could’ve simply touched the man among the multitude, but Jesus wanted to deal with him personally.

Jesus still works that way today. His touch is always a personal touch. He will deal with you about the particular need in your life. We don’t serve a generic Lord who has a one size fits all touch. Jesus knows the condition of your heart and He desires to work with you in a personal way. He is never short on grace, healing, encouragement, or salvation.

I praise God that I have a personal Savior, One who cares about my individual needs. I don’t have to rely on someone else’s blessing; I can get the help I need for my life. You can too! Jesus desires to meet you where you are, bring you out from the crowd, and meet your need.

B. A Pointed Touch (33b) – And he took him aside from the multitude, and put his fingers into his ears, and he spit, and touched his tongue; Jesus immediately dealt with the needs of the man. He didn’t need his eyes to be opened, his legs to be made strong or healing from leprosy. This man was deaf and unable to speak. Jesus touched his ears and his tongue.

Jesus will always deal in specific ways. He knows every need of your heart. If you are lost in sin, Jesus will touch your heart concerning salvation. If you are troubled, He will bring peace. If you are wayward and wandering, He will bring conviction to return unto the fold.

There is no need to feel as if Jesus has made some sort of mistake. He knows where you are and exactly what you need. If the Holy Spirit is dealing with you in regard to salvation, you are still lost. If there is conviction on the part of a believer, the Lord is dealing with you about an area in your life that needs attention. Why not come to Him and receive what He has for you?

C. A Persuasive Touch (34a) – And looking up to heaven, he sighed. This reveals an intimate moment between this man and the Lord. Keep in mind the man was deaf. He couldn’t hear Jesus speak to Him. The Lord was communicating to the man in a way that he could understand. As Jesus looked up into heaven, the man realized it was from the Father above that his healing would come. He may not have heard a word, but he knew that the Lord was working in his life.

As Jesus touched the man He sighed. This has the idea of “groaning.” The man couldn’t hear the sigh, but he could see that Jesus was deeply concerned about his condition. The sigh revealed Jesus loved him and wanted him to be made whole. The man didn’t hear Jesus speak a word, but he knew that the Lord loved him and wanted to meet his need.

That is the way He touched me. I never heard anything in an audible voice, but I understood that Jesus loved me. I didn’t have to hear with my ears; I heard with my heart! Jesus reveals Himself in such a way that we know He loves us and wants us to come unto Him. Jesus wants us to bring our every need to Him so that He might work in our lives and bring healing. You will never have to question who has touched you. The Lord will reveal Himself in a persuasive way. You will know that you have been in His presence.

D. A Powerful Touch (34b-35) – Jesus simply said, Eph’pha-tha, or “Be Opened” and the man was healed. This wasn’t something that took days or weeks to happen, straightway his ears were opened and the string of his tongue was loosed, and he spake plain.

The touch of Jesus is powerful. He has the power to calm the sea, touch blinded eyes, heal lepers and the deaf, cast out demons, and raise the dead. Jesus has the power to transform a life of sin and reconcile us unto God. You will never have a need that is beyond His ability to meet. I was immediately changed from a sinner bound for hell, to a new creation, pardoned of sin and given eternal life! If you tried the rest, why not bring your need to Jesus and be set free?

III. The Testimony of the Multitude (36-37) – As Jesus healed the man, the multitude couldn’t keep quiet. They had to tell of all that they had seen and heard. Notice, their testimony included:

A. Words of Wonder (36-37a) – The multitude was astonished at the work of Jesus. They had never seen such power. They were unable to keep it to themselves. Jesus had worked a miracle in the life of a loved one and they wanted everyone to know.

I have never seen anything as wonderful as the Lord working in the lives of people. I can’t explain all that He does, but He is wonderful! I have seen Him take a life that was bound by sin and cleanse them in His precious blood, completely transforming that life.

Surely Jesus has worked miracles in each of our lives. We ought to tell the world what Jesus has done for us. The multitude was charged to be silent and yet they proclaimed His works. We are commanded to tell the world of Him and we keep quiet! If He ever really gets a hold of you, you won’t be able to keep quiet. Let the world know!

B. Words of Worship (37) – And were beyond measure astonished, saying, He hath done all things well: he maketh both the deaf to hear, and the dumb to speak. The people couldn’t help but praise the Lord for what He had done. Their loved one had been touched by His mighty hand. They declared truth as they said, “He hath done all things well.” These had heard of the great things Jesus had done, but now His power and provision had come to their house. They had experienced His mighty works firsthand. This brought rejoicing to their hearts.

As I ponder the works of Jesus in my own life, I have to say that Jesus has done all things well. He has blessed me beyond measure. I have been saved by His grace and adopted into the family of God. He has blessed me with fellow believers to walk this road of life with. He is always there to guide my steps. I have never been disappointed in my Lord. I have never regretted the day that I was saved.

Conclusion: If you are saved today, you were much like this man when the Lord came to you. Can you remember the joy of that day when Jesus touched you? If you are lost, Jesus wants to touch you just as He did this man. Maybe you are here today concerned about the condition of a loved one. Whatever the need is, Jesus stands ready to touch you today. If you need salvation, encouragement, forgiveness, or need to make a petition, why not come?