Summary: Part 2 of this three-part series speaks of the 'Great Flood.' Introducing younger people to the reality of the 'Great Flood' and answering broad questions like 'Where did all of the water come from?' and 'Where did the water go?'


Well… we are picking up right where we left off which is Part 2 of our ‘Back-to-School’ series.

Our message is titled ‘History 102.’

If you recall… We began our series… discussing briefly the creation and then went into Dinosaurs.

How many of you enjoyed the information we covered as it related to dinosaurs?

As we said then, dinosaurs play an important role in the debate between Christian and Non-Christian. Dinosaurs are a window into a Christian’s soul because they are just waiting for us to deny that they ever existed.

Should we go there… they have us right where they want us. To them, they have shot down the accuracy of our Bible and uncovered in their minds a 6000-year-old hoax.

That is why this topic and this series is so important. If we want to win young people to the Lord, we cannot insist that dinosaurs never existed… because they did. God has left us with definitive proof that they did.


Our children are bombarded by false information daily, including the magazines that don our check-out counters in the grocery store or Walmart, etc.

Here are just a few:

• Dinosaurs Honked Like Buicks

• Cow Mattresses Help Cows Produce More Milk

• Mother to Be on Diet Of Only Chicken, Lays Huge Egg

• WWII Bomber Found on The Moon

• Woman Gives Birth To 2-Year-Old Baby: Child Walks & Talks In 3 Days

• Adam & Eve’s Bones Found In Asia: Eve Was A Space Alien.


Many young people and even some older folks find it much easier to believe that kind of nonsense vs. what is written in the Bible. Like the ‘Great Flood’… which is next.









We will now look at our third of six points and it is titled:


Let us open our Bibles…

Genesis 7:1-12

Atheists, or non-believers, would like our young people to disbelieve the ‘Great Flood’ ever happened. Why?

Because it does not fit in with their narrative. They want us all to believe that everything we see or hear concerning the mass-destruction of animals on earth was due to a rather large meteor striking the earth.

They will go on to tell our young people that this happened some 600,000+ years ago and it will happen again… most likely in another 600,000+ years. I know… for I have read it myself.

This supports their belief in an old earth. You do remember me starting the series talking about their theory called ‘The Old Earthy Theory’? Right?

If it happened some 600,000+ years ago, the earth would have to be at least that old. And if it is that old… well then, the Bible is just a book of lies.

See how they connive? They sit around… it almost puts you in mind of the Pharisees… where they sit around and plot in the secrecy and darkness of the night.

They have it all figured out and they have convinced the school-book publishers as well as many of our congressmen… that they have it all figured out.

That is precisely why this nonsensical garbage is in our history books and being forced down the proverbial throats of our impressionable young people.

Can you tell that I hate what they are doing to our children?


Here is some news we can believe:

“One can argue, and some have, that the decision by the Supreme Court – in a series of three decisions back in 1962 and 1963 – to remove Bible and prayer from our public schools, may be the most spiritually significant event in our nation’s history over the course of the last 55 years.”

On June 25, 1962, the United States Supreme Court decided in Engel v. Vitale that a prayer approved by the New York Board of Regents for use in schools violated the First Amendment because it represented establishment of religion.

In 1963, in Abington School District v. Schempp, the court decided against Bible readings in public schools along the same lines.

Since 1963, there have been at least five negative developments in the nation’s public schools:

• Academic achievement has plummeted, including SAT scores.

• Increased rate of out-of-wedlock births

• Increase in illegal drug use

• Increase in juvenile crime including numerous shootings in our schools

• Deterioration of our youths’ behavior at home and at school

“So, we need to realize that these actions do have consequences,” said the professor at California State College in Long Beach and senior fellow at the Witherspoon Institute in Princeton, N.J., “When we remove that moral fiber -- that moral emphasis – this is what can result.”

Other facts included a comparison between the top five complaints of teachers from 1940-1962 -- talking, chewing gum, making noise, running in the halls and getting out of turn in line – to rape, robbery, assault, burglary and arson from 1963 to present.


Ten states have passed laws or resolutions to bring back into their schools, the Bible as a form of literature from ancient times.

The movement, however, is secular in nature, with the Bible being taught as literature rather than the word of God.

And rather than prayer, a “moment of silence” is established that “can be used as the students choose.”

“So far, the effects are very, very positive”, say most of the schools questioned.

But back to our scripture.

I think… no… I know that His Word is quite clear concerning how the animals (and of course our beloved dinosaurs) were destroyed.

It wasn’t a bunch of dinosaurs standing around holding hands and singing kumbaya… as they would have you believe.

God was succinct in verse 4… was He not? He says here that ‘I will cause it to rain on the earth 40 days and forty nights, and I will destroy from the face of the earth all living things that I have made.’

And did He not do that? Did He not keep His word? That is why we have so many fossils in one area, almost as if they sensed something horrific was about to happen.

Animals have that kind of instinct. Look how the cows gather under a tree when they suspect a bad storm is about to hit.

Look how geese and other birds begin to migrate south when they feel that winter is coming.

And then there are the trees, whose leaves turn brittle and drop to the ground so that new leaves can form when spring arrives.

A meteor… A rather large meteor… would have caught the dinosaurs and other animals by surprise. They would have had no way to know that it was coming or when it would arrive.

Whereas… if the waters begin to rise… if there is now water in places it should not be… well that would be a sign for the animals to take cover… and they did.

However, unlike any other past storms on earth, this one was different… for the waters continued on-and-on.

Now let’s discuss the flood itself.

Those that are unbelievers will and do ask… where did all this water come from. They do the math and say ‘There is no way that rain for 40 days and 40 nights will cover the earth.

And they are right!

But the waters did not come from out of the sky only. God opened up the floodgates they he called fountains.

Verse eleven tells us that in the 600th year of Noah, the ‘fountains of the great deep were broken up.’

Although hard for some to believe… when God created this planet, he stockpiled countless billions of gallons of water in these large caverns for this exact reason.

He knew that He would need them, and He knew exactly why and when.

The unbelievers would then ask, ‘If there was the possibility of all of that water… where then did it go?’

God answers their question in Genesis 8:1-3.

If they would just read His Word, they would have their answers… oh well!

We read here that God made use of evaporation (another one of His great designs) via the strong wind that He sent and of course the fountains of the earth, whence much of the water came from.

So, should they ask you such a foolish question, tell them simply, that water went back to whence it came—up and down.

The Great Flood causes the enemies of God so much work. They have to devise lies to explain it all… whereas we who believe… do NOT.

We have the answers and can go on to bigger and better things.

Why did God destroy all of those animals… is another question you might be asked?

The answer is simple… because they were killing and eating one another.

The earth and those creatures whose breath He had given… whose blood represented life… were being murdered and eaten… this disheartened Him… to put it nicely.

Genesis 6:5-8

God was actually sorry that He made man and beast! It was all wicked… well almost all wicked… except a man by the name of Noah, his sons and their wives.

And so reluctantly but forcefully, He destroyed most of His creation… the same creation that was once deemed by Him as GOOD… had gone asunder… rendered NOT GOOD.

I say forcefully because God is a person of His Word. If He promises something or says something… it MUST be TRUE. This of course is hard for the non-believer to understand… or to come to grips with…

But they are the same people who give out 17 ribbons… so that everyone gets one… or have their children stand in a corner… and then immediately they go back out and conduct themselves no differently… And they wonder???

It is no wonder that they have once again caused our God anguish and disgust… and once again… He will have to keep His word.