Summary: Lose a battle or two, but do not lose the war.

2 Cor 10:3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh:

4 (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;)

I just read where George Washington lost more battles than he won during the Revolutionary War yet the war was won.

Life is full of skirmishes, snipers and full blown battles. Some you win and some you lose. Never quit because that battle you lost may have given you intel and lessons that will cause you to win the next several battles and ultimately the war.

Your biggest battle is for your soul. You can go through life as victorious as Alexander the Great and yet lose the war ending up in Hell for eternity. You can lose every one of life's battles and still win the war entering into the final victory parade in Heaven.

When you surrender and give your heart an soul to Christ you win the war because He won it. The rest of the battles and skirmishes only give you opportunities for rewards here and there. His scars matter and if yours are from serving and battling with Him then they will seem like scratches when you stand in front of Him.

Better to be a Private in the Lord's army than a General in Hell. Win the war and you will have the all the power you need to win battles and even endure the ones you seem to lose.

God wants you to win so come to Him by faith in Jesus. Turn over your carnal weapons and rusty spiritual weapons to Him to gain the armor of God. The way will be glorious for He is victorious! Hooah! Maranatha!